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  • Bismark line vs O PRo2 line

    09. 21. 2010 12:48

Now wich line would be best.

and wich ship from each line is better.

Admiral Hipper vs Deautschland
PrinzEugen vs P Pro
Scarnhorst vs Bc p project
Gneisenau vs O Pro
Bismark vs O PRo2

  • Re : Bismark line vs O PRo2 line

    11. 11. 2010 13:34

The BISMARCK lien ahce a diferent:
when yo use admiral hipper lvl 45 you have 4 space for normal guns (8), the Scharnhorst
have 3 but when yo ahce the bismnark you hace 4 spaces

The otehr side you hace Deutschland ahce 2 space for better gun (11), the P Pro = ,O Pro
have 3 spaces and O PRo2 have 3 sapce too. whin more displacement
this line ahce the advantaje thata you can't carri 1 more sailor with O Pro2 tha teh bismarck

The BISMARK line many use taht for the CVs but at the end whta ever is the same

  • Re : Bismark line vs O PRo2 line

    11. 11. 2010 03:37

bismarck line is better then O PRo2
u'll have tight spread on bismarck and u get in range faster witch is good if u didnt
reach the 900 SD cap yet (witch u probably havent reached at lvl) so u dont catch to
much shells. btw O PRo2 i huge.

Bismarck = hit and run
O PRo2 = rush and hope they cant aim because ur huge lol

  • Re : Bismark line vs O PRo2 line

    11. 02. 2010 15:21

Despite the stripes O pro I wins all

  • Re : Bismark line vs O PRo2 line

    11. 02. 2010 07:16

Ah, but who cares about ship performance when one line gets sexeh stripes and one line
does not?

Clearly it's like that:

Hipper > Deutschland with at lvl gunners
Hipper < Deutschland awesome gunners
Prinz Eugen (pimp stripes) > P Pro I
Scharnhorst = P Pro II
Gneisenau (pimp stripes) > O Pro I
Bismarck (pimp stripes) > O Pro II

Nothing can beat them stripes. As for the Scharn vs P Pro II... they're both BB1s, so
unless you're in a BB1-3 room or something the ship and your skill matters little; you're
relegated into a support role, shooting small stuff that comes close and keeping the skys
clear of scouts. If you try to drive those like the other guys drive their nice'n big BBs
you'll die. In one salvo. :D

But in the end you'll probably want both lines anyway. They're both fun if you can
appreciate and play to their strengths (and ofc the KM style alltogether) and your support
sailors will thank you for the additional XP.

  • Re : Bismark line vs O PRo2 line

    11. 01. 2010 16:37

i got both the Bismark line is a long long grind and its annoying because the Bismark is
super slow. but the o pro is a faster same range and 1 more shell getting fired but the
line before it is annoying because the spread is bad and the AA is great so the b4 the o
pro your a AA ship and the Bismark your running in and running out

  • Re : Bismark line vs O PRo2 line

    10. 05. 2010 14:36

Thanks For the info and advice guys(well some of you)

I went down the Bismark line i still got it :)

  • Re : Bismark line vs O PRo2 line

    10. 03. 2010 03:42

Pshaw...I rush in my bissy all the time...humm...maby that's why I always sink.... :]

  • Re : Bismark line vs O PRo2 line

    10. 02. 2010 08:00

Biz in real life was a atacking shiep, but in game is a defencive shiep, O p is a
ataking shiep, and naw u need to asck yoer self, whats the way u like to play, and
chouse the shiep line!

  • Re : Bismark line vs O PRo2 line

    10. 01. 2010 17:03

You gotta admit that when you do get a bizzy in range it goes fast...but ya...bizzys a bit
better [not much]

PS. I liked sharne better than P 2

  • Re : Bismark line vs O PRo2 line

    10. 01. 2010 14:17

Admiral Hipper vs Deautschland = Deautschland
PrinzEugen vs P Pro = P Pro
Scarnhorst vs Bc p project = Bc p project
Gneisenau vs O Pro = O Pro
Bismark vs O PRo2 = Bismark

I have a Opro2
and I confess the bismarck has more range than the second project
I got tired of dying to bismarck because of the range
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