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  • Recommended armor for OP2

    11. 29. 2010 08:15

I'm just getting use to it yet, switched from the AD recently.

Is there any build setup recommended? I know KM will never find a good balance
between armor and speed factor, but running wild withour any armor as i've seen
sugestions seems to be kinda suicidal.

Maybe for this ship is the right setup, I dont know, thats why I ask to the more
experienced players.

3 engys (1 E/100Vts) and 2 regulars.
2 reps (1 E/100Vts, the otherone 100 vets)
1 rest (sold actually, just draging him around for lvlup)

I've tryed so far different settings but the speed reduction is noticeable, considering
the shorter range, it's almost a crippled cow in a slaughterhouse.

Any advice is welcome :)

  • Re : Recommended armor for OP2

    12. 03. 2010 20:03

No armour m8, only 0,4 belt, you will be faster enough to avoid torpedoes and fire from guns.

  • Re : Recommended armor for OP2

    12. 03. 2010 19:57

The armor works fine. It depends entirely on your opponent though. As a reliable grind I
would not recommend armoring but it's fun to switch it up once in a while.

If you catch a H39 off guard and get into range he's doomed for instance. Even though
he's in a higher tier of ships. Your biggest ally is that no one expects a KM ship to wear
armor. It seems as if some players remain in denial and refuse to switch to AP to kill

  • Re : Recommended armor for OP2

    12. 02. 2010 07:07

what do you guys do with bulkhead?

being a brick in the water after a single hit sucks..

since you get even slower after getting hit i try running a couple of bulk points
(think it was about 5).

i sold my OP-II and moved along in the Gneis ebb (3x trips 14.95 with limited ammo)
that was the best decision on my KM BB line so far :)

  • Re : Recommended armor for OP2

    12. 01. 2010 14:46

Ya Im running 120 bulge and 0.3 armour. YOu are definitly going to want to run a fourth
engy because at h39 and higher its a must. Try and buy yourself one of get lvling one
up. Hate to be the bearer of bad news but its important to have 4 engys while playing km.
Or any bb nation matter of fact.

  • Re : Recommended armor for OP2

    11. 30. 2010 23:50

"yeah, you are. Speed = lifeline."


  • Re : Recommended armor for OP2

    11. 30. 2010 18:29

Hm. You're also on BisNYland. Poke me sometimes about some BB practice, maybe get a
BB123 room going?

  • Re : Recommended armor for OP2

    11. 30. 2010 15:12

yeah, you are. Speed = lifeline.

  • Re : Recommended armor for OP2

    11. 30. 2010 04:14

So far 220 bulge without loosing a single knot.

Getting use to the hit and run tactic, the extra speed seems to be unnefective against
anything but probably i'm doing it wrong.

  • Re : Recommended armor for OP2

    11. 30. 2010 03:51

0.2 belt and bulge without losing speed is a common setup, but you can afford to lose 1
knot if you want to put 160 bulge on it.

  • Re : Recommended armor for OP2

    11. 29. 2010 09:45

Well, will try tonight to get ridd of all the addon armor, put a damn load of bulge and
see what happens.

About the engy, usually i would run 4engi/2reps but i'm lvling a restorer for someone
thats paying good creds for it, so can't say no to that :P

Will tell ya later how it went.

Thanks for the advices.
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