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  • Need to generate some credits.... what is best nation to cv with?

    02. 05. 2011 15:12

I was thinking of going the CV route. i've never really done CV but I do recon with scouts
with my BB's.

If I wanted to do CV for the main purpose of credit gain, which nation works best?

I currently have a BB4/5 KM Crew and CA level UK Crew, both BB based so I'd prefer to keep
cv crews with my current nations, but if JAP or US CV are superior for credit generation then
I can go that way.

Any suggestions or I guess Tips and Tactics are greatly appreciated.

  • Re : Need to generate some credits.... what is best nation to cv with?

    02. 08. 2011 00:26

I dont understand why you slate UK cv's i currently have the UK PCV and there isnt a cv
ive played against in a GB2 that will overpower me and control the game, i run 5
fighters 1 tb and 2 db and 95% of the time over power a lvl 110 - 120 fighter whore cv
any nation, even if i dont have complete control of my side of the map i still can give
eyes with no problems.

Also in games at the moment for some reason alot of cv's are running alot of bombers,
hitting 150k credits a game is easy.


  • Re : Need to generate some credits.... what is best nation to cv with?

    02. 07. 2011 14:12

Whatever nation has the best planes generates the best credits (ie. Less planes you lose+
more planes you kill=Profit)

KM is a nice CV line. There is one hitch though. The grind in the KM CVs is impossible, especially
by the fact that you stick with the Seydlitz for a very long time (as its CV 1.5), making you less
competant at level.

IJN planes are currently screwed up. I have one and its T3s get shot down by US T1s easily.
Don't play it, Full Stop.

UK is below average since the patch. Some say the TBs are good, but heck, TBs are inferior
to DBs if you want to go BW, so you might as well go MN then.

So that leaves you with two conclusions:
1. If you have a lot of time and want the best fighters in game, go US.
2. If you are lazy, go KM.

  • Re : Need to generate some credits.... what is best nation to cv with?

    02. 07. 2011 09:32

if you want it specifically for credits and makeing cash any cv will work.

and you can still get 200k+ games but you have to play cv rooms.

i can amass around 180k tops in a gb2 depends on which other cv's im upgainst. thats my
top credit earnings so far in a gb2

most ive ever earned in a cv room is 340k. which is a nice little figure

  • Re : Need to generate some credits.... what is best nation to cv with?

    02. 07. 2011 04:01

If you want to have fun in a CV without paying ANY money, use a DBW setup.

  • Re : Need to generate some credits.... what is best nation to cv with?

    02. 07. 2011 01:48

clearly you've never dragged your at level T2s against T4s. Try it sometime, see how
effective dragging can be.

  • Re : Need to generate some credits.... what is best nation to cv with?

    02. 06. 2011 23:02

Too bad FWing on NF requires no skill :\.

Quite on the contrary, if you want to win, you draaaaaaaaaaaaaaaggggg.

  • Re : Need to generate some credits.... what is best nation to cv with?

    02. 06. 2011 16:20

LOL... too bad money dosnt buy skill.

  • Re : Need to generate some credits.... what is best nation to cv with?

    02. 06. 2011 16:05

some ahve spent 900$

  • Re : Need to generate some credits.... what is best nation to cv with?

    02. 06. 2011 12:32

Lol @ people that spent $400 on their cv crew.

  • Re : Need to generate some credits.... what is best nation to cv with?

    02. 06. 2011 06:33

Also to rlly have a succesfull CV, it takes boat load of 400$ for one crew :P
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