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  • Get rid of Pom-Poms

    03. 01. 2011 09:48

So this lag has recently taken a turn for the worse as alot of the community can
agree. Half the games are pretty much played in "screenshot" 1 fps mode. Not to
mention, when there's a bunch of AA flak in the air, forget it.

But to make things worse, every stupid ship in the game decides they want an
escort, and not just any escort, the UK Emerald with Pom-Poms. Once those escorts
start firing, they don't stop, and everyone within a screen away from him freezes for
30 seconds until he stops firing. In which case of course the enemy team will have
already shot you down, and you're ship auto-quits.

I mean, atleast temporarily til somebody DOES something about the lag and doesnt
give you the "reinstall, check your ram" crap.

  • Re : Get rid of Pom-Poms

    03. 04. 2011 20:14

Remember Firez when you had the Pompoms and I had the AA? I had no lag and
I don't think you had any either.

Most people blame the internet connection but it's more likely the PC. I do have
more than one PC and the older one cannot handle as much as the newer one. I
can run a smooth 20 player bltz and maybe a GB1 with 20 ships at the most.
AA, Planes, Torps, and of course a large number of players cause a huge slow down
on older PCs. My netbook can handle most situations but a 50+ player game with
AA and Torp walls brings it to a crawl.

  • Re : Get rid of Pom-Poms

    03. 04. 2011 19:45

game hosts do have the option of not allowing escort ships in game.

  • Re : Get rid of Pom-Poms

    03. 04. 2011 19:26

suggests upgrading from atari to windows 98

  • Re : Get rid of Pom-Poms

    03. 03. 2011 20:08

I'm not sure which causes more lag with the pom poms. The sprites or the overlapping
sound effects. Maybe a combination of both. Maybe they could just work on improving

The sound could be improved by giving them a lower bit rate and smaller duration. Also,
I have to say the volume is ridiculous on those guns. The low frequency NEEDS to be
removed from those. They make subwoofers go nuts.

  • Re : Get rid of Pom-Poms

    03. 03. 2011 17:03

there is no need to get rid of it

  • Re : Get rid of Pom-Poms

    03. 03. 2011 14:56

Here is the solution.... either..

A: Get a better computer that wont lag as badly




C: If you have wireless, MAKE SURE the antena doesnt have any glass or other crap
near it/ too close to it, and make sure you have a good signal. (Stone walls, metal
walls, or cement walls dont help either... they block wireless signals...)

  • Re : Get rid of Pom-Poms

    03. 01. 2011 11:59

it's all ur fault. dont blame the pom poms

  • Re : Get rid of Pom-Poms

    03. 01. 2011 11:36

As a temp solution, go to f10 settings and turn off some of the graphics stuff that may be lagging you like you
said, the explosions.

I also get lag hit when there a billions od ftrs and aa flak. Just click to a dark area of the map and wait till the
game responds. Don't keep staring at the sun if your eyes burn.

For now the pom poms are fine

  • Re : Get rid of Pom-Poms

    03. 01. 2011 11:33

The problem is with the game itself.
Needing over 2 gigabyte to run NF with barely smooth is stupid. Plus, the framerate
of this game is capped at 24 or 25.

  • Re : Get rid of Pom-Poms

    03. 01. 2011 11:12

Pom pom's are actually effective if people stick them on their ships they just have to
know how to use it. I personally have a Emerald escort with pom pom's and he gets
work done if I ever use him. And I don't lag from him doing it.
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