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Soviet Navy


  • Final Nail In Coffin of NF's Balance?

    03. 07. 2011 05:09

So here comes the soviets...

Same rep + eng sailor stats as km as well...
Acc/rel sailor stats slightly lower but they dont count anyway as all caps are reached.

Pros - Best range, destructive damage, fast reload
Cons - weak torps, and lack armour.

Have these ships been tested? - cos best range + high damage + fast reload doesnt sound
good for the other natins. I guess this stems from original plans to
make soviets a prem only nation.

How can u even class weak torps as a con? Who runs torps on a bb anyway?

I know dd/cls may run torps - but u can breeze u way past cl class in a day.


  • Re : Final Nail In Coffin of NF's Balance?

    03. 09. 2011 15:02

The most important decision that SDE made when they started NF was to order the
supreme super deluxe coffin package. Its a rediculously large coffin and they'll easily
run out of nails before the lid gets locked down tight.

Although I'm sure they'll get another batch of customers together to try and slap
some sanity on this game.

  • Re : Final Nail In Coffin of NF's Balance?

    03. 09. 2011 11:57

The first nail? Clearly you missed MN, SS, the recent pilot ability patch, T4 fighters, T5
scouts, CV/BB in blitz, Bomber plane reload buff, PCVs... Need I go on?

  • Re : Final Nail In Coffin of NF's Balance?

    03. 08. 2011 11:14

Its OK whitworth, you'll still be able to run your AW QV and claim to be the greatest!

What I've heard the SN ships are slooow (even with the same rep + eng sailor stats as km.

  • Re : Final Nail In Coffin of NF's Balance?

    03. 08. 2011 08:41

Buff the Kaiser to make up for the H44? Thats crazy.

  • Re : Final Nail In Coffin of NF's Balance?

    03. 08. 2011 05:37


Out of those I would say that if your doing a straight out line test and doing full
broadsides for damage overall....

It should be US > IJN=UK > MN >>> KM

That is just for overall damage... If your looking for actually sinking the said ship UK's
L2 is quite durable and can withstand a full block shot from a Monty... * I've personally
done this test about 12 times with a friend. From shoot exactly parallel at 45* and his
L2 attacking from 39* he had more DP remaining than I did.

If SN is between IJN and UK but with range of UK or KM then that will completely throw off
the balance...

If they plan on making another nation better than KM in BBs by a lot then Kaiser needs to
be buffed a tad more to make the H44 grind worth it ( IMO ).

  • Re : Final Nail In Coffin of NF's Balance?

    03. 08. 2011 05:37

"A SY has somewhat the same spread
of a L2, and at max range, SY can twoshot a BB5 but L2 needs two/three shots. "

Are you serious?

Go and do some damage tests with the L2 and find me a BB5 you can't kill with L2 in 2
salvos... ONE salvo from a L2 will crippleshot nearly every BB5 and then it is as good as

  • Re : Final Nail In Coffin of NF's Balance?

    03. 08. 2011 02:07




You haven't considered gun angles.

This is considering landing a full salvo on the enemy ship. The only reason why you think
UK is lethal is because of their retarded tight spread. A SY has somewhat the same spread
of a L2, and at max range, SY can twoshot a BB5 but L2 needs two/three shots.

  • Re : Final Nail In Coffin of NF's Balance?

    03. 08. 2011 01:20

It's funny that people think UK has the most firepower, when it's actually outdamaged in
almost every BB tier. -.-

  • Re : Final Nail In Coffin of NF's Balance?

    03. 07. 2011 18:27

There's a change with the MN patch, yes.

  • Re : Final Nail In Coffin of NF's Balance?

    03. 07. 2011 18:25

When are they going to finally fix the H44?!?

And I doubt that information is accurate. Why would they lie about SN on the main
nation release page?

Longest range, devastating damage. And now they are saying SN isn't either. So either
SDE are liars (which is true in a sense seeing that H44 was never fixed) or the poster
doesn't know what he is talking about.

I expect SN to be right up with UK or just behind in power.

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