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  • Torpedos in Blitzkrieg mode

    04. 06. 2011 14:47

Torpedos in Blitzkrieg mode are being highly abused.
Torpedos are being fired in consecutive waves by 5-6 DD at a time and are preventing
players from fully enjoying the game because they just died from a hit by 10 torpedos.

In all honesty, prevent torpedos from being a useable weapon in Blitzkrieg entirely
(yes, I know that CV would not be allowed to use the torpedos on their planes, but that
is what bombers are for and you are just as viable going into GB2 anyways). In doing
so, Blitzkrieg would actually be a fight and not a 15-second match.

  • Re : Torpedos in Blitzkrieg mode

    04. 17. 2011 14:07

^ nom nom nom nom nom ^ :D

  • Re : Torpedos in Blitzkrieg mode

    04. 17. 2011 01:31


  • Re : Torpedos in Blitzkrieg mode

    04. 16. 2011 22:29

Here's a thing for you, no this isn't a flame it's the truth don't like it go play another

Learn to dodge, range, and smack the ships in your Cleveland before they hit you. Actuall
i'd say you have no excuse for not being able to take them out if your in a cleveland due
to the clevelands fire power good try at whining though.

Yes i have played through the US line, and i rarely used torps on my DD's unless i was
having fun. I fought the same crap your going through did i bitch about it? No i didn't
and if i did it was self directed.

  • Re : Torpedos in Blitzkrieg mode

    04. 16. 2011 22:05

6.4 Belt is too much, it makes u slow and Cleveland has range, so use it.
0.2 Belt + some Bulge (add till u lose 1 or 2 knt of ur speed) is all u need.

  • Re : Torpedos in Blitzkrieg mode

    04. 16. 2011 19:46

I don't agree with the posters calling this a whine thread or saying the guy can't play.
He's bringing up valid points. On Hobbit map its quite unrealistic both for enjoyable game
play as well as a (somewhat) realistic representation of naval warfare. I also fail to see
where any of the points brought up call for it to be locked.

As stated above, a pair of kitnas pinning a whole fleet against the wall is a bit much.
Also perhaps something that no one else has brought up is that the whole problem with
torpedoes used in mass is partly why SDE made their damage done by team and not

  • Re : Torpedos in Blitzkrieg mode

    04. 16. 2011 19:07

lock plz. whine thread

  • Re : Torpedos in Blitzkrieg mode

    04. 16. 2011 18:08

lol looks like you really had huge problem with torps... my all my ship armor setting just
only .5 belt 0 bulge, yet i survive blitz :D i got no problem with torps... unless im lazy
to play so torps got me :D

  • Re : Torpedos in Blitzkrieg mode

    04. 16. 2011 12:02

I am sorry, I am sitting on 6.4 belt and 58 bulge on a Cleveland. I can take up to 5
torps in the front of my ship before my bulge fails, or 3 from the side.

So let me as you this: How the hell am I doing anything wrong when I am almost
surrounded by 3 DD + 1 Kita shooting 10 torps each? Tell me how you dodge that?
Practicallity in this game is to pick and choose which torp to charge into, in that case,
I just took 1/5 or 2/5 torps in the front of my ship- that leaves 3/5 left. Well, that CV
on their team just manual launched 5 more torps after i just finished dodging, gg.

How am I doing anything wrong?

(Actually happened. I have no problem dodging torps or taking a torp that I know will
do 0 damage. My problem is not that I don't know how to play, so stop saying that
crap - my problem is the repeated abuse of torpedo waves at minimal range and
people getting kills that they shouldnt. It is not promoting fair play, nor is it allowing
players to get any good at this game.)

  • Re : Torpedos in Blitzkrieg mode

    04. 15. 2011 21:44

You should really stop complaining. I die from torps in blitz once every 10 or so
games, thats in a koenis. No bulge, no belt. You're doing it wrong.

  • Re : Torpedos in Blitzkrieg mode

    04. 15. 2011 18:18

I'm not sure if it's lag or incompetence but people seem to have trouble dodging
Kita torps. They aren't too fast and on hobbit, going at the kita is often a good
tactic. From what I've seen, most people don't know about safety range. When
they should actually turn towards the torps at close range, they try to turn away
and they actually end up getting themselves sunk. Subs, TB, and SN torps have
the shortest safety range so you have to be extra sure when trying to dud those
torps but for a ship like kita, it's not too difficult (Also look for torp splashes + better
BO will help you spot torps sooner).

I still think Hobbit screws people over. Almost all ships fire torps and sail away.
Can't do that later, and it's wasting 2 valuable leveling slots. I won't disagree that
it can be a fun distraction BUT most of the people that play do it as their main thing.

Meh, just change the map. It'll lessen the torp abuse and make you a better player
in the end. Sure you'll get called a noob host but you can always tell them hobbit
map was originally designated as a map for ff/dd under level 30 only. Wanting, no,
needing that map to succeed in CL+ ? Who's the real noob :)
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