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  • Alexander the Great

    05. 13. 2011 07:28

Just saw a video in youtube (3 years old i think) from a british tv game.
The video is here:
The question was "What Nationality was Alexander the Great ? "
The players answered Greek.
The correct answer - according to the game - was macedonian , showing a graphic
picture of the national flag of FYROM - according to UN- so the players lost.
I am asking for opinions about that, to see how modern people thinking about that.
The players were right? or the game producers?
Historical fact , ignorance, propaganda?

  • Re : Alexander the Great

    05. 16. 2011 08:37

Nightcrept an opinion with facts is always welcome.The provided site in the 1st page its a
propaganda site trying to relate Alexander with this new slavic state (with a big minority
of albanians).
Started differently but when a discuss continues , an expansion is normal.

"Here in the US i was taught that alexander was macedonian. We call his empire the
macedonian empire. However a small part of macedonia was on the greecian peninsula."

Now that is what i wanted to hear.
You taught that Macedonians were a different ethnic group then.

  • Re : Alexander the Great

    05. 16. 2011 08:11

What is the subject? From my viewpoint the whole Alexander issue has still nothing to do
with the concept nationality. Then it went to, as far as I can tell, what his motivation
was. I assume he sold it as revenge for the persian wars to the greek and went on to do
his thing not really intending to spread greek culture but conquer whatever was possible
under his pragmatic rule, by selling himself as persian to the persian etc. This is the
very short version. This opinion may be weak as you say, but it was solid enough to earn
me a degree on this very matter. So I prefer to rely on my opinion than a not very
objective glorification of a greek.
The current stuff was more tongue in cheek.

  • Re : Alexander the Great

    05. 16. 2011 08:00


You stated on the 1st page that you wanted opinions and not evidence. It's poor form old
chap to switch mid game.

Here in the US i was taught that alexander was macedonian. We call his empire the
macedonian empire. However a small part of macedonia was on the greecian peninsula.

So in a way you could claim it was a trick question but it would be a stretch imo.

  • Re : Alexander the Great

    05. 16. 2011 07:19

Obergattler changing the subject because you cant backup your opinion with facts ,make
your opinion weak.
And if you want an answer to yur question i will gladly do it in another topic.If you make

elmusafir i ll be also glad if you backup your statement with facts.
And noone saying he wasnt Macedonian.Read please before you answer.3 pages and you still
dont get it.
But if you answer please state the facts.Not just a statement.

  • Re : Alexander the Great

    05. 16. 2011 05:39

Alexander was NOT Greek. He was Macedonian.
Hitler was Austrian, NOT German; no matter how Pan-stupidGermanic he thought he was.

  • Re : Alexander the Great

    05. 16. 2011 05:12

You are telling me things I already know and didnt question.
What I care more about is, when will your bancrupt state start to pay us our money back.
Stop protesting and get to work you lazy bums.

  • Re : Alexander the Great

    05. 16. 2011 04:10

That doesnt have to do with his ethnicity.
Mixed marriages was a great move to make Persians to see Greeks as "friends".
For the soldiers, without women and so far away from home its obvious why....
To ensure his empire, it was also a motive for the Greeks to settle in the numerous cities
he builded spreading the Greek culture.
And from every place he conquered he took men to his army (the persians were 30 thousand i
think) but first they had to be educated in Greek culture.
Dont forget that, after his win in the battle in Granikos river, he sent 300 persian
armors in Parthenon (Athens),dedicated to goddess Athina with the inscription:
"Alexander of Phillip and the Hellenes, except the Spartans, from the barbarians who
inhabit Asia".
No Macedonians,not Atheneans,not Eretrians,Thebans,Phocians, etc etc.
Thats a proof that Macedonians were considered part of a Pan-Hellenic army.

  • Re : Alexander the Great

    05. 16. 2011 02:00

lol Johny

  • Re : Alexander the Great

    05. 15. 2011 16:39

Alexander wasn't as great as Ryan Giggs, who has been tearing you apart since 1991

  • Re : Alexander the Great

    05. 15. 2011 15:27

"Thats completely false.After he set foot on Asia minor, he spread the hellenic culture ,
language, religion etc etc .After that started the Hellenistic period.
If you were right he would abandon it."

Well, kind of, he introduced persian soldiers into his army and lifestyle into his court.
It brought him into conflict with his macedonian companions, for example the persian
proskynesis or footfall didnt fly too well as they saw themselves as free men.
Subsequently it drove him paranoid because he feared conspiracies as a result of his
attempt to amalgamate his own kingship out of greek and persian culture, lets say with
mass marriages of soldiers or his own marriage with a baktrian (i think) princess.
Therefore I would like to think that his power was his main concern. Actually Alexander is
the worst example for this whole issue, to which all the other stuff you mentioned has no
connection. But, what do I know.
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