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  • Jap BBs, please consider...

    10. 20. 2005 12:50

Ok, so as I am sure anyone who has played this game for any amount of time has noticed the outcries to nerf brits. There have also been posts about nerfing KM range...

This however is a bit different... From the Japs perspective...

Now everyone who reads this thread is probably gonna respond: "Look at Laoji, he owns people, blah blah blah"

Well, you know what? Laoji is the highest ranked non TeamNF player... so of course he owns...

Anyhow, Jap BBs are complete and utter crap until you get to level 77 and get the 16.1" guns and the nagato...

Everyone knows this... the problem is, GETTING to level 77...

At 59 Japs get the Kongo. and the option to use 12.2" or 14" guns... (14L only one bind) The 12.2s are ok for range, but shell damage is embarassing... The only other BBs it can compete with is the Alaska... MAYBE the renown, depending on armour...
Every other BB will crush it... Renown owns it, ppro/scharn range it by 12 miles... Guam ranges by 6 miles

o_O; @@!!!

At level 67/68 Japs have the option of choosing Ise/Fuso... While the 6 turrets look enticing, compare the range on htese 2 ships with that of ANY BB2 for any other nation...

Let's see... Nelson, Opro, Gneis, NM, Penn, QE2, Hood and the lovely Nelson... Ok, the common argument here, "well, once you get into range, you will kill what you hit..." Hmmm, ok... the problem here is that you have to get into range... Which isn't much of a problem if you are British using the Quad 14s considering you have the best armour and best restorers in the game... Now let's go back to the topic at hand... Japs on the other hand have the WORST armour and WORST restorers in the game... so getting into range isnt exactly the easiest feat...

My suggestion... rather than nerfing every other nation, just give a bump to the Japs... A problem i have encountered is now that I'm level 71/72, I am capped out of any games except all welcomes and playing with the uber vets... Which I don't mind except it's completely pointless to try and compete with other high level BBs in a Fuso...

Maybe increase the range of the 14L; give an option for a new set of 14s, at ~70/72; improve armour stats slightly (it's like paper now, even with 5.5" of deck)...

Now I know (actually, i don't know, but I have been told) Japs are strong in the end-game... well, getting to end-game is the problem... Getting from level 59-77 has been a VERY painful issue... Japs simply cannot compete... I am not whining, as anyone who has played as Japs or played against Japs know they are absolutely doomed at BB1-BB2... There simply is no chance, and I am basically free exp to whoever gets to beat on me while I TRY to get in range...

Just my thoughts, feel free to agree or disagree...


  • Re : Jap BBs, please consider...

    10. 21. 2005 07:27

"(And while you are at it buff KM 14.96" ^.^ Sorry that was needed because jap players always hijack "Buff 14.96" threads as well :P )"

Lol Obst, we would never do that :P

yes, pls buff at least kongo a little...

  • Re : Jap BBs, please consider...

    10. 21. 2005 07:13

Increasing range isnt too good idea. 11" triples were only outranged during WWII by 18.1" on Yamato. Kongo class was outclassed in 1941 and IJN staff knew & understand that. Fuso & Ise class on the other hand should eat QE,REV,HOOD,NM,etc but of course not here. Nagato class outclassed any USN/RN battleship except new designs Vanguard/North Carolina/South Dakota/Iowa but of course not here.

1st - I think is need to add good CA (Atago class with remodel to Maya). Why one of the best CA in the WWII isnt here?

2nd - upgrade 8" guns. Both versions are 40 degree but E & F were designed also to be AA guns (not to mention there is no AA shells for 8",18.1" and 20.1"). 8"E should be a 55 degree, and F version (mounted on Maya) 70 degree.

3rd - introduce other guns which doesn't exist here - twin 16.1"/50 which were designed to have range ~4000m bigger than 16.1"/45. Also triple 12.2" (only exist here twin version, but such design never existed - only triples), triples 14.1", 20.1".

4th - make 3.9" guns the best IJN AA gun. I dont understand why this excellent design is so poor here. Big, bulky,low ammo capacity. One of the best AA guns of war is one of the worst (AA damage is pathetic).

5th - make R slots bigger for BBs. I just laughing when I see specs of all ships. For example Vanguard have 450 R slot even if should carry guns like Revenge class (Vanguard weapons and all guns mechanism were from 1918).

6th - make possible to use twin 18" guns on Nagato (or add another BB). Were is the point of those guns? Existing in the tree, but you cannot fit them on any BB except Yamato & Super Yamato, but Yamato have triple 18.1". This is plainly stupid. Another silly thing - 12" 1905 Mod. Perhaps TNF will add Mikasa and we can make a new Tsushima? :) [err... no new Tsushima, Russians are not here ...]

7th - add finally BC for IJN tree. B64 & B65 were are those?

8th - nerf Z99 - a bit off-topic but always good to mention...

9th - add some support guy which can be a Engineer/Restorer & Repairer. This should help at least a bit. I dont mean 1st&2nd Seamans. This one guy should boost his statistics on all three things. Converting him @ lvl 12 as support but also @ the same lvl converting him into a........ (thinking)...... Tool guy (with special abilities changed to ENG/REP/RES not guns/torpedo as ordinary support sailor).

10th - boost ACC/RLD statistics for Japanese gunners. Best gunners in the WWII here are just ordinary. Here they are penalized from the start +7/+7 as Arm. sailor. I say on a lvl 22 not as is now +4/+4, lets say +6/+6 or 7/7, something like that.

11th - I think last thing is to decrease range of 5.5" guns and increase range of 3.9" and 5" for IJN. 5.5" had range of 19100m, 3.9" - 22000m,5"/50 - 26000m, in NF this is wrong in all way.

  • Re : Jap BBs, please consider...

    10. 20. 2005 20:34

I already said how... I'm not asking for Km range with the 14L, since that obviously would not be fair for the Germans to also get their advantage... but right now, Jap is last in range, possibly bump their range to AT LEAST brit range would be a start...

  • Re : NOT another

    10. 20. 2005 16:22

The only real solution is to improve gun-type range. Since if you improved blockshotting capabilities, that's affected also by the gunners, and all gunners would get a boost to aiming (I think?)

  • Re : NOT another

    10. 20. 2005 15:59

meh, bump?

If you people want to bump up the IJN, any idea how to do it?

You really can't improve IJN armor/repair/restore....

increase range? the KM would whine-endlessly (fair or not is an different matter)

increase firepower/better spread? But you would rarely get in range... (right?)

increase speed...but BB are too slow for speed to count for much unless packed with range/firepower...

  • Re : NOT another

    10. 20. 2005 14:14

Jap range and spread until level 77 is horrible, they are the only BB in an AllWelcome thread that pose no thread even to KM 11"L....

Currently Kongo/Ise/Fuso = Yummy food for all other nations

Buff them.

(And while you are at it buff KM 14.96" ^.^ Sorry that was needed because jap players always hijack "Buff 14.96" threads as well :P )

btw cmdr you should rename this thread, it is hardly obvious what it contains from the index.

  • Re : NOT another

    10. 20. 2005 14:12

Yes, the IJN generally needs an upgrade. I know how it is to get a negligible advantage and many disadvantage, but the IJN has no advantage on higher level gun ships and all the disadvantages because all they get is torps and early carriers.

  • Re : NOT another

    10. 20. 2005 13:46

If you cannot buy gunners, then something is wrong.

  • Re : NOT another

    10. 20. 2005 13:45

Arnold, no again... Althougbh you would be able to buy the ship first, you would not have a fully operational BB if you TW your way up... Jap gunners get no exp for torp damage, so again, that doesn't work...

  • Re : NOT another

    10. 20. 2005 13:37

Ok, my apologies, let me rephrase then. You have the ABILITY to get BB before anybody else. So while the British are in their County's and Yorks, US in their Baltimore, and the Germans in their PS's, you can have a BB. Every nation has their ups and downs, and perhaps the Jap BB's should get boosted, but this thread in my eyes is just another, "look how my nation suffers!!!!111" thread.
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