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  • SS1 in Blitz?

    03. 27. 2010 15:31

Why not? I mean:
1. Your slow, like unimagineably.
2. Your torp range sucks.
3. Many of the ships in Blitz are Cl and DD. These can easily dodge torps, making it
more fair.
4. GB is hardly played now, so GB2 is. This mode is highly unsuited for SS1 as the poi
nt is the guard the Flag, and you getting through all the BB and defense is harder.

  • Re : SS1 in Blitz?

    05. 21. 2011 10:31

I don't see why not. there's certainly enough bloody torps and HH in blitz games
these days that a sub is likely to get accidently hit by a spread of torps fired in a
general spread towards the enemy. let alone the number of fools on your own team
that can't seem to hold their fire when you're in between them and the enemy.

as for BBs and CVs, I don't see what the issue is against having them in blitz games.
a CA with 8" guns can sink a BB1 hands down if the player knows what they're doing
in a 1 on 1 fight. you can swarm a BB, CVs are pretty much helpless if you prevent
them from launching and landing fighters, some of them don't even have any guns.

and neither can survive a good torping (as as 65+% of ships in blitz tend to pack on
their T slots).

people whine too much, if they don't like the game they're playing, they can put on a
helmet, and go someplace that's "safe" for their types. like with the Smurfs or
Barneyland and let the rest of us who come for the game to play in peace.

  • Re : SS1 in Blitz?

    05. 21. 2011 01:52

SS 1s with their low speeds and slow turns would be massacred by the Torp walls in Blitz.

I doubt many would bother to bring DCs or Hedgehogs to take them out.

  • Re : SS1 in Blitz?

    05. 20. 2011 22:42

Recommended for the Lol.

Btw , i think ss1 should be allow to enter, however, then the SS classes needs to be
rebalanced in levels.

SS1-> level 56
SS2-> level 72
SS3-> level 86
SS4-> level 96
SS5-> level 105
SS6-> level 120
PSS->level 103

  • Re : SS1 in Blitz?

    05. 20. 2011 21:18

from the condition and situation of blitz today... ss1 will have hard time to survive, due
to torps from both side, many carry hh/phh, and it is visible all the time even submerge
cause of built in sonar of ff/dd

  • Re : SS1 in Blitz?

    05. 20. 2011 19:28

revived :P

  • Re : SS1 in Blitz?

    03. 29. 2010 17:34

seriously y isnt the search function used? this has been shot down lots of times.....
and if u want this even anwhere near consideration look for the one that has 90+
recc's, its really not that hard to find...

  • Re : SS1 in Blitz?

    03. 29. 2010 16:30

If SS1s introduced to blitz ?!.
Look SS1s are weak, VERY slow, cant carry many torps and have little underwater endurance.
Try to take on 12-25 FFs, DDs, CLs and CAs (some with sonar) with 1-5 SS1s ..just try....The
Premium HH, regular HH and DC will slaughter those SS1s.
You can almost hear the screams of the SS1s crews as the hull is ruptured, the burning oil fires
the groaning of tortured metal.........ohhhhh the humanity.

  • Re : SS1 in Blitz?

    03. 29. 2010 06:50

"fromage the thing is if a sub tries going after a DD the DD will be able to see it if not
over-heating and can either run or attack it with hedge,depths, or torps "

BBs see subs coming in GB, yet that doesn't stop them from getting roflpwnt. That, and
subs are hard enough to kill with BB shells. Asking DD/CL/CA to kill them is a bit much
in my opinion.

You make good points, but I still politely disagree. Good luck.

  • Re : SS1 in Blitz?

    03. 28. 2010 23:09

new players doing ASW as in HH's? ROFL

not only they will fail..BUT...your suggestion is gona make em BANKCRUPT before
eaven geting to CL/CA lvl...

geez good luck seriuslly, eaven a slow and punny SS1 can do just fine in GB's, like I
sed go for other subs...all you need is a HIT you don't need to live, at T2 you start
killing, at T3 you hunt :), T4...meh I don't like IJN T4 so I don't use it :p


  • Re : SS1 in Blitz?

    03. 28. 2010 17:50

well if the ships clutter up together any ship with torps can mow them down
beside the point blitz is so fast paced that FF,DD,CL will already sight the surfaced sub
and open up on the sub unless it dives almost instantly which by the time it gets to
middle 3/4th of the subs air will be gone
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