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  • Test fire and Test Drive in Shipyard

    01. 24. 2011 17:21

As we all know, as soon as we get a new ship, we always want to test fire and test
drive and test damage it as soon as possible. There are options of ways to do this.

1) Great battle/Blitz
2) Mission rooms
3) Clan rooms with friends.

There are also negatives on why these are slow or not useful...

For option 1, Great Battle/Blitz.
There are first of all alot of better BBs then yourself probly or better CVs. You try to
get in range and yet you die tryng. So you just wasted average 8 minutes trying to
test. You accomplished your test drive though, and your test fire. Damage was not.
Check for Test drive
X for damage
Check for Test fire.

For option 2, Mission rooms.
Negative for this is that most missions are ALWAYS way too easy, or even to hard
(Advanced BB mission) or even the Test Mission. Test mission though sucks as they
just go in one straight line.
You can still test drive and test fire, but your damage will probly not be too accurate.
Check for Test drive
X for test damage
Check for Test Fire

For option 3, Clan battle with friends.
This option is probly the best out of the 3, but also still has negative. You can
basiclly do all of these things but you have to wait for your friend to get a BB and
then probly change from bb1-5 probly. This can take a long time and your friend will
probably get pretty bored. And will leave.
Check for Test Drive
Check for Test Damage (Maybe)
Check for Test fire

So how can we compltely test all of these things? I suggest we get an option to test
fire/drive in our shipyard. This option allows us to bring our current ship to a
battlefield. We have the option of what FF-BB class we want. (FF DD CL CA BB CV SS)
We have the option to how much belt deck bulge bulk of what we can put on there
according to your own educated guess of what that ship might have. You can tell the
computer to be still or do turns do circles or whatever you want.
You can also tell it to fire or not fire. This allows you to test your damage on
ANYTHING you want. You can also see if you bounce shells becuase the computer
will shoot if you want it to. I believe this will be an excelent option for players and
will help our community to be more happy and exciting.

EDIT*** We should also be able to fight alongside other players so we can have
much more fun instead of just a computer. - Startavar thanks to him.

Please leave your comments Negative or Positive and you explanation why. You can
also PM me your edits if you think there should be an edit. THANKS ALL

  • Re : Test fire and Test Drive in Shipyard

    04. 25. 2011 19:09

I think this would be an excellent idea. Some people say to "Use the test mission" but
you can't really test much on BBs with little in terms of tactics and will run out of ammo
trying to hit you. I think that a simulator of sorts would greatly benefit everyone.

  • Re : Test fire and Test Drive in Shipyard

    03. 13. 2011 13:34


  • Re : Test fire and Test Drive in Shipyard

    03. 03. 2011 16:42

Ok first of all Snow_Ball, name calling is not called for got it?


This is what my post is all about change direction, add armour. TEST MISSION IS
STUPID. So calm yourself. Got it?

  • Re : Test fire and Test Drive in Shipyard

    03. 03. 2011 14:58

OK im not even going to read this....


The mission puts you up against 4 BBs with level 12 guns that can barely do any
damage to you. During this mission you fire your guns at long range and see if you
have your lines and such. Then when you have them all down, you finish off the pest
BBs that are there to attack you.

  • Re : Test fire and Test Drive in Shipyard

    02. 28. 2011 16:35


  • Re : Test fire and Test Drive in Shipyard

    02. 10. 2011 11:35

bit outa topic ultra dog?

whilst something to set your starting settings would be great the ability to adjust
things like that during battle would only be possible should the various tasks take a
certain amount of time comparable or longer to the time it takes to carry them out

So post this in your own seperate topic and I would reccommend if it were just the
initial part but I'm unsure whether I would with the latter part included.

  • Re : Test fire and Test Drive in Shipyard

    02. 09. 2011 16:02

It would defienetely be a hard task. Not my controls though. Its up to SDE, but I
think they might be able to make a program where it records what you do, and it
might copy you. I will try to think of a few things about it.

  • Re : Test fire and Test Drive in Shipyard

    02. 09. 2011 15:04

I'd like to have a setting where I can set TCS (CTRL) , gradual/simultaneous setting,
ammo locker (Y), gun direction and angle prior to start of game or immediately with
one action (macro?).

Example of my multi-keyboard gyrations....

At the beginning of the game when I start my Sub my sequence is:
Select R (Guns), Enable TCS (Ctrl), Swing guns towards enemy (E or Q), Raise guns
(W), switch locker to B for AA (Y), (F4 to simultaneous). Now I can fire at aircraft.
(R, CTRL, E/Q, W, Y, F4, F4.)

When I dive my sequence is:

Press U (Submerge command), Select T (Torps), Z (Front Only), F4 (gradual), H (High
speed torpedoes).

(U, T, Z, F4, H)

If I have to surface (run out of air), my sequence is back to the guns, if enemy is
nearby, and switch locker to HE from AA (Y), F4/F4 to get back to Simultaneous, W to
range gun angle.

Can I have some macro quick instructions that incorporate those variables or others
that benefit me?

  • Re : Test fire and Test Drive in Shipyard

    02. 09. 2011 11:35

How about test dive and damage HH after 1-2 sec c.dive?try to be impartial man and do more.

  • Re : Test fire and Test Drive in Shipyard

    02. 08. 2011 16:52

Nice idea strat. I will edit my post.
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