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  • Give DD/FF significant bonus for ASW

    03. 25. 2011 13:58

If they had a reason to stay and do their job and actually be team players, subs
wouldn't be going on their invincible BB killing rampages.

Instead they all rush middle, do a little damage, die, go afk to do whatever, and repeat.

They should be rewarded for doing their job of minesweeping and detecting the
location of subs. Even more if the sub they detect is killed, and more than that if they kill
the sub themselves.

Most importantly, the longer they survive, the higher the reward should be.

  • Re : Give DD/FF significant bonus for ASW

    04. 16. 2011 13:49

they need bonuses just like AA does.

  • Re : Give DD/FF significant bonus for ASW

    03. 27. 2011 15:32

Usually every time I try to run out into the front line to draw fire from the BBs, the
friendly BBs just sit back and do nothing. Once I get killed THEN they start fighting
again, I don't get it.

  • Re : Give DD/FF significant bonus for ASW

    03. 27. 2011 11:37

they do, it's called "more xp for actually doing some damage" in the game. you've got to
remember, that a lot of them are still stuck on the whole "blitz" mentality of charging in
to kill the enemy. a lot of them don't even wait until the end of the game in order to
get the most xp if their side wins via flag sinking (and not just a clock time out).

then you teach them to go forth after the enemy bb's are down in order to hit the cvs,
the AA ships, and other support vessels. heck, they even serve as a distraction for BBs,
allowing you a few free shots to take them out while they're taking pot shots at the
DDs & CLs.

maybe there should be a bonus for players who use their smaller ships as sacrificial
lambs on a losing team, taking BB fire charging out in the hopes that their own BBs
might use the distraction to be affective in perhaps turning the tide of battle.

  • Re : Give DD/FF significant bonus for ASW

    03. 27. 2011 06:20

Erm alright. I think A/S with depth charges is totally acceptable. HH is not the sole
weapon that can be used in A/S.

Reason I believe that destroyers and frigates doing A/S and Minesweeping should
get some kinda bonus is so that more do it rather than rush to just get into the next
battle as quickly as they can just to repeat the process. And so that more CL+ level
players might choose to use them as most except the "die hard" A/S and
destroyer/frigate lovers will not use them because they do not get enough
experience in using them.

  • Re : Give DD/FF significant bonus for ASW

    03. 27. 2011 02:11

SHARE EXP- no matter what you do(it matter little but still) the entire team share the exp
.So no matter what you do there is a brick wall on how much exp you can earn.
And its not getting better at bigger lvls.For example on my CV2 with 30k damage done and
~4k bonus for shooting planes down my crew get 13k exp for winning.

Still by killing subs you help your team win and exp for winning is alot more.

  • Re : Give DD/FF significant bonus for ASW

    03. 26. 2011 23:57

Then I end up just necroposting and the topic gets locked.

Maybe if everyone makes a dozen more threads like this they'll do something

  • Re : Give DD/FF significant bonus for ASW

    03. 26. 2011 23:51


  • Re : Give DD/FF significant bonus for ASW

    03. 26. 2011 23:24

Many problems with being forced to use depth charges...
-Firstly they require you to get dangerously close to a submarine, and it's quite
difficult to get close if that submarine is onto you.
-The second problem is the BB/BC/CA Line raining down shells on you the entire time.
-Third problem is the sub can easily just dive, you'll need to keep dropping them to
keep them submerged. Meanwhile you'll be getting shot at by dozens of ships.
They could also just surface and chew you to bits with flak.
-They're only shared exp

The only real weapon to use against subs is the HH, but they're incredibly expensive

So basically, none of the above offers any positive feedback for filling the ASW role.
You are quite honestly better off just going in circles, or as everyone else does,
ffffffffictory, die, and go do something else for 10 minutes.

  • Re : Give DD/FF significant bonus for ASW

    03. 26. 2011 22:13

I totally find sub hunting with a depth charge is unrewarding. You would get 60k attack
for sinking 3-4 subs and still get only 3k exp afterwards..
why, because the depth charge damage your ship and i think the game detect it as
teamkilling dmg.

  • Re : Give DD/FF significant bonus for ASW

    03. 26. 2011 15:54

you already can "hunt" SS. Just equip depth charges and get close to sub to use them.If
you dont kill the sub, 100% you will damage it(+10k on good hit).

Also no matter what you do in GB2 all exp is shared so dont expect alot even if you kill
few subs, but your team lose :(
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