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  • Give DD/FF significant bonus for ASW

    03. 25. 2011 13:58

If they had a reason to stay and do their job and actually be team players, subs
wouldn't be going on their invincible BB killing rampages.

Instead they all rush middle, do a little damage, die, go afk to do whatever, and repeat.

They should be rewarded for doing their job of minesweeping and detecting the
location of subs. Even more if the sub they detect is killed, and more than that if they kill
the sub themselves.

Most importantly, the longer they survive, the higher the reward should be.

  • Re : Give DD/FF significant bonus for ASW

    03. 26. 2011 07:10

I recommend. I use RN destroyers very much, my cruisers, battlecruisers and carriers
hardly get a look in these days. I never just go rush to just repeat the process as
where is the use/fun in that? Much more use/fun doing things to assist the team
such as patrolling the lines against submarines, mines, planes and rushing small
ships. I cannot imagine also that just rushing and getting blown up provides more
experience or credits than actually doing the job and lasting till the end, surely its
faster to level doing that than just being fodder?

Also in minesweeping (as far as I know) ships are rewarded with nothing (excluding
the fact that your assisting your team) except the loss in credits that your
ammunition used to destroy them costed. So some reward on minesweeping would
be good, no matter the team that dropped them (as mines allegiance cannot be
determined and both pose a risk to ships on your team), although the reward
should not be enough that would cause people to purchase mines just so they can
drop them in order to destroy them themselves.

So anyway anything to cause other destroyer captains to do the job is good in my
opinion. A/S combat doesnt need submarines or A/S weapons to be "nerfed" in
order to balance, it just needs more destroyers doing thier roles rather than being
fodder. At the moment its mostly just the "die hard" A/S and destroyer lovers that
are not being fodder I believe?
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