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  • HA scenario Discussion

    03. 18. 2011 02:15

Since a lot of people are talking about HA related Banning things I was thinking of a
scenario that could of easily happened on either server. Here it goes...

Say Fleet A takes a harbor that is undefended from when Harbor Assaults started back
up.Fleet A has about 40-50 members when they attack.

Then next week's declaration Fleet B attacks Fleet A. Fleet B has 20 members when they
declared and still has less than 30 when they do the Harbor Assault.

Fleet A has now about 60ish members when this Harbor Assault goes on, but they only have
16 accounts that are BB5/CV5+ and of those they only have 7 that are either CV6 or BB6.
Most players in the fleet are Blitz players or just starting to get out of blitz.

Fleet B has 16 accounts that are BB5/CV5+ and 7 of those accounts have a CV6 or BB6, and
Fleet B has multiple BB6's and/or BB6,CV6 combination on one account. Where Fleet A
doesn't have any multiples at all. Also on average Fleet B has higher level accounts than
Fleet A. Therefore Fleet B has more 120 crews and ships, but they are still under 30 people.

Now Discuss would this be a bannable offense for wasting time, or would this be a
reasonable HA since, it is about fair number of players (accounts) with high level crews?


  • Re : HA scenario Discussion

    03. 18. 2011 09:52

bellylint least maybe have the mods discuss and vote on it if its such a serious matter
as oppose to taking such direct and i would go as far to say wreck-less action against a
player/fleet without solid proof of wronging. I want to hear a FULL EXPLANATION WORTHY of
matching the punishment given out.

  • Re : HA scenario Discussion

    03. 18. 2011 09:47

"Now Vick has already said he believed Rehor meant to annoy other fleets by his
declaration. Based on these two things a mod has every right to punish Rehor."

So Vick believes...

Believing is an assumption, and just because you assume a person did something for a bad
reason, doesn't give you the right to ban said person. Especially if there was no harm done.

Next time someone does something, anything, all we need is a TNF mod who thinks the person
had bad intentions, and viola: BAN!

  • Re : HA scenario Discussion

    03. 18. 2011 09:44

First i would like to say that i am in FAWK...the attacking fleet this weekend. I can
personally speak for my entire fleet when I say this was in no way problematic for us. The
way we see it is that Network fleet is the defending fleet, and were actually looking
forward to battling with the likes of rehor and his fleet regardless of how many of them
there were. He should have the opportunity to defend what he worked to gain. I believe his
ban should be lifted, its bad enough he is practically screwed out of the USSR event. For
a player that has sunk so much time and effort into this game, you think the mods would
treat him with a little more respect. And if this was a personal vendetta which it appears
to be then I think whoever was responsible should step down for being unjust, or at the
VERY LEAST admit they are in the wrong and issue an apology.

  • Re : HA scenario Discussion

    03. 18. 2011 09:42

I am not sure how many members had tagged at the time of declaration. It has
been posted that he had ~ 5 accounts, and no one has ever said otherwise, so it is
virtually an admition. And besides, if he had even close to 30 accounts I believe
people would be making that argument. Not this defending fleet stuff.

  • Re : HA scenario Discussion

    03. 18. 2011 09:35


Actually he would only be wasting about 10 minutes more of your time rather than a bigger
fleet that would have taken that harbor possibly yours that you might not be able to take
from this week. If you did if would take more than 10 minutes more of your time.

To take a harbor from 1 man fleet easy, attack all tiles at one time, he cant defend them
all so when you get to harbor time obviously he will probably only take 10 minutes more of
your time if that, Easy.

  • Re : HA scenario Discussion

    03. 18. 2011 09:34

so your sure there were not 30 accounts tagged up? ?

  • Re : HA scenario Discussion

    03. 18. 2011 09:32

You guys are latching on to this defending fleet thing way too much. The rule clearly
states 30 people to declare. Sure, it goes on to explain why the rule was put in
place, but it isn't part of the rule. The rule is: 30 people to declare. Rehor broke that
rule. It is plain, simple, and in black and white.

Now Vick has already said he believed Rehor meant to annoy other fleets by his
declaration. Based on these two things a mod has every right to punish Rehor.

The real issue here is Rehors intent, and whether or not personal feelings were
involved in handing out the punuishment. If Rehor truly didn't mean to annoy
anyone, then the ban is a bit much. Furthermore, if personal feelings influenced Vicks
decision, then the ban is a bit much. Everyone knows Rehor has given Vick plenty of
reason to hold a grudge. I am not saying grudges are ok, just saying Rehor has
given him plenty of ammo.

Faraz has already said Rehor had a lot of fun, and that making fleets mad was not
his intent. Granted, that isn't from Rehor himself, but it is from someone who was
there. And only Vick can tell us whether or not he holds a grudge against Rehor. Of
course, I already know what his official mod answer will be to that, and I wouldn't
expect anything less. However, Vick is a human, just like the rest of us. When you
push a guys buttons enough, these things are to be expected. Again, not saying it is
alright, just saying it is not surprising.

  • Re : HA scenario Discussion

    03. 18. 2011 09:27

As has been stated this is a gross over-reaction, 3 more days and this issue would
have been gone and forgotten but instead you decide to over-react and that
reaction is far too much.

All this does is highlight SDes failings, Rehor did nothing to exploit this game, he
formed a fleet within the requirements of the game (10 players or more), he paid his
declaration fee like anyone else, he wasted no ones time because the harbour was
empty at the time and interference with other attackers is here say.

I also find it ironic that at a time SDe are insisting on one fleet per harbour judging
by the patch you have now given an open opportunity for a fleet to occupy two
harbours because Rehor cannot mount a reasonable defence, further adding reason
that this decision was tainted.

Banning him for this is ridiculous - hes done nothing illegal nor has he done anything
that anyone else couldnt have done, if you really value our opinions you will undo
this ban to both of Rehors accounts immediately, I also think he deserves an
apology but thats between the person who made this misjudged decision and Rehor.

  • Re : HA scenario Discussion

    03. 18. 2011 09:26

Knights Templar talking about wasting other fleets time. Epic.

  • Re : HA scenario Discussion

    03. 18. 2011 09:25

page2 @KT guy

absolute nonesense you tell us here. is almost funny now;)

so you think KT could have get the hrbour instead of network?
2 things..
first: you wouldnt hold it for more than 1 week.
second: you could take that harbour this saturday, by beating Network. To be
honest, it would have been the only way you could get a harbour in nebraska server
in Year 2011.

this shouldnt be offenisve.
sry for bad english

1. rules were not hurt. (clearly explained in this thread)
2. Ban was made.
Reason; personal feelings !! by TNF Serverhead.

this shouldnt have happend.