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  • HA scenario Discussion

    03. 18. 2011 02:15

Since a lot of people are talking about HA related Banning things I was thinking of a
scenario that could of easily happened on either server. Here it goes...

Say Fleet A takes a harbor that is undefended from when Harbor Assaults started back
up.Fleet A has about 40-50 members when they attack.

Then next week's declaration Fleet B attacks Fleet A. Fleet B has 20 members when they
declared and still has less than 30 when they do the Harbor Assault.

Fleet A has now about 60ish members when this Harbor Assault goes on, but they only have
16 accounts that are BB5/CV5+ and of those they only have 7 that are either CV6 or BB6.
Most players in the fleet are Blitz players or just starting to get out of blitz.

Fleet B has 16 accounts that are BB5/CV5+ and 7 of those accounts have a CV6 or BB6, and
Fleet B has multiple BB6's and/or BB6,CV6 combination on one account. Where Fleet A
doesn't have any multiples at all. Also on average Fleet B has higher level accounts than
Fleet A. Therefore Fleet B has more 120 crews and ships, but they are still under 30 people.

Now Discuss would this be a bannable offense for wasting time, or would this be a
reasonable HA since, it is about fair number of players (accounts) with high level crews?


  • Re : HA scenario Discussion

    03. 18. 2011 02:25

Vick11, after reading the "offical" rules was very liberal in it's implimentation... The
letter of the law being don't 1 man attack a "Manned" Harbour like myg0t. The difference
here is Rehor attacked an empty harbour yet still was banned for it, it's one of those
gray areas because the whole point of the rule was to not waste time.

Rehor didn't technically waste time (because there was no defending fleets time to waste)
however he was clearly under the minimum 30 members in a fleet.

So long as the attacking fleet poses a credable thread to the "manned" defending fleet I
don't see there being any conflict with mods, however what with happened to Rehor common
sense can be lacking (imho).