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  • Your thoughts on "Whale Wars"

    08. 03. 2009 14:24

I recently argued with my GF concerning the tactics of the Sea Shepard crew of "Whale
Wars" on Animal Planet. Seeing as many of us are naval enthusiasts, I though I'd bring the
discussion here.

Synopsis: this series follows the crew of the Steve Irwin (SI), a ship who is crewed and
funded by the non-profit organization Sea Shepards. The SI (flying a Dutch flag)
interferes with Japanese boats off the coast of Antarctica as they harvest whales. The
Japanese maintain that they are researching sustainably whaling techniques, while the Sea
Shepards argue that it is in direct violation of International Law and barbaric.

I am pretty well-read concerning the international whaling laws, the Japanese research
efforts, the Sea Shepards' arguments against the Japanese, the history of Paul Watson (the
SI captain and Sea Shepard leader), but only have a limited knowledge of the show (I just
watched 3 episodes). The organization is based out of a town I used to live in, and I am
familiar with the political issues.

My questions are these:
-who do you support and why?
-is this show beneficial or detrimental to either organization involved?
-is there a better way to affect whale harvesting, regardless of motive?
-any other general thoughts by you?
-am I wasting my time here, and should I be paying attention to the conference call I am on?

I have my own opinions, and will state them once the thread gets going (I tried to be as
unbiased as possible in my descriptions). Since the original argument was with my GF, I
already started off as being wrong :P

  • Re : Your thoughts on

    08. 03. 2009 22:29

psh naki

i never comment on most things you post but...

the post you've made in this thread is just so ridiculously false >.<
then again I've got a horrible sarcasm-meter

perhaps that was the intent? lol

  • Re : Your thoughts on

    08. 03. 2009 16:30


  • Re : Your thoughts on

    08. 03. 2009 16:25

I understand both sides of the argument. I understand that some some whales are at
risk of going extinct and others less so. From what I could gather, the Japanese harvest
those that are least threatened.

Either way I support both sides to an extent. I support the right to protest, not to the
extent that the crew of the Irwin does. I support the Japanese harvesting whales for
research and the sale of the meat for proceeds to help fund the research and the
cultural element to the extent that the population stays healthy and you really can't get
facts on whether the whale population is healthy or not without harvesting them.

I do watch the show, its cool to see the tactics of either side playing a cat and mouse
game, especially in such a hospitable enviroment. I do fine the crews means a little
agressive though...

  • Re : Your thoughts on

    08. 03. 2009 15:54


  • Re : Your thoughts on

    08. 03. 2009 15:33

Thanks Kapusta :P

The Steve Irwin flies a Dutch flag, thought the crew is not predominantly Dutch. The Dutch
government lets them fly a flag, as a flagless ship can (and most likely will) be
prosecuted as pirates.

To paraphrase: the Japanese get around the International ruling against whaling by
conducting research as to what are sustainable levels of whale harvesting (similar to the
thinning of bison numbers in Yellowstone through permitted hunting). Iceland and Norway
also conduct whaling on some levels.

AFAIK, whale is indeed a very profitable business in Japan [need source though], and once
research has been conducted, the whale harvested is sold. The whales being harvested are
fin and minke whales (more than 700,000 combined estimated to exist). Neither species is
what would be considered as "endangered" or "threatened".

  • Re : Your thoughts on

    08. 03. 2009 15:08

Isnt whale blubber gold in Japan and some other asian countries? I dont think its right
mainly because when their extinct, poof! Theyre gone forever.

  • Re : Your thoughts on

    08. 03. 2009 15:07

i think the whalers are wrong but the shepards are immature making a big deal out
of it.

  • Re : Your thoughts on

    08. 03. 2009 15:05

I support the Dutch people, simply because I don't know what the hell they mean by
"sustainable whaling". Besides, why do you need to eat whale anyways?

Not really a waste of time though, conference calls aren't that important :).

  • Re : Your thoughts on

    08. 03. 2009 14:26

NOTE: please keep this civil. I'd hate for my attempt to skirt work to be locked :)