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  • Frequently Suggested Stuff - READ!

    12. 29. 2005 20:02

Customizable Ships (colors, visual sets) - Won't happen
Mix of Auto/Manual FCS (click to turn guidelines, keys for angles) - Won't happen
Random Torpedo Movement/Duds - Won't happen
Harbor Assault (aka Island Defense/Attack) - In the works, expected in ~2 month's time.
OpConvoy Fix - In the works, no ETA
Kamikaze Planes - Won't happen
Submarine/U-boats - Being worked on.

These are the ones I got definite answers on, for the rest:

General Rule: No new features at this point, bug fixing first!

Edit by babs:
Damagable sub-systems - teamNF anounced earlier this year that they liked it but
that it
was too hard given the architecture to implement.

Edit by TimmyC:
Made change to "Submarine/U-boats".

  • Re : Frequently Suggested Stuff - READ!

    04. 22. 2006 15:06

General Rule: No new features at this point, bug fixing first!
I find this funny, as this means the game is still in beta, which granted it is a pay to
play beta. But I see no point in claiming its full retail.

  • Re : Frequently Suggested Stuff - READ!

    04. 17. 2006 09:11

I have noted that in the list of aircraft in the game, the absense of the F4U Corsair. I
find this interesting because it was the logical upgrade to the Hellcat (Pre 1938) and
saw considerable action in the pacific for both the marines and navy carrier based
aircraft. Remember "Pappy Boyington" and the factual "Black Sheep Squadron"! JUST

  • Re : Frequently Suggested Stuff - READ!

    04. 17. 2006 02:08

Well, in fact, superjugy is NOT "100% correct" in that kamikaze planes (= those
specially designed for suicide attacks) did not exist. Remember the "Ohka" reactive
plane, being produced and used near the end of war? This "bomb with wings, motor
and expendable controll" was, even with bad accuracy caused by bad aerodynamics
and inexperienced (at least with sub-sonic speed flight) pilots, extremely dangerous
(almost the only way how to get rid of them was shooting down their "Betty"
transporters before "Ohkas" were launched to attack) ...
But - no, even I do not like this suicidal-attack idea at all and do not like to have
them in "myr" game ...

  • Re : Frequently Suggested Stuff - READ!

    04. 16. 2006 18:49


You're right that Kamikaze was not a plane type, you are wrong however about the
Japanese not sending out deliberate suicide planes. Suicide attacks were used
because the were destructive and for psychological effect. Kamikaze rarely missed
their intended targets. Somewhere in the neighborhood of 60 ships were sunk
primarly due to kamikaze attacks. As the war became more a defense one for the
Japanese, kamikaze attacks increased.

How about an update on this post :D

  • Re : Frequently Suggested Stuff - READ!

    04. 16. 2006 16:20

the problem is that people think that kamikases are actually a type of plane. actually
kamikazes were TB that just went to frop torps, but if they had bad luck and got
shooted they quickly searched for the nearest ship and crashed there. is not that
they went out and searched to die in the first boat they found. japs were crazy
enough to think that if they were going to die already in their plane then why not
crash the plane in enemys ship?. in the other hand US pilots thought, i can save my
ass if i land my plane in water and get the fuck out. but japs didnt.

so if kamikases were going to implement in game i think that is just a little plane
interface adjustment that when they are hitted down they search for an enemy ship
to crash, and not actually seeing a type of plane called kamikase. if that were
implemented it would be fine. but i bet evryone thinks that they are a type of plane
that fly in squadrons like fighters and they all go and explode into ships. thats
nonesense. plz implement kamikazes like a airplane interface chang and not as a
type of plane. and everything would be ok.

  • Re : Frequently Suggested Stuff - READ!

    04. 06. 2006 17:01


  • Re : Frequently Suggested Stuff - READ!

    04. 04. 2006 05:54

the time of harbot asault ?

pas 2 month큦 time ?

  • Re : Frequently Suggested Stuff - READ!

    03. 23. 2006 23:56

I hear that even with the expanded # of BBs/CVs, the top of the line are already out
or running out. I'd suggest that each account be limited to the # of ships they can
have per account and per nation such as:
BBs/CVs 2 per account, one per nation
CAs 4 per account, 2 per nation
CLs 6 per account, 3 per nation
DDs 8 per account, 3 per nation

I think this would go a LONG way to helping balance out the game for everyone,
especially new players who don't already have high level CAs, or even CVs and BBs.
The older players were able to keep their crews/ships/sailors, etc. when you went
retail. Why should they be the only ones allowed to get the higher level ships just
because they got there first by virtue of playing for a long time BEFORE retail? If
everyone has nothing but BBs I can see the game getting boring very fast, and
therefore I understand the idea of limiting upper level ships. But make sure that the
path to those upper level ships, and their availability, is as fair as possible,
especially for those who came after retail.

Keep up the good work and thank you for asking for suggestions.

  • Re : Frequently Suggested Stuff - READ!

    03. 23. 2006 15:52

good point about the kamikazes nero... totally agreed about the ddx and z99 so
why no kamikazes? my own planes/scouts do it to me all the time when they run out
of fuel comin into landin, why cant they do it to the enemy on purpose...? or at least
make it so they automatically go to kamikazee an enemy ship to crash on if they will
run out of fuel and cant make it back to ship coz its too far...

actually, think ill make this a suggestion...

  • Re : Frequently Suggested Stuff - READ!

    03. 19. 2006 09:17

would be awesome, it'd make the game more realistic. The ddx isnt a WW2 ship,
theres no such thing as a Z99. But you wont add a kamikaze bomber.

I had problems with escorts. My escort would constantly undershoot its target, i'm in
a oyodo and i have a cl coming at me, I dont need the escort wasting shots and not
even damaging the cl. They only hit targets if they're close up. I'd like to see the AIs
smarter, enough to dodge torps and to know priority in attacking ships. I have my
dd attacking a ff instead of a near dead cl common.