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  • Give battlecruisers their real strengths.

    12. 11. 2005 04:15

Now the concept of a Battlecruiser is the speed of a cruiser, the firepower of a
battleship, and to be able to travel much furtherfaster than a battleship. This
concept had a point in reality for th British who had a massive empire, some of it on
the other side of the world, but was pointless for the Germans.

Now back to the game, as you can imagine this concept can't work in the game,
there is no need to travel around the world and because of the 3 times as fast as
reality reload times a BC's speed is made useless and they are left more vunerable
from lack of armor.

I suggest that TNF give the battlecruisers their main strength, in crease thier speed
by at least 5 knts and overheat time by at least 3 seconds. This is should
Battlecruisers a bit level the playing field with Battleships.

  • Re : Give battlecruisers their real strengths.

    12. 11. 2005 20:38

BCs in this game are already fast...

all BCs except P-pro 2 have lots of usable displacement, and at slowest are three
knots faster than most BBs without overheat and ~6 knots (more or less) with
overheat. now THINK...most people use BCs with maxed out armor, but BCs (or at
least Brit ones) didn't pack much armor. offload all that armor and you get ships
going 43 to 50 knots in overheat.

KGV/PoW can go obscenely fast simply because it has so much usable displacement.

my Guam ran 28/44, i think that's pretty fast. i've seen Scharns and Gneis's running
at 43-45 knots too. Alaska can go 27/50 with light armor, faster if you stripped it the
way you do with Guam/Scharn/Gneis/O-pro (haven't actually seen any Brit players
running with speed setups).

  • Re : Give battlecruisers their real strengths.

    12. 11. 2005 20:19


"Basicly, the BC was a failed experiment whose time was over by the outbreak of
WW2. By that time, they were still lightly armored, but were no faster than any of
the newer ships.

This game we play reflects this fairly accurately."

- so youre basically saying "Haha you went the york line" etc. Its absurd that u feel a
whole line was created just to suck hard. Either remove it or improve it.

  • Re : Give battlecruisers their real strengths.

    12. 11. 2005 19:04

Isn't that why Engineers exsist? Don't they give you more speed, and more overeat time? Well,
if not, yeah, give more speed to the BC's. LOL

  • Re : Give battlecruisers their real strengths.

    12. 11. 2005 18:59

If you check on wikipedia on battlecruiser, you'll see that the concept of BC (glass
cannon) didn't really work out as intended in actual battles either...

  • Re : Give battlecruisers their real strengths.

    12. 11. 2005 16:25

why am i being sarcastic?

geni is fast, i can barely keep up with my myoko CA with CV engine

  • Re : Give battlecruisers their real strengths.

    12. 11. 2005 16:19

This concept was one of the reasons hood got sunk, it simply was not armoured
enough to go up against the likes of the bismark. They did add armour to it, but this
slowed the ship down, i think bye the time it sunk it had lost 5 or 6 knots due to
increasment of armour over the years. After WW1 it had more deck armour added
due to the lessons learnt then, but this was inadaquate too.

  • Re : Give battlecruisers their real strengths.

    12. 11. 2005 16:17

You're missing the obvious.

Battlecruisers WERE faster than other ships OF THEIR TIME, made as they were
before WWI and in the early years afterward. By the outbreak of WW2,
battlecruisers were not appreciably faster than modern ships of the line, and still
packed far less armor. The british BC's were uparmored and retooled, but this only
slowed them down.

Basicly, the BC was a failed experiment whose time was over by the outbreak of
WW2. By that time, they were still lightly armored, but were no faster than any of
the newer ships.

This game we play reflects this fairly accurately.

  • Re : Give battlecruisers their real strengths.

    12. 11. 2005 16:04

Mix are u being sarcastic?

  • Re : Give battlecruisers their real strengths.

    12. 11. 2005 13:01

yea give BC more speed

currently the only fast BC is the geni. (KM)

everyone else is all average

  • Re : Give battlecruisers their real strengths.

    12. 11. 2005 12:58

The current slight extra speed similar to reality, would be an advantage if it werent
for the unrealistic reload times, this is why the BC speed should be made unrealistic
in proportion to this reload time.
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