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  • Give battlecruisers their real strengths.

    12. 11. 2005 04:15

Now the concept of a Battlecruiser is the speed of a cruiser, the firepower of a
battleship, and to be able to travel much furtherfaster than a battleship. This
concept had a point in reality for th British who had a massive empire, some of it on
the other side of the world, but was pointless for the Germans.

Now back to the game, as you can imagine this concept can't work in the game,
there is no need to travel around the world and because of the 3 times as fast as
reality reload times a BC's speed is made useless and they are left more vunerable
from lack of armor.

I suggest that TNF give the battlecruisers their main strength, in crease thier speed
by at least 5 knts and overheat time by at least 3 seconds. This is should
Battlecruisers a bit level the playing field with Battleships.

  • Re : Give battlecruisers their real strengths.

    12. 11. 2005 06:06

I developed a good tactic in my Repulse. I ran no armour except for some bulkhead,
such that my speed was 29/39. With RP12 I had the range advantage on most
BB1s/BCs and the speed to keep that range. It also gave me the speed I needed to
catch pesky KM whores.
Bear in mind even fully armoured these BCs are fast... 24 knots compared to the 21
knots of most BBs. And the alaska seems to zoom along.
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