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  • I hate the Pluton, but why am I still using it?

    02. 22. 2010 10:40

Anyone? Why are any of us still using this horrid little ship?

Maybe we hate it so much, we have to keep playing it to prove it is somehow good. It's
like the llittle engine that couldn't and never will no matter how much it tries. Maybe
that's why I, among other still use her.

Maybe it's just to weed out the weak players. If you lose 1 on 1 vs Pluton......ouch.

Honestly I thought that it'd have a mine rail, like the KM SS1. Maybe it still will,
someday. Till then, why we will all still use the the number of licks it
takes to get to the tootsie roll center of a tootsie pop, we will never know.

  • Re : I hate the Pluton, but why am I still using it?

    02. 25. 2010 06:20

What I don't get is the no torp space. I understand they want to make a good asw
ship but why block using it in blitz? Add armament space to it. Would still suck but
it'd be usable at least.

  • Re : I hate the Pluton, but why am I still using it?

    02. 25. 2010 02:11

As for the xp being less then mogador, I have suspected the same, that it gives
LESS then mogador.

As for setups, yes the extra support slot is a must for raising cv as this is when you
start training your pilots.

On nelson the best use we could find for it in blitz was AW it and use the lvl 18
2x3.5" and rapid fire the dds and ffs to death....

  • Re : I hate the Pluton, but why am I still using it?

    02. 25. 2010 02:06

Yea the ships is bad. Less gunspace than mogador. The only thing I found it usefull about
it was that extra support slot. Played it in GB with sonar, HHs on R slots and torps on T
slots. And for some reason the exp in that thing was slightly worse than in mogador. If
that extra slot means nothing to you... stay in mogador.

  • Re : I hate the Pluton, but why am I still using it?

    02. 25. 2010 00:05

man the ship just suck thats all..

  • Re : I hate the Pluton, but why am I still using it?

    02. 24. 2010 11:41

Northampton effect.

You hate it so, so much, that when you do a good game in it you absolutely adore the

  • Re : I hate the Pluton, but why am I still using it?

    02. 23. 2010 08:42

"Just fictory, get some attack and die !"

still prefer my method, get somthing with sonar near you, launch 6 HHs with auto=dead or
crippled SS3/4

  • Re : I hate the Pluton, but why am I still using it?

    02. 23. 2010 05:28

I used it because of the extra slot compared to Mogador.

Having an extra slot to level a sailor saves me time in the long run. And being a
DD/CL, exp is shared, so how well I do doesn't matter.

Just fictory, get some attack and die !

  • Re : I hate the Pluton, but why am I still using it?

    02. 22. 2010 14:12

Nope, main gunners are lvl 47, BOs are 44 and 43 respectively. So far the two sets
of dual 8" guns Ive tried, lvl 42 and 47, are nothing short of a joke.

Suffren has been a disappointment too. I guess I should just go AAW in GBs with it
til I get a decent set of guns.

  • Re : I hate the Pluton, but why am I still using it?

    02. 22. 2010 14:05

Haven't reached the level 49 surprise yet?

  • Re : I hate the Pluton, but why am I still using it?

    02. 22. 2010 13:49

Pluton is heaven comapred the CLs that follow it until you get to lvl 40. There seems
to be alot of damage inconsistency with french CL guns. Out of all the ships Ive
tried, which is all DDs and CLs except for the one in the SS line, Pluton is the one I
like the most.
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