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  • I hate the Pluton, but why am I still using it?

    02. 22. 2010 10:40

Anyone? Why are any of us still using this horrid little ship?

Maybe we hate it so much, we have to keep playing it to prove it is somehow good. It's
like the llittle engine that couldn't and never will no matter how much it tries. Maybe
that's why I, among other still use her.

Maybe it's just to weed out the weak players. If you lose 1 on 1 vs Pluton......ouch.

Honestly I thought that it'd have a mine rail, like the KM SS1. Maybe it still will,
someday. Till then, why we will all still use the the number of licks it
takes to get to the tootsie roll center of a tootsie pop, we will never know.

  • Re : I hate the Pluton, but why am I still using it?

    02. 22. 2010 13:29

Exactly what Storm said, use the uber lvl 20 AA guns and HH in the T slots. I actually
didn't mind the ship at all. I tried it once in a Blitz with actual guns didn't like the
results so did AA/ASW the rest of the lvls and it was fun.

  • Re : I hate the Pluton, but why am I still using it?

    02. 22. 2010 12:41

I skipped it, staying in Magador. I plan to buy it later on for AA use.

I agree with Ren, it should have a mine rail. It was a minelayer in RL afterall. In fact,
that very duty is what sunk the ship in the first place.

  • Re : I hate the Pluton, but why am I still using it?

    02. 22. 2010 12:13

even my noob-setup'ed Brooklyn with 3x trip 6'' guns in the front can farm Plutons like
there's no tomorrow.

  • Re : I hate the Pluton, but why am I still using it?

    02. 22. 2010 11:45

I love Pluton's...they go "boom" when my York hits one shot.

  • Re : I hate the Pluton, but why am I still using it?

    02. 22. 2010 11:24

Pluton's best use is an AA/ASW ship in GB games. dual lvl 20 AA guns on R slots,
hedgehogs in all T slots. It mounts 4 HH this way, while Mogador mounts only 2,
though it's extra support slot needs to be used for a sonarman.

For everything else, stick to mogador until you're ready for the next CL.

  • Re : I hate the Pluton, but why am I still using it?

    02. 22. 2010 10:59

I used it just because it had an extra support slot.

The ship was made to be hated XD

  • Re : I hate the Pluton, but why am I still using it?

    02. 22. 2010 10:53

I loaded up gunners on both R and T slots and loaded the ship with HH's. Yeah, I
know you can do that with the Moggy, too but you get more XP and can raise one
additional support sailor with the Kaplut-on.

And sub damage XP is nothing to be frowny pants about....

  • Re : I hate the Pluton, but why am I still using it?

    02. 22. 2010 10:47

"I hate the Pluton, but why am I still using it?" Your close to answering your own
question, let me answer you...

Because its a pointless ship, I played it a couple of games and switch back to the
Mogador. So if your still playing/complaining about it, its your own lack of common sense
to go back to something that everybody knows is better...
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