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  • Rolling neuts: what to look for?

    01. 30. 2011 11:53

Hi everybody,

Im certainly no rookie here, but ive never really gone in depth about the whole neut
rolling thing... I know some combinations and I know +12 for support/guns/pilots
and +15 for BO.

Ive never gone in depth because ive made some good profit with trading sailors
early on

But with the new countries coming soon, ive started to roll for neuts (As ive decided
not to buy any elites)

Now, I know what to look for in some cases, but can you all help me out and add
some things where needed?

I know these combinations:

* acc/rel for gunners
* rel/aaw for aa gunners
* bomber/aircraft for bombers
* fighter/aircraft for fighters

But what about the torpers? the supports?

Hope to hear from you soon!

  • Re : Rolling neuts: what to look for?

    02. 02. 2011 20:05

As you can see most players have had these beliefs for a long time and to
think otherwise would mean that they have wasted a lot of time looking at
the "wrong" stats. The air stat never mattered pre patch (Now it seems
to work for scout). I had air/fighter-bomber before but after seeing people
without air stats doing better than players that had 11/11 etc, it seemed
pretty obvious that it didn't matter. (I defer to V2 since that's his field of
expertise). Once again, if you look at gun elites sold in stores, they sell
them with both acc/rel (13/11 or 11/13) because both stats matter. If air
was necessary for the planes, would they not sell elites fighter/bomber with
11 in air?

As I mentioned earlier - why not sell an AAW sailor if it actually works. It
doesn't seem to matter since my high level AA gunners with decent AAW
stats rarely shoot planes down except for planes from low level CVs which
my neut ships with no AAW stats can shoot down as well. Plenty of moltkes
around I`m sure with high AAW stat sailors yet you hardly see any planes
shot down by auto gun.

  • Re : Rolling neuts: what to look for?

    02. 02. 2011 19:23

* acc/rel for gunners

it depends on the growth of the natiom.. uk for exanple.. the better is 10 acc 12 rel..
but km its 12/10.. i reccomend 11/11 if u dont have time to wait.. and itts not a bad
choice.. if u can find a 12 acc 11 rel .. great

* rel/aaw for aa gunners

manny players says that aaw base dont matter.. but it does.. the airgun is controlled
by aaw base.. so.. look for 12 rel and 10 aaw at least..

* bomber/aircraft for bombers

for bombers u ll need 12 bomber 10 air.. torp is the same thing

* fighter/aircraft for fighters
for fighters the better is 12ftr/11air..
but if u find 1210 its ok

about tthe torpman..( for ss not aircraft ) u need just the torp base.. reload base
dont increase reload speed.. its a mistake...u can see that on manual..or u can just
see the elite torp.. its +13 torp

the suports i reccmend u look for 12 rep 11 rest.. rest give u good sd.. so u ll reach
900 sd easily...
the engs..i reccmend the same.. a eng 12/11

  • Re : Rolling neuts: what to look for?

    02. 02. 2011 18:19

I think the aircraft stuff changed... late August or so.

I guess I can understand people not agreeing on everything about the planes
etc but a few things like the torpers, and engine stats on supports seem fairly
black and white. Countless people still seem to buy/sell them... And some are
experienced players - but when you see their performance in-game, I can kinda
understand why :)

  • Re : Rolling neuts: what to look for?

    02. 02. 2011 18:00

Not sure, check the patch notes.

  • Re : Rolling neuts: what to look for?

    02. 02. 2011 13:38

I still think that its strange that a lot of people do not know clearly whats what...
(and that was, until now, including me)
Ive been playing this game for over 3 years now, and only now, I FULLY understand
the whole stat system thnx to V2 and mako...

And ive seen so much rubbish sailors come past me in trade in those years...
(because I knew a bit about the stats)
I think if people are clear from the start of making an account, how to roll for good
sailors, that also is good for the later stage, as a lot of people get frustrated in this
stage because they dont have enough creds, as well as bad spread an support
rates, etc.

And with the selling of good based sailors, you can always make a good living and
with selling (good) neuts you can make a good quick buck as well.

So all in all I think it would be good if people are made aware of the things mako
and V2 said in this post, as soon as they get an account, to avoid people getting put
off, after theyve heard from someone that their sailors are rubbish and that they
could best be off by dismissing them, after having put in hours of work into those
bad sailors...

Maybe an idea for NF to put that into the introduction to NF, amongst other things?

Just throwing this into the group, tell me if im wrong here :)

Oh, and when did this "new" system came into affect anyway, V2? never noticed it,

  • Re : Rolling neuts: what to look for?

    02. 01. 2011 12:57

You thought wrong. Even in the old system it was wrong.

The old system:

Fighter=attack stat for all pilots
Bomber=defense stat for all pilots

The new system:
Fighter=Attack AND defense sat for fighter pilots
bomber=Attack AND defense stat for bomber pilots
Aircraft=Attack AND defense stat for scout (rookie) pilots

  • Re : Rolling neuts: what to look for?

    02. 01. 2011 12:46

So Aircraft ability doesn't mean anything in a fighter or bomber?

Thought it had to do with durability of the airplane?

  • Re : Rolling neuts: what to look for?

    02. 01. 2011 11:17

No debate, everything mako said is a fact. Any debate is on pure speculation and is incorrect.

  • Re : Rolling neuts: what to look for?

    02. 01. 2011 11:02

thnx buddy, this really helped me!

  • Re : Rolling neuts: what to look for?

    01. 31. 2011 17:17

I'll try to make it easy (from what I believe to be correct)

Torp - the torpedo stat is the "torpedo reload" stat. Reload is the gun
reload stat. The simple Q being, what would the torpedo stat do then?
I have leveled many torpedo men. They all reloaded at the same rate and
the only stat that was equal on them was the TORP stat. If other stats
mattered then my torpedoes would not have reloaded at the same rate.
*Check the NF store, the torpedo elite sold there only has a high torp stat.
Torpers don't need boosting.

AAW is not turned on. If you are making a Anti aircraft sailor, you need
mostly reload and then accuracy because you will be doing all the shooting.
Reload is most important because you want to fire as rapidly as possible.
Accuracy is also good to certain extent but sometimes it doesn't hurt to
have your shells spray a bit as you will likely being shooting at multiple planes.
*Notice they don't sell a AAW elite in the store?

Engine stat only works on the engineer sailor. The engineer falls into the support
sailor category so it maintains a good repair/restore stat. Where most sailors lose
most of their rep/res as you class them, the engineer maintains a fairly good
rep/res so the higher the better. The suggestion would be to get at least 10
in rep/res with your 12 engine stat.

Repair and Restore unlike job specific stats (engineer, gun accuracy, torpedo etc)
are taken from all sailors on your ship so they all contribute to the ship's repair rate
and the SD (from restore). As V2 stated in his post, the repair would be the most
important secondary stat to look for. The cap for restore(SD) is easier to reach
than the repair so look for both but with repair as the priority.

I haven't done extensive work with CVs so I tend to follow V2cxbongripz when it
comes to that - aircraft for scout, fighter for fighters, bomb for bombers. They
increase the offensive and defensive capabilities.

There will always be debate about some of these stats and how they work but
I believe that more experienced players go by this.
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