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  • Rolling neuts: what to look for?

    01. 30. 2011 11:53

Hi everybody,

Im certainly no rookie here, but ive never really gone in depth about the whole neut
rolling thing... I know some combinations and I know +12 for support/guns/pilots
and +15 for BO.

Ive never gone in depth because ive made some good profit with trading sailors
early on

But with the new countries coming soon, ive started to roll for neuts (As ive decided
not to buy any elites)

Now, I know what to look for in some cases, but can you all help me out and add
some things where needed?

I know these combinations:

* acc/rel for gunners
* rel/aaw for aa gunners
* bomber/aircraft for bombers
* fighter/aircraft for fighters

But what about the torpers? the supports?

Hope to hear from you soon!

  • Re : Rolling neuts: what to look for?

    01. 31. 2011 09:27

Ok, guys, thnx very much, all is more clear now, though I still have my doubts on a
few things.
The basic things like acc/rel for gunners is easy and I knew them from the start

But as you guys were quarreling a bit about the torper stats (the reload stat
meaning nothing for a torper) I still have some questions:

1. For instance, I have a neut with +12 for AAW. Doesnt that +12 for AAW mean it is
more ACCURATE (meaning: hitting planes more often than, lets say a +11 for AAW?)
And lets say,
if this +12 for AAW also has a reload ability of +10, to what extent (is there any?)
does it help the AA gunners ability to reload?

2. If I have a neut that has +12 for engineer, why also look for as high as possible
stats for restore and repair too? To what extent does it help the engy "engineer"
faster (an engineer doesnt restore and/or repair, does it?) Or is that only to boost
ur SD at lower levels?

3. What does the stat "aircraft" do/boost exactly?

4. Why isnt or why is :) the stat RELOAD important for a neut that has, for instance,
+12 for torpedo? (Id
say the torpers tube also need reloading, just like guns)

BTW: im a big fan of boosting my sailors, as u cannot do without to compete with
others, these days :)

Thnx for your help so far, and hope to hear from you guys a bit more!


  • Re : Rolling neuts: what to look for?

    01. 31. 2011 02:20

And since Boku has made a mess here, I guess I'll jump in too. Eric
has corrected the torper situation, V2 has added some extra tidbits, and
finally, the engine stat only applies to engineers. Having a repair, or a
restore sailor with a high engine stat does nothing. Conversely, as V2
stated, any sailor with a good rep/res on top of the primary stat is what
you would look for (but not necessary).

  • Re : Rolling neuts: what to look for?

    01. 31. 2011 00:22

For all sailors repair and restore are important, repair being the most important. Try to
get 10s atleast in repair/restore. Every little bit counts.

For pilots only one stat matters


11s are ok for primary stats but 12s are what you should shoot for.

For a BO, 15 is not needed at all in Potential. a +14 or even +13 with a 12 in repair is
the best. Remember at high levels, even an unboosted BO will have to have its crew
trimmed or your lines will be too long.

  • Re : Rolling neuts: what to look for?

    01. 30. 2011 21:57


what you are writing about the torper is simply wrong.

The only stat that influences torp reload is TORP, not reload (if RLD did that, what is
the purpose of the torp stat, in your opinion???).

Even if Adalbert's guide on ability is outdated in some areas, the torp ability discussion
still stands - there hasn't been a patch to that.

  • Re : Rolling neuts: what to look for?

    01. 30. 2011 18:46

I forgot to mention, are you going to boost your sailors?

  • Re : Rolling neuts: what to look for?

    01. 30. 2011 14:58

Torpers 12-Reload & 11-Torp. You want them to reload faster and for effect 11 on
torp is good enough.

Eng-12, Repair-11, Restore-11 that if your lucky.
Eng-12 Repair-11 Restore 10 again if Lucky.
Eng-12 Repair 11 Restore 9 again if lucky

Repair 12, Eng 11, Restore 11 if Lucky

Restore 12, Eng11, Repair 11 If lucky

V/r Boku

  • Re : Rolling neuts: what to look for?

    01. 30. 2011 14:38

acc/rel for gunners: at least 11/11, 12/10&10/12 acceptable, 11/10&10/11

rel/aaw for aa gunners: 11/, 12/. AAW non functional.

bomber/aircraft for bombers: +12 bombers, aircraft nonfunctional

fighter/aircraft for fighters: same

Torpers: only needs torp stat.

Supports: +12 main ability (+11 acceptable for capped abilities) also at least +10 for
the other 2 support abilities.

+15 BO, +11/+12 repair will contribute.

hope this helps

  • Re : Rolling neuts: what to look for?

    01. 30. 2011 14:05

klaas for ur main gunners dont go less than 12/11 sailors anything less than 11 RL. will
hurt at ur BB stage. I have 12/11,12/10 on my U.S. crew and they are pretty darn good but
i have keep the true ability in sync or ill have different firing rates. Don't forget to
vet up. As for support crew try to get +12 and ability of 30 or higher. Good luck rollin!
I am going on 2 months trying to find 12/12 gunners and no luck...oh well.

  • Re : Rolling neuts: what to look for?

    01. 30. 2011 13:46

I already knew these, but thnx very much!

  • Re : Rolling neuts: what to look for?

    01. 30. 2011 13:44

Here I'll break it down since I can't find it for you.

Minimum of 11/10 for gunners

AAW doesn't matter at all.

For planes the only stat you care about is the Fighter or Bomber stat.
Unless its a scout then the aircraft rating matters.
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