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  • depth charges nerf a little

    02. 27. 2011 09:48

i get the idea that depth charges are suppost be be awsome vrs a sub but i was 3-4
inches away from them when they went off still got 1/2 killed in my ss3? this seems
a bit overpowered anyone else?

suggest range be a bit smaller

  • Re : depth charges nerf a little

    03. 01. 2011 11:33

Really, you need to stop crying about the DCs. I'd bet you haven't done any ASW yourself.
I have a line that does nothing but ASW. I challenge you to load DCs on a L20 DD and go
into GB2 and fight some subs lol. Go after dingy, starline, or michael and see what
happens to you!

These guys have high level ships with high level crews. You go out there in a DD 60 levels
below their ship and you'll most likely get blasted before you get close. Also, its funny
that you mention that the DDs turn faster and are moving at 40+ knots. This is another
example of showing that you've never done any ASW. You can't overheat or you lose contact
with the sub. Also, the SS4s turn slower, but still fast enough that a good driver is
going to have either a front or rear spread coming at you so you have to dodge it without
increasing speed. Its hard to say the least.

I'd say that the problem here is that your driving an SS1 or 2. Sorry, but your food. Its
no different for people driving BB1s and BB2s or driving new CVs with tier level 2
fighters. You're going to have to learn to suck it up and level up. I suggest that if you
think DCs are too powerful you get in a DD and try it yourself.

  • Re : depth charges nerf a little

    03. 01. 2011 09:48

No no no no no.

  • Re : depth charges nerf a little

    03. 01. 2011 05:11

Maybe you just need a bigger screen Vanity ;)

  • Re : depth charges nerf a little

    03. 01. 2011 04:10

I would be interested to see if people are exaggerating the radius of the DC's. 3-4
inches seems a bit unrealistic to me, but I haven't used DC's that often. However, from
what I have seen it is more like 1-1.5 inches in which case I don't feel this is *too* OP.

There are other ways to fix it though like increase time of explosion so SS divers are
actually capable of crit diving (but only by the slimmest of margins) or decreasing the
damage of DC's (probably more likely).

  • Re : depth charges nerf a little

    03. 01. 2011 03:24

Rick, I'll take your bet on that. I still have 3 ASW lines raring to go. 2 US DDs and one
truly dedicated ASW belonging to the DD.Mogador class.

Also, rushing destroyers and frigates armed with depth charges are the only ships
(barring light cruisers with sonar) capable of tracking and sinking submarines.

I'd also like to see the minimum arming distance for my torpedo bombers be removed as
well. That will balance your non-dud torpedoes.

  • Re : depth charges nerf a little

    03. 01. 2011 01:38

"Wait, why does a sub that can't avoid a 40-60 knot ship that turns much better deserve
to be sunk? "

Because you have the benefit of seeing where the ASW ship is from the other side of the
map (assuming your teammates remembered to load scouts).

On the other hand, a DD/FF has to find you without getting killed by a BB and then
approach without getting torped.

Now that may be easy if the SS driver just fffffffictories straight towards the nearest
BB/CV, but it's not that easy if the SS makes evasive maneuvers.

  • Re : depth charges nerf a little

    02. 28. 2011 15:30

I am a dedicated destroyer user so appreciate it Rungail. :D

I think A/S destroyers versus submarines is rather balanced actually as no single
one is overpowered against the other in every situation. Submarines can easily
defeat a destroyer unless the destroyer can get right by the submarine in which
case the destroyer can easily defeat the submarine. And any submarine thats aware
on the area around it can be prepared to face the destroyer that may close on it,
exception being when the destroyers team up, which is very rarely.

  • Re : depth charges nerf a little

    02. 28. 2011 12:05

Wait, why does a sub that can't avoid a 40-60 knot ship that turns much better deserve
to be sunk?

Anyway, I honestly LOVED seeing ASW, mainly because it was so rare and many people
didn't know how or didn't want to, yet when I did see it, it was way too OP. Now, after
the merge, I'm dieing 6 out of 7 battles without doing damage because a FF or DD
speeds up to me and drops DC or a moltke shoots HH from long range. Honestly, give
subs an extra second of time for HH and reduce the effective damage area of DC and
HH by a lot. After that, give subs a nerf by reducing splash damage drastically and
remove duds (because both of them make no sense). I agree that subs shouldn't be
able to kill a BB in a few splash torps, yet they also shouldn't have to miss a kill they
rightfully earned because of a dud.

  • Re : depth charges nerf a little

    02. 28. 2011 11:21

I've only ever had luck dropping four to six depth charges directly on an ss. Instant
kill. Otherwise, I find the range to be pretty mediocre.

  • Re : depth charges nerf a little

    02. 28. 2011 08:39

yea but by ur very own submission you said "if they have the gall enough to get
close to you". Well its a sub and to get within 3 inches of a submerged sub with a dd
doing 40+ knts isnt that amazing to me. I have used many of dd's and nvr had a
problem besides. Even if u crash dive you cant get under fast enough if your paying
attention and someone fires hh you have a few seconds before they hit and a few
seconds before they go off giving you a chance to dive.

Secondly i understand 1 of 2 things being acceptable

1:low dmage high range but at 3 inches away should it just about sink me????
2: high dmg low range <-- as suggested by a prev post you drop it almost on top
1 2 3