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  • Allow Submarine Pinging

    04. 11. 2011 09:17

Subs would now have the ability to ping. What it would do:
-send a ping out in a circle around the submarine (diameter of the circle is based on
sonarman's ability)
-any ship within this circle now has the fog of war shadow for 5 seconds.
-B.O.'s will be able to detect this ping based on how close they are to the sub and
the B.O.'s potential (i.e. The B.O. allows the ship to detect pings within a circle
around the ship. Better potential = bigger circle)

-Helps scout for the whole team, whenever used
-Can detect CVs that have strayed too close to the front lines

-Give away the sub's position
-Doesn't really help the sub, unless it is submerged late game and has no idea
where to go with limited air

Best used when SS has engaged its first BB. This will allow the sub to get a clean kill,
but also allow it to scout for its team.

The whole purpose of pinging is to help improve scouting for BBs. Some may claim it
buffs subs, but I think it hurts them more than it helps them.

Future Suggestion if this gets popular: Dummy ping buoys

Just to clarify: the ping goes past normal sight range for submerged SS. Other ships
only detect the circle from a ping; giving other ships the ability to ping would result in
SS becoming obsolete.

  • Re : Allow Submarine Pinging

    04. 13. 2011 21:06

The system seems to be working fine how it is.

  • Re : Allow Submarine Pinging

    04. 13. 2011 19:31

Bad idea,

A high level Sonar Does a really good scouting with out the ping.
Bo ability shouldnt matter The Bo just gives extra weith.

  • Re : Allow Submarine Pinging

    04. 13. 2011 18:45

Please save all fighting for Great Battles, and keep further posts on topic ^-^

  • Re : Allow Submarine Pinging

    04. 13. 2011 15:35

"No I don't find the rest boring."


"Subs were a part of WW2 and shouldn't be nerfed to oblivion."

>implying that torpedo splash doing just as much damage is not overpowered
"I have a low level BB and I have played CV."

>implying that bb1 = high level bb gameplay

"Not boring except for BB abuse against CV."

You have obviously not played cvs past blitz or cv3 if you do not think that cvs are boring

"And what do subs have to do with making the game boring?"

>Typical sub gameplay

>Typical cv gameplay
1. Should I go north or south?
2. Should I scout or cover for dbs?
3. Should I load some bombers?
4. How many pilots should I load on each pilot?
5. Can I dodge the fighters well enough to bomb properly?
6. Can I even hit that tiny sevas with my bombers or should I go for a bigger target?
7. Can my fighters win against the enemy?

>Typical bb gameplay
1. Where should I send my scout?
2. Should I go north or south?
3. Should I aa that scout before he gets sight on me?
4. Should I sling?
5. When should I rush?
6. Do I have more range than my enemy or not?
7. Is my enemy armored? Should I switch to ap?
8. Is there a sub near me?
IF Y: Well gg
IF N: Okay well continue then Before that

"(I'm guessing) it was probably only BBs vs CVs."

>implying that aa and other support ships do not exist

"The point of SS is to make it more exciting. Instead of almost all BBs able to defend
from all other classes, they are forced to be vulnerable to something."

That's giving BBs a hard counter without a hard counter to fight back with
And don't say asw because that doesn't reward enough to allow anyone to play it properly

"What's wrong with subs. U just mad, bro?"

>Require zero skill
>Point and shoot
>Might as well be just playing CoD
>Oh wait subs are even easier than that die to only firing on a 2 dimensional plane

  • Re : Allow Submarine Pinging

    04. 13. 2011 12:04

Thank you for the clarification. I rec it now. I thought you meant that this would remove
normal sonar. This seems good except large ships shouldn't be able to hear the ping for
the same reason they can't have sonar.

No I don't find the rest boring. Subs were a part of WW2 and shouldn't be nerfed to
oblivion. I have a low level BB and I have played CV. Not boring except for BB abuse
against CV. And what do subs have to do with making the game boring? Before that
(I'm guessing) it was probably only BBs vs CVs. The point of SS is to make it more
exciting. Instead of almost all BBs able to defend from all other classes, they are forced
to be vulnerable to something. What's wrong with subs. U just mad, bro?

  • Re : Allow Submarine Pinging

    04. 13. 2011 12:00

Because it will detect a good distance past your submerged sight range. It's basically to
scout for BBs, and potentially other targets. The downside: it gives your position away.

  • Re : Allow Submarine Pinging

    04. 13. 2011 08:02

How is this different from the submerged view of the sub which also increases with sonar

When submerged, I can still detect enemy ships in range of my sonar without being detected
and my team sees them too... why would I want to Ping my position to them if that is the case?

  • Re : Allow Submarine Pinging

    04. 12. 2011 21:35

Pinging would be ok as long as the ship doing it is in range for a sub counter.

  • Re : Allow Submarine Pinging

    04. 12. 2011 21:14

To Koala:
Normal sonar range stays the same. As for the sonar ping... Ever played Black ops and
used the motion sensor? I imagine the circle would be something like that; a slowly
expanding circle that points out any baddies as it expands, until it gets too wide and
phases out (Wide-ness based on sonarman's ability). Any ships caught by the ping, and
outside your sonar vision, will have the fog of war shadow for 5 seconds. Any ship
within this range will detect only the portion of the ping that they can see.
I guess another way to think of it would be ripples in water...

In fact, just youtube a Black ops motion sensor video and watch the minimap in the top
left corner. That green circle is EXACTLY what I envision the ping looking like.

  • Re : Allow Submarine Pinging

    04. 12. 2011 19:43

"It is NOT well thought out though. It would nerf subs too much and would basically
make the game boring."

the fact that you use a sub in the first place is proof that you'd find the rest of the
content boring

subs are making the game boring atm
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