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  • Allow Submarine Pinging

    04. 11. 2011 09:17

Subs would now have the ability to ping. What it would do:
-send a ping out in a circle around the submarine (diameter of the circle is based on
sonarman's ability)
-any ship within this circle now has the fog of war shadow for 5 seconds.
-B.O.'s will be able to detect this ping based on how close they are to the sub and
the B.O.'s potential (i.e. The B.O. allows the ship to detect pings within a circle
around the ship. Better potential = bigger circle)

-Helps scout for the whole team, whenever used
-Can detect CVs that have strayed too close to the front lines

-Give away the sub's position
-Doesn't really help the sub, unless it is submerged late game and has no idea
where to go with limited air

Best used when SS has engaged its first BB. This will allow the sub to get a clean kill,
but also allow it to scout for its team.

The whole purpose of pinging is to help improve scouting for BBs. Some may claim it
buffs subs, but I think it hurts them more than it helps them.

Future Suggestion if this gets popular: Dummy ping buoys

Just to clarify: the ping goes past normal sight range for submerged SS. Other ships
only detect the circle from a ping; giving other ships the ability to ping would result in
SS becoming obsolete.

  • Re : Allow Submarine Pinging

    04. 12. 2011 17:59

It is NOT well thought out though. It would nerf subs too much and would basically
make the game boring.

Now Bo the Hobo, do subs get to keep the normal sonar range and pinging gives larger
range or what?

  • Re : Allow Submarine Pinging

    04. 12. 2011 16:18

I think this is a good idea well thought out

  • Re : Allow Submarine Pinging

    04. 11. 2011 15:52

Only if my sub can hear large engines because of the large amount of noises.

This is a great idea, almost worthy of a rec. Just needs balance.

  • Re : Allow Submarine Pinging

    04. 11. 2011 15:06

At least shoot me down... What's wrong with this idea? Let me be a little more specific:
The ping would start with the sub as the epicenter, then slowly expand to a certain
point, at which it would fade out.

Definition of pinging:
Active sonar creates a pulse of sound, often called a "ping", and then listens for
reflections (echo) of the pulse.
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