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  • BB players, its rough :(

    04. 28. 2011 14:49

So recently i started to play a BB and man, BB's are suffering.

You join a party before the BB slot fills and wait your 7-8 min for the match to start.
But then your host is AFK.

So you leave and join another one. If the host is alive your match starts and your flag

By now 30-40 min have gone by and your a bit upset. What more could go wrong?

Im sure you guys have horror stories like this too. But it really feels like when your
playing a BB, your not struggling to battle it out in the "vs" your just trying to get a
fair, even game. If the host starts it at all.

Well i never knew BB players. What a drag.

  • Re : BB players, its rough :(

    04. 29. 2011 08:12

I completely understand about how leeching is for the less-skilled players. The problem
is, and I'm being extremely blunt here, is that you need to have a room type that allows
"leechers" to get shared xp equal to or close to GB2, otherwise you won't be able to fill
the room. That is why BB ??-?? rooms and CA/BB rooms take so long to fill. The less
skilled players don't see a reason to go there, and since it takes 10+minutes to fill,
even very good players can get the random 1 shot from a bigger BB and then all that time
was essentially wasted. If you make a blitz/GB2 hybrid room with a lvl cap around just
before BB4 (doing some research before I make a suggestion) you can get some people out of
their lvl 75 PCA AA ships and into their proper lvl BB's. The main thing it will do is
bring IMHO a LOT more enjoyment to people playing CV2-3's and learning the importance of
scouting(lvl 65 T2's have at least a fighting chance against lvl 75 T3's).


  • Re : BB players, its rough :(

    04. 29. 2011 07:40


Simple answer: BB1-3 rooms. BB2s can now get damage, earn their own EXP and most
importantly. . . HAVE FUN DOING SO.

BB3-5s can also work, however SHARED EXP is what idiots stick to.

  • Re : BB players, its rough :(

    04. 29. 2011 07:15

BB1-3 gameplay is not leaching style

CV1-4 - same here, you can provide sight for your team even on T2s if you play properly

All you need is a little SKILL

  • Re : BB players, its rough :(

    04. 29. 2011 07:09

I'm really not a BB player, but I think part of the reason BB1-3 people don't play GB1,
BB, CA/BB .... etc. etc. etc. is the lower % of shared XP. You say that BB2's are
leeching in GB2's and for the most part that is correct, but what are the BB2's supposed
to do? I belive the only BB2 that has a chance to do real damage in a GB1 or 2
environment is the lyon. And since in normal/BB1-?? rooms are mostly attack = xp then
they get very little xp because of being outranged and outgunned by all the BB4-6's. I
think that if there were more BB/CA rooms the GB2's would be a LOT better off. The main
thing I don't understand is how there was an outcry for a post blitz/pre GB mode, and now
that there is one, nobody plays it. Just as a thought, would it be possible to remove
BB/CA and add a "line fight" or something to that effect, that would limit the max lvl of
any sailor on a ship to, lets say 75-80. It would give CV's a chance to learn scouting
without getting camped by lvl 120 T4's. I don't know if that was suggested, but I think
the game really needs it. Matter of fact, when I get home from work, I'm going to the
suggestion thread and posting something about this.


  • Re : BB players, its rough :(

    04. 29. 2011 06:48

BB Rooms > GBs.

However, people in this game are dumb, and prefer GBs.

My new take on the whole waiting game? Play 2-3 games in WoT until the game starts.

  • Re : BB players, its rough :(

    04. 28. 2011 21:07

What I cant understand is, why 20 - 40 BB players sit in GB2 rooms and wait for CVs
before someone starts or joins a BB1-5 room and have alot fun.

Some fleets show how easy it is to have great fights in this rooms.

  • Re : BB players, its rough :(

    04. 28. 2011 20:00

Yeah, you've got ethics.

  • Re : BB players, its rough :(

    04. 28. 2011 19:51

i practice my rebublican bashing while waiting for game start ( not that it actually
takes any practice )

  • Re : BB players, its rough :(

    04. 28. 2011 16:25

Its why I much prefer playing PCA or AA Ships. Quicker games.

  • Re : BB players, its rough :(

    04. 28. 2011 15:41

Apart from the fact that i'm a product of shared exp and blitzkrieg when it comes to BB
play,this is why i don't really bother playing BB...
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