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  • BB players, its rough :(

    04. 28. 2011 14:49

So recently i started to play a BB and man, BB's are suffering.

You join a party before the BB slot fills and wait your 7-8 min for the match to start.
But then your host is AFK.

So you leave and join another one. If the host is alive your match starts and your flag

By now 30-40 min have gone by and your a bit upset. What more could go wrong?

Im sure you guys have horror stories like this too. But it really feels like when your
playing a BB, your not struggling to battle it out in the "vs" your just trying to get a
fair, even game. If the host starts it at all.

Well i never knew BB players. What a drag.

  • Re : BB players, its rough :(

    04. 28. 2011 15:26

Yeah, I watch TV and do homework while waiting for a room to start.

Woot finals in two weeks... Only decent thing about that is sleeping in the library,
waking up and going back to studying. GB1>GB2 though. We actually managed to
play one of these today, it was shocking.

  • Re : BB players, its rough :(

    04. 28. 2011 15:21

They key to being able to play GB2s is having a secondary activity eg, watching TV, going
on youtube, NF forums or doing some work... whatever. Just don't sit in the room waiting.

  • Re : BB players, its rough :(

    04. 28. 2011 15:06

yeah i can't belive BB players have put up with this for so long, it really is a game
killer. If you can't get a match and it takes 20-30 min to get 1 game people will move on
and play a game that takes almost no time to start.

  • Re : BB players, its rough :(

    04. 28. 2011 15:03

Then you wait those 30-40 minutes and end up dying because a L2 one shots you...

Something wrong with that game dynamic it appears...

Unfortunately, the way to revive the game is no longer possible due to it being too dead.
You need more people active than we have to get DD Wars, CA/BB1, BB123, BB1-5 going than
we currently have...

Just enjoy your leeched XP, its all people expect these days anyway...

  • Re : BB players, its rough :(

    04. 28. 2011 14:54

waiting > playing

GB2 > GB1

  • Re : BB players, its rough :(

    04. 28. 2011 14:51


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