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  • Stop adjusting existing ships

    05. 17. 2011 11:13

In the test server, suggestions are being made to adjust the ships that have been in use
for years. Things that I have seen include making it so that all nations except the UK
can't carry as much armor, shortening ranges, speeds, damages and so on. I strongly
disagree. I think that if people have been playing for years to level their crew and they
do so based on the data at trainworld or in the shipyard section of this website to
suddenly change the ships and their L120 crews would be wrong. People have spent money,
time, and effort into planning and building their crews. To suddenly change it all
wouldn't be right, especially because the game mechanics does not allow sailors to change

So, for example, if you have a USN crew and you level up a bunch of reps to L120 to go AW
on a Nebraska, then suddenly you find that the armor is nerfed to the point where a BB3/4
in another nation with reps is better, you would be angry. Well that is where I am at
right now. The point isn't if you agree that you can AW a USN BB6. It could just as easily
be any ship or any other type of crew.

My suggestion is that once SDE puts a ship into play, its done. The ship is the ship and
you play the game with it. The test server should have been used to test MN and SN ships
before they ever saw the first day in the game. The USN, IJN, UK, and KM ships have been
around for a long time and its not fair to the people that worked to get them to suddenly
change them. "Balancing" as I'm quite sick of hearing, shouldn't meant that something
exisiting is changed. It should mean that something new is made to work in an existing
system. Fooling around with ships will make more people angry and leave then convincing
new ones to join.

I recc for this thread means that you like your ships the way they are (USN, IJN, UK, KM)
and you don't want them nerfed. Once ships are in play they are done.

  • Re : Stop adjusting existing ships

    05. 18. 2011 09:51

This suggestion shows a distinct lack of knowledge regarding the game, game balance,
past actions by ONF, and the actionable speed of SDE and the Devs.

  • Re : Stop adjusting existing ships

    05. 18. 2011 09:46

Oh the tangent this thread has gone off on into personal rants. Oh the comments that
could be made....

  • Re : Stop adjusting existing ships

    05. 18. 2011 08:44

AGREED ^^^^^ rec

  • Re : Stop adjusting existing ships

    05. 18. 2011 08:43

I agree with him on the fact that the ships should be ready to play before you ship
them to actual game and if there are people needed i can guarantee if u offer them
creds or some prem they would be on the test server that and i agree with
everything else the ships should have stayed the way they were and are b4 all of
the nerfs over the past 2 years since i started playing including things like nerfing SS
to the point where a ff1 can sink a sub in a matter of a min or less and splash
damage from a monty can nearly cripple one. Everyone blabing on about the super
ss4s with 900 sd are full of themselves i have a km ss4 with 2 reps and a engy just
to make it off my frnt line and only have 582 sd and no this isnt just a low lvl crw its
my super bved h44 supps 110-115. i mean think about it they wanted it to be like
real life where if u put a hole the size of a bowlingball in a sub it couldnt dive without
diving how about the same for a bb or cv what happens if u put a big hole from a
gun or bomb in the deck of a cv or into a gun in real life it cant shoot/launch planes
hmm what happens if u put a hole in the side of a ship from a torpedo it floods and
sinks or what happens if u hit a ammo magazene on a ship/sub/carrier THE THING

All im saying is if ur gonna nerf something to make it "even" make it the same for all
ships. it isnt fair that when im running in my ss4 i can put 20 torps into a monty and
not see a dip in its hp or any smoke from low sd yet i can jump in my monty h44 l1
europa or shokaku and take a ship to the bottom with 2 runs of bombers or 2

  • Re : Stop adjusting existing ships

    05. 18. 2011 08:00

Most players that plays for a long time knows that SDE never balance ships properly when
it's release due to the tight deadline. Even though they take a long time to balance ships
after the release, it's better late then never.

  • Re : Stop adjusting existing ships

    05. 18. 2011 05:54

No. Just No.

  • Re : Stop adjusting existing ships

    05. 18. 2011 00:22

Abuser, exploiter.

  • Re : Stop adjusting existing ships

    05. 17. 2011 22:31

ya dont think people raged when they found out their $500 ebve 120 medics costed

Or when bomber stat was removed from fighters leaving what would have been a brick
plane into worthless +10?

Point is, stuff happens and games change. this isnt the first time. Introducing new
material has as much of an effect as fixing stuff, in a sense that they can both make
certain aspects obsolete such as KM.

but really, what else are you gonna put on instead of those 4 reps?

  • Re : Stop adjusting existing ships

    05. 17. 2011 20:43

Lionel, i am sure there is a sound reason for you saying what you have, and i
understand that you may want SDE's efforts focused on creating Italy, support and
auxilery ships, more APAs, new subs, and other things, but SDE also needs to balance
the existing content to keep players from leaving. As it is there are enough people
leaving because of the player base of BB players that have been around from beta
constantly whining about SS being able to kill a BB without bulge, or a CV not scouting
when CV's usually dont even carry scouts, and generally ticking everyone off. SDE
needs its time to nerf down the BB and do other balance changes.

Sorry bout this, not gonna rec.

  • Re : Stop adjusting existing ships

    05. 17. 2011 15:49

even though i am totally pissed off at TNF/SDE right now because they are giving my
frenchies the so called "Le Nerf Aut Bombers", I belive that many (most) of the ships
need some retouching.

Look at the H44, currently, the SN BB5 (im not going to bother typing its strange name)
has more range and damage then the H44, of course, more damage is fine, because SN
was made to have good range and better damage than KM.
But KM was going to remain top dog in terms of range.
With SN put in, you would be better off vs a bb5 in a bb2 than in an H44.

My point is, i know the word balance is really annoying, (trust me, it hurts my brain to
think the word *ouch*) but we need it, or nf would die faster than with it.

(of course, i wouldn't mind MN T2 bombers with 11k per bomb >:D)
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