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  • Critical damage.

    03. 17. 2006 15:16

It would be nice to have damage would be a little more than wearing HP down to

What if you could get critical damage?
Having your FCS badly damaged, lowering your accuracy and sight-radius...
Having guns destroyed
Having binds of ammo destroyed, causing secondary explosions and severe hull-
damage? (HMS Hood anyone?)

Currently, the worst thing that happens to our ships on a critical hit is that we loose
vets. I wouldn't mind having guns knocked out (for the battle, not permanently) and
other systems on my ship destroyed.

Having destructable guns wouldn't need all that much new graphics added. Just a
destroyed-gun sprite and some smoke rising from it.

  • Re : Critical damage.

    10. 18. 2008 10:14

i think it would be great and it will have to be very rare i mean it will have to have
very rare gun explosion coz imagine in if few ship get critical hit + gun explosion +
bind explosion maaan that will be one grat lag

  • Re : Critical damage.

    10. 18. 2008 10:02

No thanks.

  • Re : Critical damage.

    10. 18. 2008 09:24

meh... there's alot of these... and certainly more recent...

  • Re : Critical damage.

    10. 18. 2008 07:47

It'd be a bad idea anyway. Too frustrating and unnecessary. I'd freaking hate it.


  • Re : Critical damage.

    10. 18. 2008 07:19

I agree with hiru, it's simply amazing =D

O, and i'd like to see some sort of implication of this, but I remember somewhere that due
to the game's engine etc.. etc.. that it's impossible to implement this?

  • Re : Critical damage.

    10. 18. 2008 06:14

Well, I'll be a cross-dressing monkey's uncle. Someone actually used the search feature. >_>


  • Re : Critical damage.

    10. 18. 2008 06:04

Recced, even if the thread is very old:)

  • Re : Critical damage.

    06. 02. 2006 00:11

sounds nice give it a try after everything else is fixed

  • Re : Critical damage.

    05. 31. 2006 12:28


You already have when you reach a certain DP, you start to slow.
Why not impliment where a critical hit does the above. It would make the game a whole lot
more interesting and bring new depth to it. Think about how more people will positivly
comment on it just for that little thing. (I was impressed with the slowing thing when I
first saw it.) Just my thoughts.

-Admiral Hunter. Heilos, Chariot

  • Re : Critical damage.

    05. 31. 2006 10:09

sounds good to me lets go
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