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  • Critical damage.

    03. 17. 2006 15:16

It would be nice to have damage would be a little more than wearing HP down to

What if you could get critical damage?
Having your FCS badly damaged, lowering your accuracy and sight-radius...
Having guns destroyed
Having binds of ammo destroyed, causing secondary explosions and severe hull-
damage? (HMS Hood anyone?)

Currently, the worst thing that happens to our ships on a critical hit is that we loose
vets. I wouldn't mind having guns knocked out (for the battle, not permanently) and
other systems on my ship destroyed.

Having destructable guns wouldn't need all that much new graphics added. Just a
destroyed-gun sprite and some smoke rising from it.

  • Re : Critical damage.

    05. 31. 2006 05:59

I like this idea. Was gonna submit a similar one myself but found this thread instead.

Implementing VISUAL damage to this game would be very difficult but a text
message describing the damage would not (Similar to sailors killed message).

Jammed rudder (Ship only turns in circles or V e r y slow turns)
Turret destroyed (1 turret stops firing)
Turret damaged (1 turret stops firing until repaired)
Magazine hit (Remeber the Hood!, extra damage, loss of 1 bind, and really big
Boiler damage (reduced speed, repairable)
Mutiny! (just kidding)

  • Re : Critical damage.

    04. 15. 2006 01:47


In a true 3D-game it would be very complicated to create a system like this if you'd
link it to collisions and physics.

In a 2D-game it would be really simple to add since you wouldn't require complicated

There are two ways I see this could be implemented.

A truly easy way with just a probability-list of things to happen when you get hit.

A more complex way with a probability-list where it varies depending on what area
of the ship gets hit. Since the current engine probably do not have a complicated
collision-system this would probably be quite hard to implement without reworking
most of the engine.

Well, for having guns destroyed all it really takes is to remove the gun (supported in
engine already since you can choose to have guns or not on a slot).
And if you like, add a little sprite of a crippled gun there instead.

I fail to see what would be so complicated and complex about it.

Having binds explode and cause extra damage wouldn't be so hard to implement
either. Just remove a bind from a gun and trigger an explosion-animation and
remove an ammount of DP from the ship.

Ok, I haven't seen the source of NF, but I know more or less exactly how I would
implement these systems in a game of my own. Can't be that much harder in their

  • Re : Critical damage.

    04. 15. 2006 00:42

the current game engine would not support this well if at all. i have seen the code
required to implement these systems and it is freakishly hard to do.

this is possibly one of the absolute hardest things you can try to implement in a
game, it is that hard.

  • Re : Critical damage.

    04. 15. 2006 00:13

Making an attempt at bumping this :)

  • Re : Critical damage.

    03. 17. 2006 15:23

Won't be worse than getting sunk by a TW or divebombers after surviving for half
the game without inflicting any attack :)

  • Re : Critical damage.

    03. 17. 2006 15:20

it would be a pain in the A** for it to happen to you in midgame but it would be
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