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  • HA practice missions

    10. 12. 2006 14:03

I thought there was something similar to this in here but I searched HA, harbor, and
misisons and didn't see it so here goes...

Since the devs are so fond of missions, I think would be good to have practice
harbor assault mission representing each harbor. For up to, lets say, 20 players.
This would let fleets practice HA tactics and give non-fleeted members a shot at the
assault mode. The harbors should be sufficiently fortified to present a challange
with a good mix of AA batteries, gun batteries, mines, and coastal guard ships.

In addtion to the four national harbors in game. I think the Pearl Harbor map could
be adapted for an HA practice mission. And of course, when thinking of amphibious
assaults, how can we not consider a D-Day mission to recreate the attack on

  • Re : HA practice missions

    01. 12. 2011 07:52

Recommended amd bumped

  • Re : HA practice missions

    11. 05. 2009 20:55


Good idea.

  • Re : HA practice missions

    11. 05. 2009 20:26

Well i was planning to write about HA pratice but i found this out related
to "missions" , so maybe better to just give additional idea in here rather duplicated
(before i start, apologies for my bad grammar and vocab usuage)
As all of us know, HA only happen 4 times a week and it is hard for a small fleet to
reach the Harbour tile and play - no offense - since i serve in my fleet there was 2
record that small fleets with only 5~10 "real" active members or unorganized
assault that cause them only take 1 tile or even nothing, making lots of people
never able to see how each Harbour tile looks like. (well, i only haven't see UK
harbour yet)

So, i got an idea that to allowcate everyone enjoy a "harbour tile Assault" drill with
either " mission mode " or "Great Battle" mode :

before starting this part, i also want to mention why i wrote this idea were because
usually those HA vessels (of course APA's) and also those HA crews
(airborne/marines) are basically no use at all and hard to level them.
SO i think.... why don't we make the "harbour Tile" map include to a new game mode
so called "Harbour Assault Drill" ( or something better, leave one if u got one!)
in Area 7 for everyone to play? ( include those individuals and TNF)

- game mode setting:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
As real HA does, Alpha team for attacking "fleet" / Bravo for Defensing "fleet",
player a randomly stacked to either Alpha team or Bravo team.

Alpha team to attack the Harbour stronghold with:
landing/Airlift force or by shelling it with naval guns and Dive bombing.
Bravo team have to hold the 3 stronghold in "their" harbour for :
15/30/45 minutes (well i don't really know how should this arrange,i'm not good in it)

Ship limitnation will be like selectable for hosts, like :
Great battle setting ( 7BB 3CV per side , all ship level)
Harbour Assault setting ( 35 player per side, max. 5 cv per side)
"blitzkeg" setting [note:i mean tartics,NOT levels....]
(limited both side up to BB/CV5 class,ship limit maybe just like GB ,7BB 3CV?)

map setting: not much to mention - 3 stronghold like usual, maybe need to make
some array to randomise the harbour tile map? since we got 4 different nation
to "look" for ;
and maybe include some mines (25~100?) also wise, then small ships got their job
as they supposed to be.

===Bonus mode=== [refer to GBII mode,make this a little more fun]===========
for Attacking team:
if sucessfully taken down the harbour with:
ONLY Landing/airlift force -75% bonus
Mix forces (Landing/airlift force + shelling) - 30% bonus
Shelling the harbour - 10% bonus

if sucessfully taken down the harbour[by any means] within:
(not accumulative with the above)
75% of the time given: 75%
50% of the time given: 50%
40% of the time given: 25%
25% of the time given: 10%
20% of the time given: 0%
[e.g. : this round given 30minutes, A team sucessfully take down HA within7.5
minutes = 75% bonus , take down harbour with shells =10% bonus,
total exp = assume it is 20000, 20000 + (20000X0.75) + (20000X0.1) =37000 exp]
For defending team:
If the defending team sucessfully defend the harbour with:
0% damage (100% Harbour DP left) - 80% bonus
10%damage ( 90% Harbour DP left) - 60% bonus
25%damage ( 75% Harbour DP left) - 50% bonus
50%damage - 25% bonus
55%damage - 10% bonus
60%damage - nothing.

If the defending team sucessfully terminate attacking team within:
(not accumulative with the above)
75% of the time given: 75%
50% of the time given: 50%
40% of the time given: 25%
25% of the time given: 10%
20% of the time given: 0%

By this, HA forces like APA's and the rest will no longer being useless as they also
can be used in this "HA drill" game mode ( and APA ships no longer a big target in GB
And oh, fleets or Squards or individuals can also pratice/enjoy the HA tile fun ._.V

PLEASE comment or give suggestions to improve this - i hope this become real.

  • Re : HA practice missions

    03. 12. 2009 13:05


it is very need now that HAs r back

  • Re : HA practice missions

    03. 12. 2009 12:42

100 recommendations, lets implement this guys!

  • Re : HA practice missions

    03. 12. 2009 10:54

u got the 100th recommend :)

  • Re : HA practice missions

    03. 12. 2009 10:36

hells ye, i'll recommend 2morrow, used mine up already

  • Re : HA practice missions

    03. 12. 2009 09:25


  • Re : HA practice missions

    03. 10. 2009 04:25


  • Re : HA practice missions

    03. 09. 2009 16:59

probably do need HA practice...

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