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  • Frequently Suggested Stuff - READ!

    12. 29. 2005 20:02

Customizable Ships (colors, visual sets) - Won't happen
Mix of Auto/Manual FCS (click to turn guidelines, keys for angles) - Won't happen
Random Torpedo Movement/Duds - Won't happen
Harbor Assault (aka Island Defense/Attack) - In the works, expected in ~2 month's time.
OpConvoy Fix - In the works, no ETA
Kamikaze Planes - Won't happen
Submarine/U-boats - Being worked on.

These are the ones I got definite answers on, for the rest:

General Rule: No new features at this point, bug fixing first!

Edit by babs:
Damagable sub-systems - teamNF anounced earlier this year that they liked it but
that it
was too hard given the architecture to implement.

Edit by TimmyC:
Made change to "Submarine/U-boats".

  • Re : Frequently Suggested Stuff - READ!

    01. 07. 2006 06:36

i cant wait for the harbour assault thatll be so gd

  • Re : Frequently Suggested Stuff - READ!

    01. 05. 2006 22:53

l231d you are right.. lol Kamikaze do exist sort of.. i shot down a couple JAP DB's
mid air
with payload and all exploded on the port side on my Cleveland.. mean while 2 other
planes fell in the ocean

  • Re : Frequently Suggested Stuff - READ!

    01. 05. 2006 13:40

i've read this suggested a couple of times but what about having the rooms say
closed when they are, not what the host named it.

  • Re : Frequently Suggested Stuff - READ!

    01. 05. 2006 12:24

while i dont like op con i think its a step in the right direction to making the game more
diverce and more fun
to ballance op con leave the rules like the are.. but for the first round only
if the whole other team leaves in round two.. they ovously didnt do it because they were
stacked as much as they saw that they wernt going to win.
so here is how it goes
round 1
rules apply more than 30% leave.. room void
roudn 2
both teams have had enough time to see if room is even.
so if a team does good team work and totally wins an even game they are still rewarded
even if at the last minute the entire other team leaves of hopelessness

  • Re : Frequently Suggested Stuff - READ!

    01. 05. 2006 00:27


-SPAWN KILLING PROBLEM- either a automatic death after staying in spawn area for
15 seconds. or a giant ocean brick wall that only the enemy can see. (the other one
is better)

-people can leave and come back in the game would be cool so it doesnt take long

-anyone can join

-you can have different game types like make it capture the box, keep attacking the
harbor, free for all, a vs b team(not ab), etc.

  • Re : Frequently Suggested Stuff - READ!

    01. 02. 2006 04:44

y no kamakzes it would help the japs and could be the special wepon and could be
used instead of scounts on a would cause a lot of fun but they wouldn't have

  • Re : Frequently Suggested Stuff - READ!

    01. 01. 2006 20:20

How about clan renaming? So if I want to join a fleet, but that fleet wants a different
name I don't have to disolve my squad and start again.

  • Re : Frequently Suggested Stuff - READ!

    01. 01. 2006 04:08

if you so badly need kamikaze then make sure your planes gets shot down over an enemy ship
so it crashes in it's deck!!!!

  • Re : Frequently Suggested Stuff - READ!

    12. 30. 2005 23:27

kamakazi... ... ... im going to have to agree with the devloper on this one
1. ppl would complain about not having enough planes
2. ppl would expend these planes very fast and retreat (which is what most air craft
carriers do when thier outof planes/ammo)
3. ppl would complain about replacment costs of the planes

if they were implememnted in the game, in all likely hood, they would work simaler
to dive bombres

customizble ships - ... just find some one that knows modify the game files for a
custom look, thats what the people who played savage did lol

random torpedo movment ... .... ... uhhhh this would simatanisly make avoiding them
easyer and harder, and incressing tk's

u boats/ subs ... ... would this be any diffrent from useing a tw? not really...
plauseable but you have to remember if they did thisthey would also have to do


dose damage casue a sub to surffice


dept charges

sooo i agree with yah nf team

  • Re : Frequently Suggested Stuff - READ!

    12. 30. 2005 15:30

perhaps it will appear tomorrow!!!^^

Just wait and look(maybe as a gift for new year^^)