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  • The NFcalc - easy to use, freeware software (Growth, Ability etc.)

    10. 20. 2008 09:59

The NFcalc (v.0.63) - easy to use, freeware software:

UPGRADE: v.0.64 (increased the accuracy of the calculations for boost, Fixed Reports

- Calculate base and ability based the on Growth
- Ability calculated on the basis of the sailor's base
- Compares the different paths of crew classes
- Takes into account the boost on both NFNA and NFEU
- Calculate the amount of crew
- Calculate the weight of crew
- Prepare a comparative report that you can print or save to file


Program NFcalc:
- oblicza baze oraz ability na podstawie aktualnej wartosci Growth
- oblicza ability na podstawie zadeklarowanej bazy
- porownuje rozne warianty sciezki wzrostu zalogi
- uwzglednia boost dla serwera Arizona i Europa
- oblicza ilosc zalogi
- oblicza wage zalogi
- przygotowuje raport porownawczy ktory mo퓆a wydrukowac lub zapisac w pliku


  • Re : The NFcalc - easy to use, freeware software (Growth, Ability etc.)

    11. 17. 2008 09:28

With all due respect, we have plenty of useful base calculators... I don't think we need
any more. If you guys want to use one, just use the search function and you'll find
several available.



  • Re : The NFcalc - easy to use, freeware software (Growth, Ability etc.)

    11. 17. 2008 00:25

@ grzeg great program.

Can you perhaps add the sailor quantity of the sonarman & planesman?

  • Re : The NFcalc - easy to use, freeware software (Growth, Ability etc.)

    11. 08. 2008 08:29

this ainght so hot

  • Re : The NFcalc - easy to use, freeware software (Growth, Ability etc.)

    11. 08. 2008 06:02


  • Re : The NFcalc - easy to use, freeware software (Growth, Ability etc.)

    11. 04. 2008 07:47

Thanks a lot for the feedback from everybody.
Due to this feedback, I decided to manually verify the results for US Ace Dive Bomber
lvl 81 boosted (thanks Kubbu). The main stats (Aircraft and Bomber) are calculated
correctly. People get worried by Fighter stat, where 8 is shown instead of 9. The
problem I believe lies in the NF code, what can be noted in the manual calculation of
Growth: the 4 should be a 5.

Therefore I shall leave this as is.

@DInfiltrator - thanks for the feedback, you will note that the calculation is
base = ROUND(3 / 1.2+0.001) - (-7)
Thus this error is not being committed.

The new version (0.65)
now records your window location and selected language. More features are in the
works. Brdg.

  • Re : The NFcalc - easy to use, freeware software (Growth, Ability etc.)

    11. 03. 2008 09:47

Great program, I was working on one of these myself, glad that I don't have to finish
it anymore if I do find any calculation issues I'll let you know

  • Re : The NFcalc - easy to use, freeware software (Growth, Ability etc.)

    10. 25. 2008 04:28

I hate to be the only one negative voice here, but I found a problem. :P

When it's set to calculate boosted sailors, it's giving a base value of one too low. I
suspect that you've done something along the lines of

base = int(current / boostLevel) - levelAdd;

which will, in the part where current is divided by the boost amount (1.2 for our servers)
give a value that's too low, when it should be rounded. For example, my gunner, who I know
has ten base in all abilities, as he's a starter, has 3 Ability in fighter. However, your
program shows him as having nine.

base = int(3 / 1.2) - (-7);

so, what's happening is, step by step:

3 / 1.2 = 2.5
int(3 / 1.2) = 2
int(3/ 1.2) - (-7) = 9

which is the incorrect result.

You should be using a formula more along the lines of:

base = int(current / boostLevel + 0.5) - levelAdd;

which will round the result, giving the correct base.

Other than that, it's an awesome program.

Also, as somebody else suggested, it'd be nice to get the true abilities of the sailors.

And if you want any help with it, and provided you've coded it in C/C++, I can help you
out. If you've done it in VB, which I suspect, I may still be able to help you, once I get
the hang of VB again. :P

  • Re : The NFcalc - easy to use, freeware software (Growth, Ability etc.)

    10. 25. 2008 00:15

Thanks it works!

  • Re : The NFcalc - easy to use, freeware software (Growth, Ability etc.)

    10. 24. 2008 16:50

great program easy to use, ty

  • Re : The NFcalc - easy to use, freeware software (Growth, Ability etc.)

    10. 24. 2008 15:29

wielkie dzieki Grzeg za czas i wysilek wlozony w stworzeniu tego super przydatego
programu. :)
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