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  • The NFcalc - easy to use, freeware software (Growth, Ability etc.)

    10. 20. 2008 09:59

The NFcalc (v.0.63) - easy to use, freeware software:

UPGRADE: v.0.64 (increased the accuracy of the calculations for boost, Fixed Reports

- Calculate base and ability based the on Growth
- Ability calculated on the basis of the sailor's base
- Compares the different paths of crew classes
- Takes into account the boost on both NFNA and NFEU
- Calculate the amount of crew
- Calculate the weight of crew
- Prepare a comparative report that you can print or save to file


Program NFcalc:
- oblicza baze oraz ability na podstawie aktualnej wartosci Growth
- oblicza ability na podstawie zadeklarowanej bazy
- porownuje rozne warianty sciezki wzrostu zalogi
- uwzglednia boost dla serwera Arizona i Europa
- oblicza ilosc zalogi
- oblicza wage zalogi
- przygotowuje raport porownawczy ktory mo퓆a wydrukowac lub zapisac w pliku


  • Re : The NFcalc - easy to use, freeware software (Growth, Ability etc.)

    10. 20. 2008 10:39

nice program realy useful to finding bases recomended

  • Re : The NFcalc - easy to use, freeware software (Growth, Ability etc.)

    10. 20. 2008 10:16

looks good enough, wonder if it works...

EDIT: Pretty cool how it get the ability also... Nice work


Haven't found any calculation errors yet...

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