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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • IJN Fighter Pilots

    05. 30. 2010 13:34

I have a Level 64 CV BO (Ryujo) I used to use 2 FP 2 DB Machine gunner and Seaman.
Also 2 gunners in R slots along with cannons.

Later on (as i got a bit wiser) i decided to raise a medic (14 base) and additional 2
(Creating a Sub and BB crew in the process. Also the gunners from the CV found a good use.

Now my setup looks like this

4 FP 2 DB Medic and Seaman in R slots.
Now im in a sort of bind. I could use:
T2 fighters with my older pilots and ditch locals/T1 but will only be able to use 2 FPs
since the 2 new ones are way below the required level (both at 43)
Or take locals so i can use all pilots to intercept enemy planes.

And of course T1 that WILL get blasted out of the sky by just about anything but can be
used to scout and kill some slower bombers and scouts (and i can take twice as many
compared to locals).

  • Re : IJN Fighter Pilots

    06. 21. 2010 03:54

With dragging, locals of any lvl are just FOOD, you will run out of fuel before me and
don't kill my wave of fts, and mines will still be scouting you when yours dive in the
water. So you'd better scout with regular FTs. Using locals till lvl 100 is just a joke,
pure trolling, fail.

  • Re : IJN Fighter Pilots

    06. 20. 2010 20:42

"I noticed that unless your FP are 100+ with seaman support, just use locals. For a number
of reasons"

Nice trolling

  • Re : IJN Fighter Pilots

    06. 20. 2010 20:27

I agree -- Locals prevent you from scouting with your fighters which is the #1 role of
a CV. On the smaller CVs you can't really carry much firepower except for scouts
when flying locals and I find the scouts are constantly getting knocked out of the sky.

Locals are fun, no doubt about that, but I still prefer the Zero. If I am running a
night against all higher CV's, then I sometimes convert to locals.

  • Re : IJN Fighter Pilots

    06. 18. 2010 09:56

"I noticed that unless your FP are 100+ with seaman support, just use locals. For a number
of reasons"
Sorry, but i have to strongly disagree...lvl 80+ with 100 vets boosted is more than enouh
to start using T3...locals is just fail due to lack of fuel...mine fighters are 75-85 ish
most with 100 vets and they do realy well on games...especialy with micromaneging, like
using number advantage and make enemy fighters chase you, can pretty must stand a good
fight...i actualy loose more locals due to shortage of fuel than T3 to other fighters...

  • Re : IJN Fighter Pilots

    06. 17. 2010 11:27

Another note, you dont have to.

I noticed that unless your FP are 100+ with seaman support, just use locals. For a number
of reasons

1. You can compete with any FP (You might still lose) But none the less much more
effective then a t2 or low lvl pilot
2. You will lose less crew and officers. In my t2 or even t3 i will lose so many crew, yes
a medic helps but in locals, you almost never lose crew.
3. And to counter there range simply add a scout. So many CV players take this lightly. A
scout gives so much sight and can stay there a long time while your FP are fighting off
other targets.

Note: You mention you were lvling guners and seaman. On a CV just my opinion ever slot
including gun slots should have Pilots in them. The exp is great and you can give your
seaman and AA guners more exp on other ships. Plus you have a lot of choices later when
your have 8-9 pilots to choice from.

  • Re : IJN Fighter Pilots

    06. 14. 2010 04:47

level your fighter

  • Re : IJN Fighter Pilots

    05. 30. 2010 15:39

Just keep grinding away, 0-60 isnt hard...just slightly boring.

  • Re : IJN Fighter Pilots

    05. 30. 2010 14:52

Well maybe i glorified my Mogami a bit. I leveled them alond with a BB crew as such my BB
crew is level +- 40 (along with the pilots) with the exeption of the gunners (that leveled
for some time on my CV. I call it a BB crew because it WILL be in a BB... some day.

  • Re : IJN Fighter Pilots

    05. 30. 2010 14:30

Why not level your low level fighters on a BB?

Personally, I'd suggest 6 FPs, as it'll give you the easiest micromanagement when

As for the MG gunner, put him in storage, as he wont do anything untill SDE fixes the
AAW ablity.
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