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  • EBB Resolution Gun setups/Guide

    08. 16. 2010 08:21

Alright, lets start this off with a quick intro...this will be a guide for the newest
Royal Navy Battleship, the Resolution. As many know, the Resolution is a Event Battleship,
so the only way at this time to get it, is to win it through events. (Such as the
successful summer event of 2010)

The Resolution itself is more or less just a remodel of the Revenge, with its DP and
support slots buffed slightly.

The ship itself, while certainly not overpowered, and even considered one of the weakest
of the EBBs is a useful addition to many crews. While it may not be the leveling machine
that the RN PBB is, it can be used for leveling sailors effectively. It also will be
useful in helping players to grind through the Renown/Repulse.

The Resolution is a LVL 61 ship, and has 2 R slots, 2 T slots 1 BO slot (which Any sailor
can use as long as they are above 61) and has 7 support slots.

If you would like to see the Resolution compared to the other EBBs, I highly suggest
checking out this thread by Dampre

Anyways, enough with the introductions, lets jump into some set ups for this ship.

\\\\The General Setup////

1- Engine - BB engine 1 is the only option, unless you want to go slow.
2- FCS - Either the BB Aiming or Auto (if you must) but it is highly suggested you use Aiming
3-Scouts- This ship can fit 3 to 5 UK scouts, so use em!!!
4- Armour- I'm personally a fan of ships set up for speed, and only put 0.3 Deck/Belt and
enough bulge till I lose a knot of speed.

5- T slots- Unfortunately from what I seen, the T slots aren't very useful for AA work,
and I would suggest using them to level up your extra supports or you may be able to use
HHs on them if you like. You can place 4 binds of HHs on here.

PomPoms are also an option here if you have the AA gunners to use them. While limited in
use, they may prove useful. (Thanks to Ferrard for the reminder here)


Ok, for this ship, there really is only 3 options for guns.

1- LV 62 Dual 15"/42 Cal Mark 3

Now this is what everyone was excited about. These guns offer the highest range possible
for this ship, high damage and a decent amount of ammo. ( up to 6 binds) My ship moved at
23/38 with this setup, so speed is sacrificed.

2- LV 58 Dual 12"/45 Mark X

These are the EBB Dreadnought guns. Relatively fast firing, but do low damage. They
offer the second best range of the available gunsets and near endless amounts of ammo. (22
binds!!!) I was able to get a speed of 27/44, making this the most speedy setup.

3- LV 75 Dual 14"/45 Mark 2

Here we have the KGV/POW secondary guns, designed to fit on the small front R slot. They
however work great on the resolution as a possible setup. These guns do blockshot and off
decent damage. 4 of these turrets can equal the potential firepower that a pow can muster.
(2 gun pow). 3 binds were available here, and it moved at 24/39. Their range was slightly
less then that of the Dreadnought guns.

4- LvL 79 Quad 14"/45 Mark 3 D

This looks to be a fun setup. These guns blockshot for massive damage. Four of these
turrets will almost generate double the firepower of a POW. However the cost is speed and
range. A ship carrying 4 of these will be the slowest (22/36) and lowest range of the
setups outlined here. This probably will only be a novelty setup.

Range - 1>2>>3>>>4

In the end I suggest trying each setup. I've yet to develop a favourite, but am leaning
towards the number 1 option, simply for its massive range.

The Resolution plays very similar to most BB1s, you need to stay back with the main BBs
and shoot at smaller ships which rush. You also need to pay close attention to the enemy
and when they are blind or distracted by your allies, rush in and land a few salvos before
rushing back out.

If someone has anything further to add, please do post and I'll update this with credit.
If anyone has a armoured setup which works, please post it, as I don't at this time have
the credits to try out an armoured set up.

This data was compiled using a lvl 89 ish crew.

Goodluck and enjoy the Resolution!

  • Re : EBB Resolution Gun setups/Guide

    08. 16. 2010 08:41

What about the level 58 dual 15"/42 cal Mark II Revenge guns?
1 2 3