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  • Shell Dodging (BB)

    02. 09. 2009 08:42

I will now attempt to break down something that's very difficult to describe. I've used
MS Paint to help.

Note: I'm not saying you have to agree with this style of dodging. It's just something
that works for me.

Before I begin, I want to mention that luck is always a big factor in dodging. This is
just something that INCREASES your chance of survival.


By reading this guide you understand that Fromage is not responsible for misuse of this
information leading to death, serious damage, crew loss, or other problems.

I will note that this technique works both as an effective "hit and run" style, AND it's
useful for retreating from the battlefront so you can lick your wounds in peace.

For all practical purposes, let's assume the enemy ship has turrets with a true reload
time of 10.00 seconds.


As with all steps, timing is important. Begin this step IMMEDIATELY after the enemy shoots.


You should be closER to your opponent, but you don't want to be unreasonably close. I
would say anywhere from 5-10 degrees of max range is about right.


If you did step one and two right and you had the proper aim, your shells should land on
the enemy ship. It's very important that you're already headed in the opposite direction
by the time the enemy fires.


This is the most important step because timing is extremely important here. This is the
"make-or-break" step. If you turn tail and run after step three and you don't swing your
rear end out of the line of fire, you're probably going to take a big hit. Don't make
that mistake.



The picture says it all...

This method may or may not work for you, but it works for me.



Upon reviewing comments, I have decided to take into account a specific scenario and
elaborate on some other points in the reply.

"I dont get this, lets say the enemy is nasty naggy (nagato) and I'm in NC. I did exactly
1-3 step, but at 4th step, I either can't turn fast enough due to crap turn rate or the
shell mysteriously managed to hit me even if i swing my butt. (fired at 45 degree)

and what if the enemy outranges you and your teams CV are failing and there are
no friendly BB thats bigger than you?"

>>>>Firstly, the Nagato has a wide spread as it is. Chances are, you'll catch a stray or
four no matter what you do. As far as this guide goes, you would ideally be in a ship
with more range (or similar range) than the Nagato, and/or you'll have a some decent
engineers. However, please be aware of your turning speed prior to battle; the worse your
turning speed is, the more precise your timing must be. With crappy turning speed, your
timing can be a *fraction* off and you'll still catch the whole salvo.

Secondly, you have to remember that there are a lot of other variables that go into this.
You might dodge a perfect aim perfectly. But let's say your opponent accidentally
over-aims. Now you're going to slam right into his shells. Let's use these rules of thumb:

-When you have more range than your opponent, the idea is to hit them and then escape
their range before they can retaliate. You should be BARELY dipping into your own maximum
range. This way, you're already posed perfectly for a safe escape.

-When you have the same or similar range to your opponent, timing is crucial. This is
where you'll make the most errors and receive the most damage. You want to make them
shoot, THEN do those four steps quickly to hammer them and escape. The good news is, you
if you maintain your position at the CORRECT range, you will know for sure they can't
overshoot, i.e. if you're at maximum range, so are they. This makes hasty retreats a breeze.

-When you have less range than your opponent, it's just plain tricky. As we've read,
trying to dip into your range to hit them and retreat will still keep you in their range.
Therefore, you either have to pursue them with conviction, or just stay away. Doing hit
and runs on ships with bigger range will kill you in every instance where they can aim
halfway decently. The solution is to get in range, hit them, do a dodge technique to
possibly avoid their shells, and then keep rushing and repeating. You can safely have
faith that most high level BB players don't know their angles when it comes to <80% range,
so use that to your advantage. This scenario is obviously the most difficult one, since
you're completely outmatched most of the time. Have faith and stay committed though, and
you can actually pull it off.

And lastly, there is quite a bit of luck in this game. Sometimes, you'll do it all right
and get blown to the bottom of the ocean before you can open your mouth. Other times,
you'll mess every single step up and somehow come out on top in the end. This is what
keeps NF from being boring, because really, you never know.

  • Re : Shell Dodging (BB)

    02. 15. 2009 04:32

nice one..i probably fail

  • Re : Shell Dodging (BB)

    02. 15. 2009 00:56

If u bump 100 times u will get that sticky u so obviously want.

  • Re : Shell Dodging (BB)

    02. 14. 2009 08:17


  • Re : Battleship Dodging Technique

    02. 11. 2009 13:32

Lol thanks.

  • Re : Battleship Dodging Technique

    02. 11. 2009 13:31

you have my recommend!!! ^^

  • Re : Battleship Dodging Technique

    02. 11. 2009 11:58


  • Re : Battleship Dodging Technique

    02. 11. 2009 11:30

Only two seconds? Isn't that normal? -.- Today I tried playing first time in a couple of
days; six seconds delay <.< Needless to say I quite quickly gave up and quit again. But
yes, with delay and lag, there isn't much point in trying to dodge this way, as you can't
time a single turn at the times of day, where delay and lag is basically rendering the
server useless.

  • Re : Battleship Dodging Technique

    02. 11. 2009 11:16

no thankies? :C

at least you are using it now though ;)


btw my favorite dodging method is F for fictory; same method as yours, except i go further
in range, rather than trying to escape it :/

most of the time i lag too much to be able to turn well (turning lag is live 2 secs =_=)

  • Re : Battleship Dodging Technique

    02. 11. 2009 10:44

Time to own the first page... Bump!

  • Re : Battleship Dodging Technique

    02. 10. 2009 20:13

Thanks, Aero.

"Its great, so long as ur messing with a BB in the same tier as u >_> trying to take on a
BB5 using a BB2 will fail regardless of what kind of hit + run tactics u try to
use...unless of course that BB5 is too busy with another ship which in that case u dun
really need this strategy."

>>>> Wrong. The purpose of this guide is to help inform players how to dodge. You make
the assumption that range > aim. Well, any player using a BB5 probably knows how to aim.
They will be aiming where your ship IS, not where you WILL BE. So regardless of what
ship you're fighting, you can dodge their shells using this method.
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