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  • Solution to Border Humped Planes.

    05. 31. 2011 16:51

There has been a large discussion over what the best way of limiting the effect of border
humped planes is.

There are a number of options open to us, but I will present the most effective way of
dealing with it, followed by the other suggestions and why they are not as effective.


The solution is for some programming to be added to the game whereby if a plane approaches
the border and passes a certain line, they automatically fire/lose their ammunition.
Whether this is a TBer or DBer, ground level or max altitude, the plane should lose any
ammunition it has left. This area should encompass ALL the areas whereby a plane can
become invisible so that only it's shadow is visible.

OTHER Ideas.

Automatic AAW on the Borders.

This method would also work but it has 2 large potential flaws. Firstly, the AAW required
to down a TBer is immense, whether or not it is possible to ramp up the AAW effect is not
known and whether it can be made to work effectively at high alititude is also not known.
The second problem is that this could be abused to increase BWing. By dropping the bomb
and then flying to the border, the planes would die automatically which would make the
pilot free again. This could easily by abused to make BWing a far quicker affair because
it isn't like a CV56 is short of plane space.

CV losing DP while bombers are on Border.

This idea doesn't really appeal to me because it still allows the CV to deal the damage
through the BWing. I think proactively affecting the planes is better than reactively
affecting the CVs.

Planes lose fuel when going over Border.

This could be open to abuse as the AAW idea is.

I believe that the "dropping bomb" idea is the best way to deal with this problem. For
those of you who raise the question of how Scouts and Fighters are affected, my idea is
that neither will be affected by this change.

Please feel free to add other suggestions if you wish but I think this offers the best
solution to the problem.

ACCORDINGLY PUNSIHED" when they do it would be a nice little bonus as well.

  • Re : Solution to Border Humped Planes.

    05. 31. 2011 17:21

Don't worry Starluck, although I appreciate the offer I like to cause my own Chaos and
sort things on my own :)

  • Re : Solution to Border Humped Planes.

    05. 31. 2011 17:20

The AAW idea was nice, but as you say it can be exploited to Bomb faster and I think it
may also be difficult to code on maps that have no border (AAW has to come from
somewhere and if its coded to come from the sea then no planes would be able to fly
on the map).

I'm in favor of the solution to drop ammo, it looks simple and it's effective.

  • Re : Solution to Border Humped Planes.

    05. 31. 2011 17:05

Without a Doubt, if players that are not in favor of border humping planes including
myself were to create a macro that says,

" Im bording humping planes along the north and its totally legal " will incite the
public at large to force quicker action on part of SDE to resolve this issue. My
approach to pushing SDE's buttons are effective and have been effective. I will put
this to the test this evening, though I never border hump in my CV.

I will border hump and create the macro to incite the public to force action. Do you
think that would help Splid? It certianly helps when I hump a helpless ship for air
while in my sub.

Most likely players will allege that im harrasing them by telling them what the rules
are at the same time Im making this cowardly tactic vulnerable both in game and out
of game.

Its hard to call a sub with 80k plus damage deep in enemey teritory humping a
helpless ship for air as cowardly.
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