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  • Remove Convoy OP ASAP

    10. 24. 2005 05:06

I have just been over for two games on Convoy Op. Both games were stacked, I.e, one team with two 70+ Z99, or a team stacked with vet players who camped in the others area.

This game is being blatently misused by people and the honest people playing in area 7 are suffering. Why the hell do I play an all welcome, a game that is far harder than Con Op to survive in, and get less EXP?

Team NF, either remove the game or somehow sort out the misuse.



  • Re : Remove Convoy OP ASAP

    10. 25. 2005 19:20

no need to remove op convoys... remove the host that stack, simple and easy :P ;)

  • Re : Remove Convoy OP ASAP

    10. 25. 2005 17:43

Well every time I have played so far it has been more of a chess game in the fact that we are fighting for the center tooth and nail, but I have played games where the opposing team has retreated as well

  • Re : Remove Convoy OP ASAP

    10. 25. 2005 16:11

I seldom play the Convoy OP, but seriously what can you earned from winning the game? Massive EXP points? Large amount of credits(by the Ks)?

  • Re : Remove Convoy OP ASAP

    10. 25. 2005 15:37

I enjoy OP convoy, it is an interesting diversion from the normal game and alot of fun. My one and only problem with Op convoy is that the losing team always retreats.

I have played a fair amount of op convoy and with a good host you don't have stacking, but you play the first of 3 15 minute rounds and win then at the start of the second round the losing tem starts retreating and I end up playing 25 or 30 minutes to get virtually no experience because the losing team retreated.

This has spawned other "illegal" practices (close to AB games) where two players will make an agreement to play on opposite teams and the winner will pay the loser not to retreat.

In response to boomban6 comments, you cant limit where ships can go, what about the ability to chase down the boat with the box ? If you can't enter their territory as soon as they get the box the chase is over.

What you need is a spawn safety time where you will take no dammage (and can inflict none) for a short period of time after spawning, allowing you to move away from the spawn sitting ships. (this would soon eliminate the practice of spawn sitting.)
Spawn sitting is now done in alot of cases simply to prevent ships on the losing team from retreating, which goes back to problem #1.

  • Re : Remove Convoy OP ASAP

    10. 25. 2005 15:33

good idea scotty80 sometimes i play a 45 minute game and get 500exp and i could get four times the amount!!!!

  • Re : Remove Convoy OP ASAP

    10. 25. 2005 15:30

Well, I think NF should fix the stacking part, but they shouldn't completely remove Op. Convoy from the game.

  • Re : Remove Convoy OP ASAP

    10. 25. 2005 15:27

I dont believe that Op Convoy should be removed, but the rules or map restrictions need to prevent such inbalances from occurring.

I propose that opposing teams cannot enter each other's spawning territory, or even the opposing teams side of the map.

It should be much more of a chess game than a spawn camp game, meaning taking control of the center is what should determine victory.


  • Re : Remove Convoy OP ASAP

    10. 25. 2005 04:50

And the proliferation of "WAAAAHHH I have no money, it's so hard to get!" posts :D

  • Re : Remove Convoy OP ASAP

    10. 24. 2005 23:51

Probably accounts for the explosion in gold bars...

  • Re : Remove Convoy OP ASAP

    10. 24. 2005 23:40

"babs, it's reassuring that this is on the list of 10,000 issues that Team NF are "looking into", but you know what would be more re-assuring? If they actually published that list as issue tickets, much as professional MMOG games developers and in fact any sort of tech support do, with indications of priority and estimated times to fix.

It seems that we're drowning in lists of things that are being "looked into". In my opinion, this is one the most major issue. What assurance do I have that it's being given the priority that it deserves?"

This is by far the one thing that concerns me the most about this game. I could not agree more.
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