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  • How do Seaman work?

    09. 22. 2009 18:13

Hey all,
Was wondering exactly how Seaman crew affect the stats of the rest of you crew?
I had a look through the guides but I wasnt able to find an in depth expanation of
exatly how they work


  • Re : How do Seaman work?

    09. 25. 2009 16:19

if you took the time to read what hiru was saying you would understand

On the T slot

2 engi do stack but only there restore repair rate is effective but they dont provide u
with eng ability so no max speed no added OH time

They same could be said for seaman they could only provide restore and repair and
nothing else or at least no engi ability

The only way to determine what they do is have admin tell us wich there response
has been for YEARS yes they work! lol

  • Re : How do Seaman work?

    09. 24. 2009 13:04

Don't know. Haven't played in 2 months and not looking to do so anytime soon. Gunners are
ACC, 11 base reload, boosted and were not at cap 2 months ago.

  • Re : How do Seaman work?

    09. 24. 2009 12:15

For the sake of my general uninformedness, what abilities are capped and not

  • Re : How do Seaman work?

    09. 24. 2009 11:46

Your over 100+ and not reload capped?

Was this before todays patch?

  • Re : How do Seaman work?

    09. 24. 2009 11:29

I have 5 engineers and 4 repairers. The only thing I needed was the reload cap. After
calculating how long it would take to reach by leveling the gunners, I used a seaman.

When I had seaman on US line and after I sold it and leveled +12 repairer, I have to say
they are useless for any nation except UK (due to the extra support slot and negligible
extra ability from 5th or 6th sailor of same kind.

I cannot detect any effect in repair or OH time and honestly I did not loook for it for
the reason I do not need it and if there is some it is extremely small and impossible to see.

  • Re : How do Seaman work?

    09. 24. 2009 08:54


I was referring to uncapped abilities. Sure it will still improve, but not by a huge
amount. You would be far better off putting a repairer or engineer in that slot.

Uncapped abilities such as the bomber stat.

  • Re : How do Seaman work?

    09. 24. 2009 07:27

They sound useful :)

  • Re : How do Seaman work?

    09. 24. 2009 03:33

I am the one that needs to conduct tests? Uh, buddy. It is your shoulders that bear the
burden of proof here. After all, you are the one that purported to have conducted tests.

As for that water you mentioned, I hope you aren't referring to the mirages created by
those heatwaves in the distance. You'd have to be a fool to try to drink from such a pond. : /

My point? You never adequately explained how you came to the conclusion that the special
effect of Seaman stack. That a superior Seaman boosts the Soft Defense of an inferior
Seaman is only indicative of a Seaman affecting another Seaman. Nothing more. Delude
yourself with double talk all you wish. In supporting your argument you continue to fail


  • Re : How do Seaman work?

    09. 24. 2009 02:33

@hiru - Take it for what you will. I've made my arguements... I'll take you to the
water, but you don't have to drink. Show me tests that contradict anything I've said.

@speedy - Yes, it works for OH time and even OH speed, but for speed, it won't
show in the shipyard, only in battle, and even then, the engies have to be very close
to getting that extra knot anyways. For repair, It'll work, but an engineer will do
nearly as good or even better pending repair base.

  • Re : How do Seaman work?

    09. 24. 2009 01:13

why are we measuring seaman effectivness by SD? ..... it still doesnt show anything in
relation to if it does infact stack on overheat or repair ability -.-
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