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  • How do Seaman work?

    09. 22. 2009 18:13

Hey all,
Was wondering exactly how Seaman crew affect the stats of the rest of you crew?
I had a look through the guides but I wasnt able to find an in depth expanation of
exatly how they work


  • Re : How do Seaman work?

    09. 24. 2009 01:04

Yeah, that's all nice and dandy but you seem to have forgotten one thing. Where is your
clever little argument as to how you surmised that Seaman do indeed stack? All I see you
doing is arguing a point I never contradicted; that Seaman do indeed work. In fact, did I
not state explicitly that Seaman do work? Even if I pointed out that there worth overall
is nothing compared to the Support sailor they usually replace.

Now, where is your proof that Seaman stack? That is the point I am arguing against. Please
stay focused.


  • Re : How do Seaman work?

    09. 24. 2009 00:25

Yes, I have done tests, and I have posted information (with pics) here on the
forums. I am not going to spoonfeed you any links, so heed your advice and search.
While you are at it, I suggest you take your foot out of your mouth.

To put it simply, the 2 seaman that I have tested, take restore value of either
seaman... Calculate his true ability and multiply that by ~14.5 to show how much SD
he will add in accordance with adalberts guide on ability. Note that a seaman will
add a fixed amount of SD whether he is added to an FF or BB6, so there lies hints
that abilities that stack linear (SD/Repair) are fixed by the seaman and not
necessarily "boosting" sailors abilities, however given that Seaman A and Seaman B
add SD proportionate to the true ability of the respective restore stat, one can state
with a fair amount of certanty that a seaman will boost any given sailors uncapped
ability (acc/rld for gunners, engine for engies, potential for planesman/sonar etc.) by
the true ability the seaman adds of that particular stat.

This is why seamen are much more viable options for CV's as a pilot's effectiveness
is largely dependent on fighter/bomber stats.

  • Re : How do Seaman work?

    09. 23. 2009 23:52

Laughable? Because you have actually performed tests and have hard evidence to back up
your argument? Besides equally laughable examples that still demonstrate nothing? Hmm?

The fact that a better Seaman boosts an inferior Seaman is not evidence of a stacking of
ability. You fool. It is evidence that a Seaman can indeed boost another Seaman. You fool. :/


  • Re : How do Seaman work?

    09. 23. 2009 23:42

"You fool. SD is a completely irrelevant stat when it comes to measuring the
effectiveness of other abilities. Just look at Engineers. They have no ability penalties
toward their contribution of Soft Defense, however, a worse engineer will bring
down a better Engineer. Oh, and Sonarman also do no stack nor do Planesman.
They will add SD, yes, but they will *NOT* contribute their respective abilities."

Hiru, you are making a donkey of yourself... Do you not realize that SD is determined
by the combined restore ability of all sailors on the ship... If you haven't noticed, a
seaman "boosts all sailors abilities". Take for example Seaman A and Seaman B.
Seaman A with X restore adds Y SD. Seaman B which has less restore adds less SD,
but the SD that Seaman B adds is proportionate in terms of true ability that Seaman
A adds. Given that information and the fact that seaman "boosts all sailors abilities"
One can easily surmise that seamen stack.

Your arguement that states seamen work the same way engineers work is
laughable at best.

  • Re : How do Seaman work?

    09. 23. 2009 13:06


Level: 37
Server: Missouri

Re : How do Seaman work?
09 23 2009 12:54PM
"However, they need to be high level and B/V/E to be effective. "

Not really.
This UK seaman

nice demonstration !!

  • Re : How do Seaman work?

    09. 23. 2009 12:54

"However, they need to be high level and B/V/E to be effective. "

Not really.
This UK seaman

makes this gunner

to increase reload up to the cap. That would be something about 1 second for big guns.

  • Re : How do Seaman work?

    09. 23. 2009 12:42

Hiru, your first post isn't hidden, it's just gone, with no note. I did hide your insult of
seashark, and his insult of you.

Also hid two posts since that do in fact make the "semen" joke, rather explicitly.
Don't go there folks, just don't. Plenty of other places on teh internets for that.
Consider this your warning.

  • Re : How do Seaman work?

    09. 23. 2009 11:50

How do Seaman work?

  • Re : How do Seaman work?

    09. 23. 2009 11:44

Okay, who the hell hid my first post without notification? There wasn't even anything
wrong with that post, not as far as I could see

Do seaman stack? Yes (put 2 seaman on a boat and look at SD.

You fool. SD is a completely irrelevant stat when it comes to measuring the effectiveness
of other abilities. Just look at Engineers. They have no ability penalties toward their
contribution of Soft Defense, however, a worse engineer will bring down a better Engineer.
Oh, and Sonarman also do no stack nor do Planesman. They will add SD, yes, but they will
*NOT* contribute their respective abilities.

Do they need to be in support slot? No (put seaman in T-slot and look at SD)

Again, still not a measure for effectiveness. An Engineer will still contribute his full
amount of SD and Repair ability in a T-Slot, however, he *WILL NOT* contribute his
Engineer ability whatsoever.


  • Re : How do Seaman work?

    09. 23. 2009 11:43

Quick answers -

Do seaman stack? Yes (put 2 seaman on a boat and look at SD.
Do they need to be in support slot? No (put seaman in T-slot and look at SD)
Are they useful on a BB? Hardly... You would be better off with another engie or rep.
Are they useful on a CV? Yes
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