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    10. 25. 2005 20:45

Yes, that's right, they nerfed another ship. The Kuma-kai has been nerfed. The torp carrying capacity of Kuma-kai has been nerfed. Once again, no warning, just nerfed. So add another ship to the OBSOLETE list, along with the Oyodo.

Now that my news flash is over, on to my editorial.

Thank you Navy Field. I have played the jap line since day 1 on Vancouver. You still have not opened up the other DD to jap players. You nerf our ships without warning. You take all the work I have put into this game and thumb your nose at it. You nerf ships that are about the only recourse for jap players to use, but still have not done spit about the overpowered Z99. Had you made it known that you were going to nerf every jap ship over DD that I own except the Mogami (which I imagine is next on the chopping block) I never would have gone japanese.

I was planning on recommending your game to others, planning on PAYING for it after release. Guess what? Yes, that's right. you just screwed your way out of a prospective paying customer! Your customer service sucks! One month after my Red Cross donation and I still never got the credits. Yes, I talked to 3 mods about it, yes, I sent you email to [email protected]. Your customer relations needs massive work too. Your moderators that are worth a damn have no power to do anything about any situation, the other mods seem to want to flame people in the forums! As I said, I play on Vancouver, when you (TeamNF, and mods) brought your uber CVs with uber pilots in to the rooms, I KNEW my planes were goners, but I stayed to attept to provide some balance, some air-cover... IN A FRIKKIN OYODO! One mod even sent fighters and bombers unerringly straight for my ship at the beginning of the game.

I won't even begin to rehash the personal vendetta style 'justice' that you apply.

You have a lot of work to do before you can attempt to sieze any of the PAYING american/canadian market if you keep this up!

I may still play my level 20 brits or my level 20 germans, but my jap line is effectively dead. AND NO, YOU CAN'T HAVE MY STUFF!

In summary, 'Bravo' to you NF for chasing another would-be customer away.



    10. 26. 2005 04:54

hmmm, this is an interesting matter...I've been here since day one of open beta(But
i been down the Gunline way and have much success now)....yet they have been
slowly nerfing the Jap torpline for awhile now. It started with the Sima,now with the
Kuma-Kai...though why the Kuma is beyond me..i mean that ship isn't good as a tw
ship, i would rather expect them to nerf the Kita instead. Also the CV Oyodo was
just a noob CV to give the jap players a taste of the CV line. ITs a not suppost to be
used as a full CV. Though i'm against TW's i don't think its fair to nerf something
thats so easy to overcome(like dodging torps.....)


    10. 26. 2005 03:55

yeah.. wow a kuma.. they didnt nerf just a kuma.. they nerfed nearly ALL of japans AA
guns. meaning all ppl with DP gunners are now SCREWED. 3" 3.9" i think 1 of the 5" and the
triple 6.1" all have been removed.. Thx teamnf as if japan hadnt SUCKED in aa allready


    10. 26. 2005 03:21

Well said Godvampire about time someone stood up for the jp line wot people dont
realise that the higher u get in fubu the higher the lvl of ur torpers the more weight
u carry = slower ship we got the z99 i will not go into the facts on that it as been
talked about enough but are the people that want the jp line nerfed the same that
use the z99 or lower lvl that cant deal with torps
what would the outcome be if NF nerfed the z99 eg reduced speed t spots guns ext
i bet there would be a outcry as why
As to the agano it is hard enough as it is it has a total of 9 planes i use a mix of 3
fighter and 6 db 26 bombs suks 50 to many 35 seems to be a real amount as they
all get shot down or the game end before u can use them all.
As to all people that dont like TW get used to it they are here to stay
Unless NF nerf the jp line more and loose more players

y as am i down as vancouver when i play on seattle ah well more bugs


    10. 26. 2005 03:17

The reason they are nerfing the kai is because it's ability to sink too many ships per
death, sure they can be slow, weak, but they can take out 20+ DDs a game. Yes on
Seatle I've played upto lvl 54 on TW line, used oyodo almost hosho, myoko. Also
played CL1's of brit and usa, CL2 of German. On Vancouver I have lvl 50 USA Crew
with baltimore and lvl 35 Jap BO on TW. USA have great AA, oyodo's come to bomb
me, and 90% of time leave without planes and not hitting me, I use 6x dual 5" A
type AA guns on baltimore, plus any plane that flies above me gets hit with AAW,
and most planes that bomb me get shot down. So? Go bomb other ships. We don't
have teh AA ship problem on vancouver due to luck of CV's, onyl a few oyodo and 1
or 2 hosho plus a few bogue. Kita I ban from most of my rooms, just for the pure
reason, I don't want half my team sunk at start leaving me to fend off most of
enemy fleet, while dodging torps. Torps aren't the problem, I get every 2nd noob
rushing my baltimore trying to torp it, but the ammount of torps it can wave and
number of times. I think it's a good deal to lower them so torpers think before just
randomly spraying a wave. Maybe they can increase the gun side of japs, non paper
armour, still weak but can do something. Mogami is great CL, it can cause my balti a
deal of damage at almost my max range, since it has an extra gun, and can refire
heaps faster then me.


    10. 26. 2005 03:00

i think i can speak here with property

Im on seattle as u can see and ive 3 bos:

My first noobie BO i picked him to akitsuki line, and i sucked, my guns were not capable
of hiting even a bigger ship. Then i jumped to tw line when i did realize that cl sucks
too much to be "user friendly".

Now i ve a Kongo, mogami, Hosho, and a kita(ive sold it past week) and another power lvled
bo raising to be junyo's bo, i was impatient and i wanted to test tsukikei, so i converted
it at lvl 40.

whats with all your stupid whinning about japs torps? ill do a brief description about
what is to be a jap:

1) agano sucks for good good that i was killed once by an ff-x, & several times by
nat dd1
2) big deal we have oyodo at lvl 33, whats up? two waves of dbs (over the only visible CL+
on an all welcome battes) over a brooklin, cleveland or baltimore... and u have all the
planes eating fish at the bottom of the ocean, thats if u are not bombed by another oyodo
before that. plus... its a remodel.
3)Oh nice my tw line reached myoko CA ive to sit in there 14 lvls!, it sucks too much that
i killed a myoko with my tsukikei ...TWICE on an op convoy game.
4) simas worth on seattle about 1.2 millon atm... just for 1 torp more per launcher and 60
torpedo capacity.
5) big deal about our cvs... hosho is the CV1 most expensive and less plane capacity from
all them.
6) we have 5 months with the aa guns bugged
7) 3 months unable to use tsukikei
8) the WORST gunners, restorers, repairman, mediocre pilots, mediocre planes, mediocre
range and damage, no armor, no speed(but tws), no attack(but tws), negligible aaw
rating(just ask why mogamis and myokos doesnt enter all welcomes) dumb aa guns who have
the best range but the less rate of fire and damage(those ones that works)
9) unable to play with tws due 70% of the games are no tw, no kita, kuma,etc.
10) Being banned from rooms just because im riding a kita and the host hates it.
11) Kongo sucks too much too u ahve to sit in there around 16 lvls with the same guns and
same ship, being outranged, outgunned, blockshooted(cos at my lvl uk and usa have the best
acc and start to block), bombed, torped, etc. Just a widow maker ship.
12)everything on the game aims first at tws then to anything else.
13)public hatred to japs torps leads to nerfing them...

So whats your whinning? thanks to people such as egoist as you HALF of the players are
being nerfed... be a tw a bit, u will see that u need a lot of skill to reach something
good, plus u will have red numbers easy if u are in a kita, 50 torps a launch costs you
850 CREDITS, if u get sunk 1100~ credits too, big deal... if u dont hit anything on a
game(COS PPL LEARNS TO DODGE) u will be soon at broke.



    10. 26. 2005 02:47

Merlion: AMEN.

that's the simplest way to say it...


    10. 26. 2005 02:28

If TNF want to keep nerfing the japline, they might as well remove jap from the game
altogether. What is the point of playing jap anymore.

For those who hate tw, haven't you learn new skill by dodging them. TW gave you that skill,
without them do you think you can have that sort of skill. Think about it. Many vet can dodge
torp with ease. Those that complaint alot are most likely ppl with lack of skills. Why, you aspect
to win all the time and if not, get torp by tw and keep complainting about tw stopping your
perfect winning streak.

What about armor whore, range whore, gun whore? Are you saying that you are a saint if you
are one of them and torp whore are cheap asshole? Basically we are all whores in our own
trade. So why just narrow your hate to torp whore only.


    10. 25. 2005 23:42

Noticed how the mods are posting on other subjects but not this one? Hmmm. I can
understand how folks hate TW's, I can, believe me. But it really is no different than
Brits Armor Whoring, or americans doing high angle shots, the KM using the run and
shoot method or using the .89 second reload guns for AA boats. I post this not as
someone that wants to pwn noobs but as someone that has up until now enjoyed
playing the jap line. Yes, I TW. But I usually TW only when bored with the CV. Then
when bored with it I play my Mogami. I have germans/brits for a change, and their
levels (about 2/5 of my japs) reflect this. Yet I should sit quietly while ships of the
nation I picked are nerfed???

By the way, the rumor-mill has picked up information that the Kita and Fubu are
next, perhaps as soon as the next patch/update.

Edit: By the way, I pity the mods on this and other issues. They cannot do anything
about it except mention it and get told to bugger off....


    10. 25. 2005 23:10

2 hopefully non-flamey things:

- NO nations "should" end abruptly in a game; that is the game designers' faults, not
the players'.
- different nations do NOT get the same bonus upon upgrading sailors, even if the
name is the same. all armament sailors are not equal, and all support crews/2nd
restorers/etc are not equal. *cough yes jap restorers are bad*


    10. 25. 2005 23:04

What point is mid game??? I am talking about level 30+ ships! I am not referring to
BB's, CV2, CV3...

When you couple the bad armor with repair/restore they cannot undo damage
anywhere near the rate of KM/US.
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