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    10. 25. 2005 20:45

Yes, that's right, they nerfed another ship. The Kuma-kai has been nerfed. The torp carrying capacity of Kuma-kai has been nerfed. Once again, no warning, just nerfed. So add another ship to the OBSOLETE list, along with the Oyodo.

Now that my news flash is over, on to my editorial.

Thank you Navy Field. I have played the jap line since day 1 on Vancouver. You still have not opened up the other DD to jap players. You nerf our ships without warning. You take all the work I have put into this game and thumb your nose at it. You nerf ships that are about the only recourse for jap players to use, but still have not done spit about the overpowered Z99. Had you made it known that you were going to nerf every jap ship over DD that I own except the Mogami (which I imagine is next on the chopping block) I never would have gone japanese.

I was planning on recommending your game to others, planning on PAYING for it after release. Guess what? Yes, that's right. you just screwed your way out of a prospective paying customer! Your customer service sucks! One month after my Red Cross donation and I still never got the credits. Yes, I talked to 3 mods about it, yes, I sent you email to [email protected]. Your customer relations needs massive work too. Your moderators that are worth a damn have no power to do anything about any situation, the other mods seem to want to flame people in the forums! As I said, I play on Vancouver, when you (TeamNF, and mods) brought your uber CVs with uber pilots in to the rooms, I KNEW my planes were goners, but I stayed to attept to provide some balance, some air-cover... IN A FRIKKIN OYODO! One mod even sent fighters and bombers unerringly straight for my ship at the beginning of the game.

I won't even begin to rehash the personal vendetta style 'justice' that you apply.

You have a lot of work to do before you can attempt to sieze any of the PAYING american/canadian market if you keep this up!

I may still play my level 20 brits or my level 20 germans, but my jap line is effectively dead. AND NO, YOU CAN'T HAVE MY STUFF!

In summary, 'Bravo' to you NF for chasing another would-be customer away.



    10. 25. 2005 23:03

yeah, real painfully for germans. Once you get up there you're fine it seems though.
Carmelo just smoked internets SD and laokangs QE. I wish my sucky no range no
damage ship did that and got 100k+ attack for the game.


    10. 25. 2005 22:59

American and German repairers/restorers are better?

How? I don't see any additional stat bonuses for either nation. Good job doing your research.

Perhaps you'll have to accept that the Japanese line is only good up to mid game? And if you want to enjoy a long term nation you should level up an American/Brit crew? (Or a German if you really like doing things painfully.)


    10. 25. 2005 22:58

They nerfed the kumakai now? Mines still got its torps it had before..


    10. 25. 2005 22:58

Actually that is quite an exaggeration.

Would you like it if you logged in to play your favorite KM ship and found your ammo
capacity was cut in half? [That is the severity of the Oyodo nerf, from 50 bombs to
26. The kuma-kai nerf took the torpedos from 60 to 44, almost a 1/3 reduction ON A
CL THAT AT MAXIMUM CAN MOUNT DUAL 3" guns! With 6 torp launchers that is 7
torps per launcher. So the second launch, one of the tubes on your launchers is
empty!] Or that they not only took your range advantage away but cut it below the
brit ranges? Perhaps when they nerf your engine/engineer advantage. Let's not
forget your fighter planes either. Perhaps a Brooklyn wouldn't mind that his AAW
was nerfed. But to find it out only after getting bombed? Imagine all the AA whores
in the KM when the .89 reload guns are nerfed to 2.3 seconds.... WITHOUT NOTICE.

This game was never designed to be equal in everything, Every nation is supposed
to have it's strengths. Don't believe it? Check the guides! Japs do have extremely
powerful torps, they do get CV's before any other nation. That was their strengths.
Their weaknesses were bad armor (except bulge), bad AAW, bad gun spread, paper-
machete aircraft, and limited ship trees (Ever looked at the jap gun line? It goes
from guns to cv's in the beginning... It is the TW line that goes into BB). On
the 'new' server we cannot even buy Simas, they were never stocked! This does not
include the bug problems that the japs suffer, DD3 Tsukikei that old BO's cannot
access, and broken AA (couple that with the aforementioned bad AAW).

By the way, max speed on ANY IJN torp is 60 knots, and max damage is 18361. The
torps that have speed AND high damage are 60 knots and do 12853 damage. They
are also level 48-64 to get. I think grinding to that level earns it as much as a KM
grinding to that level for big guns.


    10. 25. 2005 22:53

"And, btw, your repair/restore is equal to US and German. "

Plain Wrong. Makes your other arguments hard to take seriously if you don't even know this.

So do pray and tell, what are the strong points for the Jap gun line?
Torps are useless after you hit CL/CA level almost all games are "No Torps".

The Mog CL is great, and after that... you have to wait until the Nagato BB for the next really good ship. Thats, oh.. like.. a trrillion levels inbetween.

Just so you get it: THE TORP LINE IS A DEAD END. How can anyone says its the Jap strong point when it only lasts half the game and is a dead end?

Is the UK armour a dead end? Is the KM range a dead end? Is the US *whatever line*, a dead end?


    10. 25. 2005 22:50

how cool it would be if team NF added those late entry jap. manned jap torps, so it can be homed into large ships. that way every jap torp whore basher can really have a excuse to bash us. and yes i know very few actually saw limited service and it results in the death of the sailor manning the torp...small price to pay to see ships sink. more info.....
so if you must nerf the jap torp line, at least give us a new toy, but sigh i can hear u all rant now.


    10. 25. 2005 22:38

PEOPLE! PEOPLE! Please, can you not understand that in most conflicts, up until early 1944 or so, most fleets of the world had better torps. than the RN and the USN. Just stands to reason that Jap torps in this game would reflect that, so if you are complaining about getting torp'ed all the time, go join the army!!! And, for the NF team Dev's, I would think you could have left class Oyodo & Kuma-kai, and opposing fleet's would have to learn how to avoid torp's AND co-ordinate attack's against the enemy; Just as in real naval strategies. 'Nuff said!


    10. 25. 2005 22:29

Kinda funny in a cut your wrist type of way. Their new DD is still broken but at least now their early CV and their TW CL are nerfed. Could just be me, but I think team NF could have some anger issues towards the Jap line, maybe something to do with a past life :) Good thing the Z99 hasn't had its gun space nerfed though... otherwise all those 4 bars and gold bars would be stuck in CLs, CAs and above. A true tragedy ;)


    10. 25. 2005 22:26

I think their customer service is THE BEST I have yet to see in a game of this size. I got a reply to an email with several concerns I had in 2 days. 2 days. That is amazing how quickly they got back to me.


    10. 25. 2005 22:25

But a .0001 MM range advantage (exaggerated, of course) doesn't balance out a torp that goes 500 knots, does 1000000 damage, and has heat seeking ability (not so much exaggerated :p).

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