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    10. 25. 2005 20:45

Yes, that's right, they nerfed another ship. The Kuma-kai has been nerfed. The torp carrying capacity of Kuma-kai has been nerfed. Once again, no warning, just nerfed. So add another ship to the OBSOLETE list, along with the Oyodo.

Now that my news flash is over, on to my editorial.

Thank you Navy Field. I have played the jap line since day 1 on Vancouver. You still have not opened up the other DD to jap players. You nerf our ships without warning. You take all the work I have put into this game and thumb your nose at it. You nerf ships that are about the only recourse for jap players to use, but still have not done spit about the overpowered Z99. Had you made it known that you were going to nerf every jap ship over DD that I own except the Mogami (which I imagine is next on the chopping block) I never would have gone japanese.

I was planning on recommending your game to others, planning on PAYING for it after release. Guess what? Yes, that's right. you just screwed your way out of a prospective paying customer! Your customer service sucks! One month after my Red Cross donation and I still never got the credits. Yes, I talked to 3 mods about it, yes, I sent you email to [email protected]. Your customer relations needs massive work too. Your moderators that are worth a damn have no power to do anything about any situation, the other mods seem to want to flame people in the forums! As I said, I play on Vancouver, when you (TeamNF, and mods) brought your uber CVs with uber pilots in to the rooms, I KNEW my planes were goners, but I stayed to attept to provide some balance, some air-cover... IN A FRIKKIN OYODO! One mod even sent fighters and bombers unerringly straight for my ship at the beginning of the game.

I won't even begin to rehash the personal vendetta style 'justice' that you apply.

You have a lot of work to do before you can attempt to sieze any of the PAYING american/canadian market if you keep this up!

I may still play my level 20 brits or my level 20 germans, but my jap line is effectively dead. AND NO, YOU CAN'T HAVE MY STUFF!

In summary, 'Bravo' to you NF for chasing another would-be customer away.



    10. 25. 2005 22:21

Well the game was designed for each nation to have their advantages that other nations do not have. Germans its range and accuracy, British its armor and repair, Americas... forgot lol, Japanese its torpedoes.


    10. 25. 2005 22:14

You didn't get nerfed. You were brought into line.

Japanese torps were over powered. Now Japan's advantages are more in line with all the other balanced nations (US and sorta Germany). Brits are out of line.

Don't think of it as a nerf. Think of the past as an advantage and now you're "level" with everyone else.

And, btw, your repair/restore is equal to US and German.


    10. 25. 2005 21:58

What you seem to be missing is that they nerfed 2 out of 3 of the ONLY THINGS japs have in their favor. Okay, you TW'ed up a crew for your germans. I wanted to play my CV line. I was planning on going for the Junyo line instead of the Hosho. Sure it meant more work, but hey, it's a better ship. Jap armor/restore/repair is THE WORST IN THE GAME! So playing my Mogami to get to Junyo level is not what I wanted to do. But they nerfed my CV too. To a point you are right, carpet torping does not require much skill, BUT torps ARE the jap strong point. So, you found torping to be boring. Good for you. You don't like the jap ships? Once again, good for you. Playing japs on the Vancouver server is different from playing them on Seattle. Here there are swarms of brit, us, and german dd's. Most notably the Z99. Jap ships do not stand a chance going toe to toe with guns. At anything above DD, you are food, you have no back-up and will likely be swarmed before you get off your third flight from an Oyodo. The solution that NF did? Nerf the Oyodo. Too many folks griped about being bombed/torped/gunned by them. Read the forums, there are numerous posts on how to take care of a TW. Solution: Nerf the Kuma-kai.

I already have seen people complaining about the Mogami being to powerful...

And don't give me that historical crap. When U.S. ships no longer fight next to IJN ships, KM and the RN are forced to shoot each other up and neutrals (WHO WERE NEUTRAL) can't fire unless fired upon. When they get rid of the fantasy DD's. Then your arguement holds water! Until then... Stick it in your ear.

How would the brits feel if their armor/restore/repair got suddenly nerfed? Or that Nelson that was outfitted 'just so' can hold the same guns, but no ammo for it? Or perhaps they have to sell off some armor to still be viable. But wait! They were viable before!!! Too bad, no warning, just nerfed. (Appologies to Nelson users)



    10. 25. 2005 21:43

Their repair and restore are the same as German and American repair rate. Boohoo.

The Kongo ranges my Prinz Eugen, both of which are gained at similar levels. Be glad you can use a BB while the Hipper line is still grinding in a CA. A very good CA, mind you, but a CA while everyone else is playing in their BCs/BBs.


    10. 25. 2005 21:41

You seem to miss the point entirely dude. It is not a thread about the viability OF a torp ship. But the lack of Dev communication on what changes BEFORE they are made. As for a Jap BB.. heh I am sure you never played one or you would see how ineffective they are against any other equal or one level lower BB. As I stated Japs have the WORST Restore/Repair/Armor/AA in the game. Think about that on how effective your BB will be in a game. Not to mention the lack of good guns up until level 80 or so.



    10. 25. 2005 21:24

No idea how hard it is? No IDEA?

I personally had a Kuma Kai. I didn't like it. Lack of skill in general. So I continued to torp whore up super low level crews to use in my Prinz Eugen/'Horst. It's sickening how fast I can get exp in those 5 vs 5 DD rooms that start in like a minute. Zoom in there, torp 2-3 ships (I'm deadly serious) and then sink/retreat off the map. Repeat every 5 min. Sure you get the odd round where you miss all your torps by a fraction of a CM. But that's life. You don't win everything. But most of the time you DO win. And the rewards are that much greater.

And you blame NF for nerfing something that deserved to be nerfed? I hope they hit the Kita, too.

So you're good at DDs/CLs and some CAs. Yet you suck against CVs/BBs? you're good against some ships but not against all types? Wow, sounds like almost every other ship out there! Good against some, bad against others. Amazing.


    10. 25. 2005 21:07

The sad part is this. The japs have only one real effective way to stay competitive in this game and that is torping. Only when they get to the level of Ise or higher, are they effective, and even then they are out gunned by all other BBs. The japs have the WORST Restore/Repair/AA, and armor in the game. Now they feel the need to drop some of the torp capacity of torp ships with no warning to their community at all.

This is bad customer service and developer-player relations. Just about every other game I have played, the devs let people know about upcoming patches and what is in them. But with TeamNF it is a total surprise everytime.

This is the US/Canadian/NA market, and your style is not working well. This is just us doing our part as Beta testers to let you know what is wrong. Luckily I didn't go jap on Vancouver, and thank God for that.

For the guy that says "way to go teamnf", you have no clue what difficulties the japs truely have until you play them. The torp line is only deadly to lower level DDs and CL/CA. Beyond that, they are easily killed by those higher level ships and even FFs if equiped properly.

The point of the post was they consistantly nerf or change things without any warning. I'll say one thing and I want you to think about "Item #9". It is still partially in the game and is the bane of all players.



    10. 25. 2005 20:54

Um, hey stupid, they didn't nerf the rewards for torping, they nerfed the ship.


    10. 25. 2005 20:52

Nuked part of the Jap torp line?

GJ NF! Keep this up and you'll win me over.

It's nice that those whores realize torping takes less skill and therefore should have less rewards.
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