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  • Shouldn't bb's speed get nerf?

    04. 06. 2011 09:14

In GB, bb with 40knts or more is often seen
should a bb really go that fast and capable to outrun/race small ships?
I wonder why SDE wont slow these bb down

  • Re : Shouldn't bb's speed get nerf?

    04. 07. 2011 15:57

Huge maps would be awesome... And perfect for subs.. :)
But then again at 10knts they aint getting anywhere.

And the starting grid should be spaced out, lol

  • Re : Shouldn't bb's speed get nerf?

    04. 07. 2011 15:21

*Accuracy would be like an at level bb1 with shotgun

Actually, there is video evidence of Battleships firing and their shells landing in a
line; as in if an Iowa class battleship fired one turret, the three shells would land
about the same distance apart as the distance between the three barrels within the turret.

  • Re : Shouldn't bb's speed get nerf?

    04. 07. 2011 14:43

"I would like a "Realistic Gamemode", where speeds, accuracy, reload, and such is
nerfed to
make it seem "Real-life" These games would be long, and have the exp of GB1 or so.
Accuracy would be like an at level bb1 with shotgun, torps would go longer and damage
more, AA would reload much faster and travel longer (with shotgun accuracy), Subs
would go
anywhere from 5-25ish knots. Get the idea? xD"

Make sure to increase the size of the maps 100 fold

  • Re : Shouldn't bb's speed get nerf?

    04. 07. 2011 14:15

I think it was Operation Mainbrace in 1952.

Hi, I'm Vanguard. I'm just keeping all dry and stuff in the North Sea LIKE A BOSS.

  • Re : Shouldn't bb's speed get nerf?

    04. 07. 2011 13:55

To be fair, that's her wake in the rough North Sea. The class was not normally that
"wet", but the waters around England just bring out the best in a ship. =P

Although supposedly on joint manuvers in the 1950's, HMS Vanguard's decks stayed dry while
the Iowa classes were running wet like this. Helluva ship, they should have preserved
her. =(

  • Re : Shouldn't bb's speed get nerf?

    04. 07. 2011 12:35

Anybody up for some water skiing?

  • Re : Shouldn't bb's speed get nerf?

    04. 07. 2011 09:43

If you nerfed the BBs only they would just be food for SS and CV. Need to nerf everything
to acheive that "realism" you speak of ^_^

I would like a "Realistic Gamemode", where speeds, accuracy, reload, and such is nerfed to
make it seem "Real-life" These games would be long, and have the exp of GB1 or so.
Accuracy would be like an at level bb1 with shotgun, torps would go longer and damage
more, AA would reload much faster and travel longer (with shotgun accuracy), Subs would go
anywhere from 5-25ish knots. Get the idea? xD

  • Re : Shouldn't bb's speed get nerf?

    04. 07. 2011 06:20

For good or for bad, but all ships in this game go faster than in Real Life.

  • Re : Shouldn't bb's speed get nerf?

    04. 07. 2011 06:17

What? Are you saying real life Lion IIs, Montanas, Super Yamatos and H44s did not go this

  • Re : Shouldn't bb's speed get nerf?

    04. 07. 2011 06:11


Obvious troll is obvious.*

Obviously not that obvious if people are actually looking up ship speeds believing what
sindher is saying is true!

BBs do not need a speed nerf.
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