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  • Thoughts on Mods

    05. 13. 2011 10:37

"The police are the public and the public are the police." -Robert Peel

Moderators as being as analogy to the police of the game in this statement.

Do you think the moderators/monitors in this game are like this quote?
Do you think that they are too above or below that statement?

Other Thoughts, opinions?

Obviously this isn't a thread to start flaming about them either so try not to.


  • Re : Thoughts on Mods

    05. 14. 2011 20:31

Oh, and that cop that pulled me over and gave me a ticket for doing 85 in a 55 is on a
power trip!

  • Re : Thoughts on Mods

    05. 14. 2011 20:20

And that is is the problem with things now days. We have become so desensitized with
language and such that we think it should be implied that everyone is okay with it. Maybe
there are some that would not like to see people using F bombs every other word
because they think it manages to get their point across better. Or, that it makes them
seem more grown up to use four letter words. Now, I spent ten years in the military, to
include Special Forces, and I have been around plenty of it. But as a civilian now I hold
my self to a standard of professionalism that I would like to think people expect of me.
I am not in the field or combat anymore. Give respect to get respect. Think about what
you do. If you are not comfortable with what you are doing being printed in your local
paper or told to your parents, readjust what you are doing.

  • Re : Thoughts on Mods

    05. 14. 2011 19:42

"Have any of you even thought about why we have a need for mods and TNF? Really, grow up.
If it wasn't for those that feel need to push the limit in their infinit need to see how
much they can ge away with, we wouldn't need any of them. But, non the less, there is
alway people that have to push the limits and cause issus. There are even those self
appointed vigalanties that want to stool pigeon thier way to fame by looking for any
reason to send in a report ticket. This game should be a get away and for fun without the
stress of loosers bringing on drama. Remember why you play games to begin with."

Actually, a bigger question to ask is this:

Why do we even have a chat filter set in-game to filter out "vulgar" words when it states
directly in the EULA that you have to be at least 18 years of age (or have parental
consent) to even play this game? By 18, I can guarantee that every, single player in this
game has used vulgar language to the point where they are comfortable enough to hear it
used regularly in conversation and not think twice about it's use. Why is there a need to
use a filter and enforce banning for "using offensive language" in a game that has a
"maturity" law in the EULA already?

I can guarantee that every online game has players that use vulgar or "offensive" language
on a regular basis. NF already has a feature that can easily solve the problem of whether
you want to hear that language used or not. It's called F3 aka Message Filtering. It
blocks all messages sent by any players in the game that you are in, and can easily be
turned off or on. So why not let the community decide for themselves if they want to hear
that language instead of resorting to making the Mods enforce punishment instead of
focusing on bigger issues?

  • Re : Thoughts on Mods

    05. 14. 2011 19:00

Have any of you even thought about why we have a need for mods and TNF? Really, grow up.
If it wasn't for those that feel need to push the limit in their infinit need to see how
much they can ge away with, we wouldn't need any of them. But, non the less, there is
alway people that have to push the limits and cause issus. There are even those self
appointed vigalanties that want to stool pigeon thier way to fame by looking for any
reason to send in a report ticket. This game should be a get away and for fun without the
stress of loosers bringing on drama. Remember why you play games to begin with.

Sorry, I have had a few drinks.

  • Re : Thoughts on Mods

    05. 14. 2011 07:39

Altsein has logged in and used that account to circumvent his forum ban. That is a fact.

/that discussion.


I give thanks for the 2 mods that are helping out with the fleet war tomorrow;

Noricer and Pathfinder, with a mention to BBR for also registering to referee. Would be nice if
the other TNF members help out too.

  • Re : Thoughts on Mods

    05. 14. 2011 06:17

@splid That's not altstein ... /that discussion

  • Re : Thoughts on Mods

    05. 14. 2011 04:13

Thats another thing, they keeping unbanning altsein's duplicate accounts like it is going
out of fashion...

The one posting above being one of them...

  • Re : Thoughts on Mods

    05. 14. 2011 04:10

For the record JEDI does not own TNF(arizona) nor SDE.

grow up

  • Re : Thoughts on Mods

    05. 14. 2011 04:01

Hmm someone said

"There are other mods that are in it only for the power and or the mod account.
These mods
I will not name but it is obvious who they are. Question their authority and you will
banned for it."

As someone that is currently serving a 30day ban, ill second that :) However, there
are also a few decent mods, but the numbers are limited.

  • Re : Thoughts on Mods

    05. 13. 2011 20:00

If you didn't have the user name blocked out in the screen shot, then it was probably
removed by a Mod for openly posting the pic of said player on the forums. IF you block out
the players user name using a program like Paint, then they are normally more lenient to
leave the picture on the forums as long as it doesn't have any inappropriate words showing
on it.
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