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  • AFK hosts

    05. 28. 2011 01:27


AFK host = 24hr. Ban

make as new rule .

why not do so since the Mods and the Devs have made it that Marcos are disabled in battle
room you can no longer type WTS/WTT/WTB in battle rooms .

I say add this to the list Plz .

  • Re : AFK hosts

    05. 28. 2011 19:24

if you wanna ban hosts that go afk for 24 hours.

then give hosts the right to ban people who go


"host here?"

"is host afk?"

because those people are annoying as hell, and i wanna ban every single one of

also half the time the host isnt perpetually afk

ive hosted, gone to the bathroom, or alt tabbed to simply change a song on itunes
and come back to an empty room because they thought iw as afk, yet i was gone for
a minute or two at most.

  • Re : AFK hosts

    05. 28. 2011 17:46

I think they should get a 1m credit fine and 1 hr ban

in case you didnt notice i hate afk hosts

  • Re : AFK hosts

    05. 28. 2011 12:13

with above post. I went though 3 afk hosts in a row... killed my playing time. Best thing
I can think of doing is banning AFK host from hosting for 24 hours :)

  • Re : AFK hosts

    05. 28. 2011 10:54

Though I strongly dislike the hosts that go AFK, a 24hr is not the solution. Some
problems that could be associated with this:

1. People may tab out when in wait rooms, except hosts. If however the host
crashes, then the second person who came into the room becomes host
automatically. If this new host is tabbed out, should he be banned for 24 hours?

2. How do you determine if the host is truly AFK? There are many cases where the
host did not speak English and wished to wait for 8 CVs, but there were only 6 CVs
in the room. People yelled out "go" and ended up leaving the room. Does that count
as AFK host?

AFK hosts should not be penalized at is it difficult to determine whether they are
doing it on purpose or by accident. The people that should be are those that go afk
or don't start the room after assigning teams.


  • Re : AFK hosts

    05. 28. 2011 10:35

I disagree with this the ban should be 10 minutes and besides its the people who spam
go that need a month long ban since they are incapable of learning.
Also all those rooms where the host is there but someone says host? And everyone
leaves even though the host was there, should also be baned.

  • Re : AFK hosts

    05. 28. 2011 08:38


much more useful than other rules like bombers in cv war.

  • Re : AFK hosts

    05. 28. 2011 08:15

why is to much 24hs? if he can host he can leave before they come afk... easy

  • Re : AFK hosts

    05. 28. 2011 05:44

nice said devil, but i think a ban is harsh to be honest. i have seen where mods who where
in that room, on MO server would kick the host so the room could get a new host and we
could start the battle. i am not sure if they still do that or not, i think iyoung has
done it a few times on ny server as well, but i cant remember. its just a game, why ban
people for stupid crap? maybe kick them for 30 mins or something, and not put it on their
record, but a ban is just dumb. its been times i was host and i forgot i was host, and or
i go into a room alt tab, and later did i find out i was host bc the old host left. that
or id be talking in the room and lose the room for no reason, learn to be patient or stop
playing nf.

  • Re : AFK hosts

    05. 28. 2011 05:26


  • Re : AFK hosts

    05. 28. 2011 05:23

why is it too much? I dont think its harsh enough, we have the same issue on
kaiser, ppl starting rooms and going AFK turns a 5 min wait into a 10-15 min wait
and it happens alot, so ppl who are limited on playing time spend most of their time

no I believe 24 hrs isnt harsh enough, if you need to step away from the computer
you should have enough respect to leave the room, its understandable RL issue
come up, but dont be disrespectful to the community because of them
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