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  • What do you think about BBS without scouts, CVS without fgths?

    04. 25. 2011 02:40

Do you think bbs without scouts and cvs without fgths should be not allowed in battle?
Feel free to post any comment here.

  • Re : What do you think about BBS without scouts, CVS without fgths?

    04. 25. 2011 02:57

BBs without scouts should all be balanced onto the same team, that way players with enough
brains to set up a ship properly get a fair reward.

Lukas's idea about getting XP for scouting is the way forward, or possibly make it so that
you cannot enter a GB room without a scout on a BB.

CV carry fighters? I have heard of this but rarely see it on Kaiser apart from a few
decent CV players.

SDE want us to move to a NFKR style of play and are doing everything they can to kill off
the traditional NFNA style of CVing.
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