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  • Give the ability to cancel a flight of planes

    11. 25. 2006 15:22

Hey guys,

I was playing in my CV earlyer today and loaded a set of tbs instead of Fighters so i had
to wait till they loaded and launched them and by that time all the enemy fighters had
gone home and i got nothin. So i got the idea of the ability to cancel a flight of planes.
It would be a simple thing to implement but it would be very usful in a game.

Stryder's uber photo shop skills : P

Note the new "Abort" button

  • Re : Give the ability to cancel a flight of planes

    04. 22. 2008 16:30

nice suggestion stryder ^_^ this suggestion is the combination of BlindAdmiral's
suggestion too... i want to cancel planes because some players are blaming CV's in
game.. for example i loaded a bommers and then there are bommers incomming to
my team's bb, so i will have to provide fighters to my BB team mate.... ^_^ dang i
recommend again!! see you in game

  • Re : Give the ability to cancel a flight of planes

    04. 22. 2008 16:12

lol this post is from 06 -.- i recommend though ive been wanting this.... implement
this cause ppl are still recommending it

  • Re : Give the ability to cancel a flight of planes

    04. 22. 2008 09:18

100% agree, would be very useful

  • Re : Give the ability to cancel a flight of planes

    04. 22. 2008 09:06

Great idea. And, to make it fair, if planes have already been prepped or are being
prepped, make there be a time frame to put those planes back into the hangar. The
planes that have not been prepped yet will have no time penalty, and you can
immediately start prepping a different pilot with those planes.

  • Re : Give the ability to cancel a flight of planes

    04. 22. 2008 06:19

recommended m8 good post

  • Re : Give the ability to cancel a flight of planes

    04. 22. 2008 05:13

it is gd rox as im a cv driver

  • Re : Give the ability to cancel a flight of planes

    04. 22. 2008 05:03


  • Re : Give the ability to cancel a flight of planes

    04. 22. 2008 04:02

dang!! i recommend again!!!! ^_^

  • Re : Give the ability to cancel a flight of planes

    04. 21. 2008 23:09

Just to help everyone out here..
just say you've entered 4 planes and you want 5 or
loaded dbs and not tbs
and you've clicked your mouse button on the load.. but DONT LET GO !!!!
(once you've let go.. bad luck)

push the 1 , 2, 3 key for a different pilot that is flying
It stops the new load from starting

I know this is only a minor solution but hey it helps when you dont actually want to
start the process but you've clicked the button *realised oh crap* and now dont
want to let the button go

  • Re : Give the ability to cancel a flight of planes

    04. 21. 2008 14:42

i like your idea reccomendation
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