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  • bin laden

    05. 01. 2011 19:51

usama bin laden is dead!
USA all the way!

  • Re : bin laden

    05. 02. 2011 21:53

@bloodsky: you probably are a terrorist!!!!!
*raise his arms and run in circles screaming*

jokes aside..

@whukid: actually phillipM isn죜 too far from reality, binladen was very passive
compared with other terrorist cells

@devildog8: dude you are the perfect example of the nationalism brainwash

ok, Bush didnt want to kill innocent ppl, but in his "wargames" made a LOT of
"collateral damage" a.k.a killed a lot of innocent (after that the most probably the
survivors or their family joined to the terrorism; nice way to do allies...)
just try to search the 9/11 victims , then compare the victims with the "collateral
who killed more? (great way to fight for "freedom")

having one of the most powerful armies on the world, a lot of resources to waste and
edge technology.
all that got wasted on a probably usless war and the mostly important, the loss of
human life, the North American families that who sent their loved ones to fight, for the
government to deliver them back in a coffin, the families from Middle Eastern families
who had nothing to do with terrorism and got destroyed or mutilated.

and please don't get me started with guantanamo
(did you saw the movie "road to guantanamo" ?)

also the world still waiting the mass destruction weapons from saddam (why not say it
was for oil? )
BTW: saddamn and binladen were financed by North American (obiously in they early

in all the wars/conflicts there allies, enemies and innocents
there is nothing as good and bad (it just depends on which side you are)

and sorry if somebody got offended with this, it wasnt my intention

  • Re : bin laden

    05. 02. 2011 21:50

I've never heard such crap.

" Torture was so successful that even CNN reported that the terrorists
divulged information after Enhanced Interrogation Techniques were used
(TORTURE). Who gives a rats tail what CNN reports. TORTURE IS A WAR CRIME.

"The Geneva conventions only apply to an army fighting in uniform and if the conflict
involves nations who both signed them. "

NOT TRUE. Have you been in the military? Obviously not, because if you had, then
you would know that the Geneva Conventions apply to all prisoners.

Let me give you a little quote: "Should any doubt arise as to whether persons,
having committed a belligerent act and having fallen into the hands of the enemy,
belong to any of the categories enumerated in Article 4, such persons shall enjoy
the protection of the present Convention until such time as their status has been
determined by a competent tribunal."

That means they are to be treated, and afforded, the same as a POW.

"I see no reason to even attempt at countering your Guantanamo argument
because it's totally and completely irrelevant. "

OF course, it was your original irrelevant subject about Torture and Gitmo. I just
showed that you don't know what you're talking about.

"In fact, its so twisted, it makes the republicans look good. You're saying that the
right side of the political spectrum blocked the removal of the base within obama's
promised time period. "

yes I am. They did block the removal with their scare spin cycle about bringing
in "gitmo detainees"...oooh scary. Yeah and congress unfunded the transfer. That's
what happened. Ever read a newspaper?

"Had his plan gone into action, Bin Laden would still be on the run. please try to use
viable information when arguing. "

WTF are you talking about? Again, another nonsensical argument. Who's plan?
What plan?

"Secondly, Obama was using programs that were instituted by the Bush
Administration. In fact, the only thing he did was sign the order. "A pakistani military
confrontation" is total bogus because they are extremely afraid of the US reprisals.
We've been operating in Pakistan since 2001 and they haven't done a single thing
about it except complain to the UN. Tremendous risk? Do you know anything about
what Special Operators do? They aren't called "Black Ops" for giggles... "

Your in cuckoo for Cocoa-Puffs land. You wish it was that simple. Like booting up a
Playstation and calling in an airstrike on a video game. ... "afraid of US reprisals?"
Does that mean that the Pakistani government is afraid of US reprisals if they shoot
(intentionally or not) one of our helicopters? What kind of make-up stuff is this?

  • Re : bin laden

    05. 02. 2011 21:04

4.) Canada

I would go for Germany on that one. The Canadians have never fought a war on
their own, much less led a military operation singlehandedly. They are still technically
a nation among the Commonwealth, and qualify under UK. Today their military is
mostly surplus US weapons and material.

The Germans have the single highest Kill/death ratio of any army in the history of the
world. They successfully conquered almost all of Europe (twice) and put the West to
shame multiple times throughout history. Their armoured tactics are still used by
modern tacticians around the world and their air force was responsible for more
deaths in the US military than the entire Pacific campaign. Since the time of the
Romans, the Germans have mastered the art of the Blacksmith and have been
known for their weapon quality. Even today, Heckler & Koch is among the most
advanced weapon designers in the world and has put weapons in the hands of
every special operations group to date. In terms of successful combat operations
throughout history, the Germans hold the record for successful paratroop air drops in
the second world war, highest armor Kill/loss ratio, holding off the entire world for a
grand total of 10 years in the 20th century, most dangerous Sub force in the second
world war, and have one of the highest Spec Ops success rates in the world. This
completely miffs the Canadian achievements.

I'm not sure the UK should even be on that list. Russia does a better job of
occupation in my opinion...

  • Re : bin laden

    05. 02. 2011 20:12

Politics can be debated on Off-Topic, but still normal forum rules apply. You can always
debate with respect for other's point of views... when it starts to disrespect people, it
starts to turn against forum rules.

So please people, keep this civilized.

  • Re : bin laden

    05. 02. 2011 20:03

@ asagi

apples and oranges dude

bush didnt seek out to kill innocent ppl, good try trying to connect

@ bloodsky

this is a off topic section I dont see any where in the forum rules political debate is
not allowed, dont be so eager to nuke what you dont like to read

  • Re : bin laden

    05. 02. 2011 19:48

just be happy he's dead, dont freaking make it a holiday or celebration. Celebrating
some ones death is inhuman.

  • Re : bin laden

    05. 02. 2011 19:34

i agree with enobel, just by kill him wont stop the war and ppl rage, but its just like
pouring gasoline to fire. or might end up WW3 "might be but lets wish not for it"
im not trying to be racist but bush had spread negative impact to the whole world,
so killing Osama just making it worst more...

just in my opinion ...

  • Re : bin laden

    05. 02. 2011 19:15

"4. Canada (not because of the reason above, but because canada has one of the BEST trained
militaries in the world)"

This is a joke right?

Us and what army? LOL!

  • Re : bin laden

    05. 02. 2011 19:09

@El noble, just gonna say this for ya.

NAme the four countries who can successfully occupy and demolish a country in the world?
Do you see any third world countries within that category?
Also if you try and say i'm american i'm not hell i'll invite ya to the local pub for a
drink if you'd like.

The four countries are (this is from a formulated debate amongst 10 people looking at
military strength, operational history, and successful completion of operations):

1. United States of America
2. Israel
3. United Kingdom (Reason being is they can call on all nations still acknowledge in the
4. Canada (not because of the reason above, but because canada has one of the BEST trained
militaries in the world)

Now, getting back on topic AS I SAID and El noble actually verified this but saying this part

"No matter how much you want to close your eyes on this moment of joy for your country, you
can't deny that thousands of people in the middle east that are growing anger at you for
the killing of Bin Laden. And that hate will grow on their souls until a moment that
someone will take actions. "

Also he is being turned into a martyr because of what were now doing.

El noble your wrong on this point just saying

"Even me, no matter I have no relation with the middle east or Islam, every day the
politics of your country, England and Israel (like the killings of civilians on Palestine
- not to mention the intent of assassination of Gadaffis family), makes the anti
USA-England-Israel sentiment grow even more."

You do have relation to all of this everyday, the economy effects everywhere as does the

  • Re : bin laden

    05. 02. 2011 18:57

This thread will not turn into a political debate.

I will nuke the insides of it if i must.